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Birds sang from their trees like the world was fine.
But it wasn't.

A soft beeping sound made him wake up feeling he had just died.
But if he was dead then there couldn't be a soft beeping sound. Because if there was a soft beeping sound in dead then he was gonna fucking murder the person who made that happen.

Rohan awoke like he did everything else in life.

Like a thunderstorm.

He jumped straight up in the bed and ripped the needles out of his skin. Ignoring the sting and blood.
His eyes took their time to look around.
A soft white room with a single bed and a lot of machines.
He shook his head to rid himself of the strange dizziness he felt.

Last thing he remembered was fighting Russel.
And then Russell slamming an hunting knife in his chest. He remembered a pain deeper and intenser then he could remember.
He was pretty sure he was gonna die.
He hauled up the strange shirt he was wearing to see a stitched up wound on his chest covered by bandages.
So he wasn't dead.
Well that was nice.

Now where the fuck was his mate and where the fuck where his pups.

He hauled himself out of bed and stumbled to the door.
His legs felt like jelly.
His body was beyond tired.

He lost.

He didn't think he would lose.
Russel was strong but he always though he would win that fight.
He killed all the others like it was nothing.
But Russel won.
It made him feel pretty shitty.

Rohan opened the door and staggered in to the hallway.
He remembered the Rossi house. He remembered the smells.
Some soft talking came from downstairs.
They must not be to worried since they didn't come to check up on the beeping sound that was now one tone.

He fell down the stairs only holding himself up by gripping the railing like it was his lifeline.
And then looked up to see the entire Rossi family looked at him with wide eyes.
"The fuck your looking at." He grumbled.
The He saw some fucking ass old bitch touching his pup!
Both of them sat on the couch. Pressed so close together they might just become one wolf.
The woman was trying to pet them.
"Don't touch them." he roared.
His pups recognized his voice right away and rushed of the couch toward him. Slipping over the floor to get to him fast.

Rohan dropped himself on the floor and hauled them in his arms. Stuffing his nose in their fur.
They smelled cleaner.
A little less skin over bone.
And there fur looked more healthy then it did before.
When someone crouched down before him he reluctantly looked up.
Leo sat down on the floor in front of him. As close as he could.
"Welcome back Rohan." He said softly smiling.
Rohan studied him.

Big black backs under his eyes.
His eyes looked like they didn't sleep in weeks.
His hair was a mess. So was the rest of him.
He radiated alpha power.
Rohan grabbed the nape of his neck.
And pulled him in to kiss him.

Leo laughed after he let him go.
"I missed you. I thought I lost you."
"Cant get rid of me that easy." He sneered.
Leo smiled and kissed him again like he just couldn't help himself.
He looked at the pups And petted them.
In comparison to the old lady they let him touch them without any doubt.
"These two found me when I was looking for you." He said.
"They are mine." Rohan said with a glare to the old lady.

"She is elliots grandmother." Leo said frowning a bit.
"They. Are mine." Rohan growled.
And then he wove  his fingers in Leo's hair to pull him closer.
"So are You."
Leo grinned.
"That, I do not mind one bit."
He said leaning up to kiss Rohan again.

"Leandro stop kissing your mate on the floor. He just woke up from a week long coma for goodness sake!" His mother yelled out.
Making all the people in the living room laugh out loud.
Leo didn't hear her.

Because all he had eyes for was the man sitting in front of him.

The one who belonged to him.


Okay so Rohan lived. Happy?

He did die thought.

So the second one died.

Third one is not gonna make it. They will die and stay dead. No saving him!

Hope you like the almost last chapter. I'll put up the last right away as well. Cause why wait! Thanks for reading! Thanks for 19k on first book and 1k on second book!
Please vote, comment and follow and like stay safe and stuff!

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