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Turning rouge felt a lot like dying.
Everything just went still and quiet and it was like you weren't there anymore.
It was like the world still turned. And you still breathed but nothing was there anymore.

No feelings, no ... no nothing.

It was like something broke. Like a stick you broke in half.
Like a drop of water hitting the ground. Like a yogurt cup that you ripped open. Like the snap of a twig in the woods.

Just... snap.... And then only blood.

He didn't know what he killed or how many he just remembered some incoherent flashes.

The fear in their eyes.
The pure and unfiltered fear.
And how he didn't enjoy it but loved it.
Though love felt a lot like nothing at all.

He wanted them to fear him more.
To make them all bleed.

Guilty or innocent he didn't care.

They had to shoot him.

Eight times.

Twenty grown ass man had to tie him up and keep him down.

So many dead things all around them.

Blood, blood and blood dripping down his everything.

And for the four years that came after Rohan sat in a cage.

And sometimes the cage openend and he went out and he felt blood on his hands and lives ending. And he just kept going and going and going desperately trying to...to what? To feel? To end it?
He didn't know.
He didn't understand.

It was like he was dead but alive but not there but still was.

And minutes, seconds, days and years past and seasons changed and people died by his hands and then one day. He didn't remember where he was. Just a hunger for something and steel cage around his body.
One day they came.
Little, so small you could squeeze them dead in your hand.
Whimpering little things.

Dots of fur.

They tossed them in his cage like they did food.

Their smell was so intense and all over powering that it made him falter.

Like honey. Like stuffing your face so deep in honey it was all there was.

He sniffed them. Ready to end those soft little heartbeats tossed in his cage.

But then it was like waking up.

They didn't have an aura.

No colors.

No feelings.

Just them.

He woke up from a bad dream.

Picked them up and pressed them close. To his cold cold chest.

Blinking his eyes.

His hands where covered in dried blood and he didn't know if it was from someone he killed or from himself.
But he pressed his pack close and only then knew how terrified he was. He had been.
He had died but been alive.
He had gone rouge.

Now he understood why wolves needed to die.

And he would do it.

Because these little dots of fur in his arms where the only reason to be alive.
And he would make sure it was fucking well worth it.

This one is for the six people that read chapter 25. One of which was me 😂
And for the 15 k for the first one! 15k! I didn't even think I would make the two! Now 15,5 at the moment! Thank you! Love you! 😘  so that why we have an extra little chapter bout Rohan as a rouge. This is how I view rouges. As wolfs without purpose and family who just kinda snap.

I hope you liked it!

Also in a few days I will be mentally ready to update the rest of 'my prince.' It's very fluffy and cute little short story and its about and boy and his prince. So read it.

Would anyone be interested in a shifter story with the second change mate vibe but then like he doesn't want mates and so he gets three.... Let me know!

Thank you for reading and for all the support! Please comment, follow and vote! And give yourself a damn sticker for being so great!

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