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"You look better!" Sam noted. He had been waiting for his new alpha on the picknick table outside of the house. Ishara was sitting next to him. So close that their shoulders where squeezed together. Her head slowly lowered on his shoulder as she sighed. Relieved he was back. They knew he wouldn't... do anything. But still they both had a little scare when they found out he leftlt by himself.

Alec came out of the woods wearing nothing but some faded red gym shorts.
His hair needed a haircut and his feet were covered in mutt. There was a little piece of chocolate on his cheek and Sam didn't want to tell him because he went out to get chocolate croissants without Him again.

"A girl flirted with me."
Ishara shot up and frowned.
"While you looked like that?"
That was a good question.

"Yep. Jade from the store."

"Well damn."
"She must have some screws lose." Damian hummed walked out of the house with Jamie in his arms. He put the little baby on the grass to see what it would do.
Jamie was a nymph warlock child so he was a tiny bit faster than a regular child. He could roll over like a madman. And he was busy trying to hold up his head and try to squirm his way in different directions. If something didn't go his way he might use some magic to make it go his way.

"Probably," Alec admitted without losing the small smile, " but she also gave me some great advice and she called Jacob a bitch."
"Jacob is a bitch." Izzy said. Sam couldn't for the world of him get used to Izzy cussing. She never did it. But yea... Jacob was a bitch.
"Such a bitch." Damian agreed even though he never even met Jacob.

Jamie let out some noise and Izzy slit of the picknick table to go sit next to him to play. Damian sat down on the bench on her spot.
Luckily not as close as his girlfriend had been.
Yes. Girlfriend. He asked and she said yes.

Now he just needed to find the right moment to tell her she was his mate.
He didn't want to scare her off or give her the idea that she was stuck with him for the rest of her life. Fudge why was this so hard.

"Where are snow, Kit and bane?"
"Bane rolled snow up in a blanket and put a pacifier in his mount and then went flying. Kits watching him." He summed up like a good beta.

Alec nodded and then nodded again like he was agreeing on something he said to him self.

"When they are back I am calling a pack meeting!" He declared.
Damian faked a gasp.
Izzy smiled.
"Can I come?" She asked
"Your sam's mate, your more part of this pack than sam!" Damian deadpanned.
"Hey!" Sam said feeling a little hurt.
"I'm what?"
"Oh look at the time, I should start dinner!" Sam jumped up.

"Do not. move. a. muscle." He froze where he stood.
Izzy stood up from the ground and put her hands in her sides.
Shit. It was never a good thing when a girl did that. It meant something was about to go down.

Damian grabbed the baby and disappeared inside.
Alec excused himself and followed suit. He really wished someone would stay but he was incapable of moving at the moment.
And then it was just them.

"I was gonna tell you." He confessed. Damian didn't do that on accident. He refused to believe that. Damian did it for some stupid reason. Probably to mess with him.

"Then why didn't you. Don't you think I would want to know?" She asked him. Why was she so damn calm. How was she not mad. Couldn't she yell, that would be easier.

"Yes. I know... I just... I was hiding it for so long and I just..."
"What do You mean? You knew for how long?"
"The day I turned eighteen... I saw you walk down the hall. You were wearing a pink sweater with cat paws and I almost puked."
This made her smile a little.

"And you didn't..."
"I was still Jacobs beta...I don't know. I guess somehow I didn't trust them with knowing you where my mate. I was scared. You where human. I didn't even know your name. Only Allison knew. and... I only dared to go for it when Alec was there to distract everyone. I... I was scared you would get hurt..."

Izzy smiled at him when he was done with his rant and grabbed his hands.
He loved it when she did that. It made him feel special.
Like she only saw him. Like she was solely focust on him and him alone.
Fudge he loved her.
"I love you." He blurted out.
"You so cute when you don't know what to do. I am glad your my mate. Don't even try and lock me up okay."

"Never." He swore, relieved she wasn't upset with him. Or maybe she just forgave him already.
He leaned forward to peck her lips.
Before he heard disappointing noises coming from inside.

"They where hoping for a fight weren't they?"
"They are so bored!"
Izzy laughed.

She wrapped her arms around him and pressed herself close. He moved right away and pressed her close. Sniffing up her honey sweet smell that made him feel a little drunk every time. Her head fitted right under a chin. It was like he was made to hold her.
He liked that.
Life would be perfect if all he was made for was her.

"I can hear your thoughts, fucking gross. Get inside and start cooking the spakettie dammit!" Damian roared over the mindlink. Sam sighed deeply.
"Its spaghetti. Be right in. Now get away from the window if you don't want to witness any more kissing."

He didn't wait for them to move before he leaned back in to steal some more.

Yellow A little Sam chapter because he really needed to tell Ishara. And I just love how they all interact with each other and how Damian takes care of the baby all the time!
Did you know my plan was to kill Sam off. He was just supposed to be a grey background character but I couldn't do it cause he was just so damn nice...
I hope you liked this little chapter! Please vote, comment and have a lovely New Year's Eve.

Ps. Sorry I was late.

Pps. I will not tell you to have a lovely New Year because your all bad ass and no one should tell you how to feel. 😘

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