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Leo was nervous. He could smell it on him when he walked in the door. They weren't alone this time.
The soft humming from the kitchen was from his mother. That wasn't gonna change anything.
"I heard you were ignoring Robbie in school. Wasn't sure you were gonna show up."
Rohan ignored his words and walked up on the stairs.
When Leo didn't follow him right away he looked down and raised an eyebrow.

"You coming?"
That made Leo move and he slowly followed him upstairs.
Rohan had no regrets. He didn't do regrets. That was just stupid.
He didn't regret ignoring Cassie and Robbie
It was necessary. And if they didn't understand that than that was their problem and not his.
He walked in leandro's room and took of the sweater he stole last time.
He took one that was put onto the bed. It smelled like Leo but not to much. He hadn't worn it very long.
When Leo entered the room and saw him in his sweater he couldn't help a little smile.

That was enough for Rohan. He pushed the door close by pushing Leo against it.
"You ready for more math?" He asked him.
Leo flushed a nice dark red and his muscle made a little spasm.
So Rohan grabbed Leo's face in both hands for better access and threw himself in the deep end.

Leo's hands only stayed frozen by his side for a second before they came up and grabbed him around his waist.
He never let anyone touch him like that.
It made him pull back for a second. And than he continued his attack on leandro's warm lips.

He pulled him off the door and to the bed. But Leo didn't let him. He pushed him against the matras before Rohan had the change to turn them around.
He growled at that.
A real no bullshit growl.
And Leo had the fucking audacity the smirk at it.
So he pulled him so damn close not a single fiber of them was apart.
Rohan Really didn't think this was the afternoon he was going for. But he didn't mind it one bit.

Leo made him weak.
But not the kind of weak he hated. It was the kind of weak that made him feel powerful. Which didn't made any sense at all so he just tangled his fingers in his hair and forgot about everything.


Leandro wasn't sure what he was expecting but Rohan kissing him senseless and then falling asleep in his arms wasn't it. But it did wonders with coming to terms with Rohan being a relentless killer.

Rohan could be a killer all he wanted, as long as he came back to him like this. As long as he kissed him like that Rohan could become a serial killer and he wasn't sure he would stop him.
Leo was sure all thing would turn out okay, if he just came back to him.

Maybe Rohan was half rouge. Maybe Rohan didn't care who he killed. They would deal with that later. People changed over time. Rohan might too.
Rohan was on top of him. His hand still had a tight grip on his curls. His body draped in his arms. So damn close there wasn't a gap to be found between them.
Even in his moments of weakness it seemed that Rohan's body was keen on letting him know what he was and who was pulling the strings.

Leandro was very okay with letting Rohan pull all of his strings.
Fuck he loved him.
He could almost feel his mother smacking the back of his head for cursing like that.

"I think I love you." Leo blurted out.
Rohan didn't seem to hear it at first. And Leo blushed at the thought of him hearing those words. Way way way to early.
But when he was ready to pull him closer and close his eyes in pure bliss, Rohan opened his eyes and looked right at him. His eyes anything but empty.
It slammed all the common sense out of him right there and then.

"Your mine."
His words were a pure territorial growl that made goosebumps arise all over him and a send a shiver thru his body.
He couldn't do anything but nod like a madman.

Leandro was sure he would rip his heart out of his chest and gift it him on a golden platter if he would ask. He was sure he would do about anything for him right now.
But with Rohan's dark gaze on him he couldn't do anything else but suck in a breath of air to not die and press out the words he needed to say.

"I'm yours."

And Rohan laid his head back in the crook of his neck like nothing happened and closed his eyes.
Leo thought he might pass out, he wasn't sure.
His fingers fisted in the material of Rohan's new sweater to keep him even closer that he already was.


In about three days rohan would turn eighteen years old and all hell would break lose.
So he leaned back in to the warmth of his little werewolf to enjoy it while it lasted.
He wasn't sure who was gonna die in three days. But it wasn't just gonna be him.

He was going to set this world on fire.

He was ready to rip them all apart. So nothing would be left to take, what belonged to him.

Leandro and his pups would be safe.

The rest of the world could just die for all he cared.

Yellow! I think I might love this chapter best. I just love the way it all came together. And I'm kinda proud of it. So yeah! An after murder chapter . Rohan is so wrong in so many ways. He is not morally grey he is just pitch pitch black.
Love you all! 11k for the first one! And 400 for the second one! 😘😘😘
Thanks for reading! Please comment, follow and have a delightful Christmas!

What is it that you are most looking forward to? For me it's the delicious food we will eat near the fireplace.

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