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"Does anyone even know what he is talking about?" Izzy whispered.
"No... no we don't." Kit whispered back.
"Ah. Just checking."

"Right..." Alec said looking at snow while nodding. He didn't have a clue what snow was talking about either. But saying that wouldn't change a thing. Snow was still standing by the window grinning like a maniac like he had all the answers and they didn't really know what to do with it.

"I think that's a great idea. You go find it.. and uhm maybe like don't do anything illegal while looking, that would... that would be appreciated."
Snow opened the door and Alec turned to Bane.
"Your turn."
"But I went yesterday!"
"Yea but you also don't do anything but fly and eat chili flavored chips so fuck you."
Bane rolled his eyes and jumped of the counter to follow snow outside.
Alec signed and closed the door after them cause they couldn't be bothered.

"Okay so which packs are we going to try and seduce to our side?"
"The best choices are a big pack with a long legacy. My first recommendation is the blood moon pack."
"That's the stupidest name I have ever heard." Izzy muttered.
"Agreed." Alec said.
"Their alpha is a woman, and the rest of their pack don't really like that. Because they are all sexists and act like they are from the eighteenhundreds. She will take any allies she can get."
Alec nodded.

"Sounds like a good choice."

"Question!" Izzy said raising her hand.
"You don't have to raise your hand, Izzy." She dropped it.
"Okay, why can't girls be alphas?"
"I don't know. They can do it even better as men as far as I am concerned. But most packs have to listen to a small group of elders who are all ..."
"Sexists old white men." Sil added.
"Pretty much."

She nodded.
"So we got her, right!?"
"Yes we do." Alec said. He then leaned toward Damian with a frown.
"What do You think we need to get?" He whispered.
"No clue."

"Okay any other recommendations?" He asked sillias when he saw Izzy get comfortable in Sam's arms again. He was glad not all mating sucked. Their pack needed to see one work out. Damian and himself had the most horrible once you can imagine. And they all felt Fraya die. They needed to see Sam and Ishara be happy with each other. Just for their own sake of healing ...

It wasn't like he could just book a group therapy for his pack right now.

"Yes. The pack law. The seventy seven pack is kinda small but incredibly powerful and their alpha is most respected! If we want to do anything with UNC. We need them on our side."

Alec nodded.
Dealing with a woman Alpha didn't really bother him but having to talk to a powerful alpha male just didn't feel good. He still wanted to hide. Just stay here in the quiet forest. With only one shop run by humans. Eating chocolate croissant and pretend the world out there wasn't there anymore. But he couldn't....

"I am a very powerful warlock!" Sil said then He looked at the little baby who was playing with damians fingers, who might have taken half of his powers which may or may not have caused him to lose when they attacked his castle.
"I quess." He added.
"Yeah bro and you got me." Damian said with en smirk that made you want to piss your pants and hide under a rock.
"And me!" Kit said with a smile.
"And us." Izzy said .

Alec smiled.
"I honestly wouldn't know what to do without you guys." He voiced his thoughts.
Without them he would be nothing. Now he felt like he could do something. Like he could overcome this. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But they would get there.

"So my grandparents pack welcomed us to come stay there. Maybe we can have the meeting there?" He asked. He really couldn't wait to see his grandparents and mother again. And to introduce his pack to them as it was now.
He was proud of them.

"I'll contact the blood moon pack and the seventy seven. Then we'll discus location." Alec agreed with Sil and hung his legs over the side of the table.

"Okay so... we'll think off a name in the mean time. And I guess we should start to prepare for the worse."

"What does that mean?" Izzy whispered.
"That means training like our asses are depending on it." Alec said jumping of the table.
Sam and Damian jumped up from their seats right away.
"Race you to the shop?" Sam said.
"No croissants today buddy." Alec said.
"Hey that's not fair."
"Life ain't fair, get over it beta!" Damian teased with his monotoon voice.

If they didn't know any better they wouldn't even know he was teasing them.

In the end They did go to the shop for supplies and yes they also did get chocolate croissant because life was hard enough without them.

Yellow! 13 k for the first one 😍😍😍😍 so happy!
I honestly can't wait for you to read book 3.
I mean trans boi, new super natural creature, deadly curse, Hispanic familia and all of that combined 🤗 it just be hitting different.

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment (it's makes me happy and helps the story) and try to not murder anyone today if you can. 😘

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