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Snapping a fourteen year olds neck was as easy Rohan thought it would be. Fourteen  years of carefully raised and trained hunter experience and one little snap and the dead body hit the ground with a soft tud.
Blue eyes in sharp contrast to the bright green grass. Such wonderful weather it was.
Rohan didn't look back as he ran forward.

Five down three to go.
Winston had jumped in a car and drove off. The guy only ever was interested in jumping his bones so Rohan let him leave. He wasn't a threat right now. Darren was lying on the kitchen floor of the house with a blunt butter knife imbedded in his throat.
Two boys where running for their life. Guns rattling right thru the tranquility of the forest. Bullets flying miles out of his way. They where such horrible shots when they where scared.

And oh, where they scared! He could feel their fear.
Taste it!

Russel was somewhere.

Rohan ripped his short sword out of the boys chest. The sound was not heard over the ruffling sound of his heart.
He would not stop.
He would never stop.

The fates could go fuck themselves.
He would not die today.
He would not die today, unless he took all of them with them.

They would regret ever training him.
They would regret ever letting him live.

He would make them all regret it.

He ran after them.
Tracking them thru the forest wasn't hard.
When he noticed he was catching up if them he threw his sword and in landing in the back leg of one of them.
He went down with a scream.
Rohan ended him quickly.
The other one decided on attacking him.

He had no time to regret it as Rohan almost ripped his neck out with his hands.

He never knew of the words his mother had screamed. Words screamed in the aftermath of the dead of her mate.

Magic was a terribly strange thing that many would never understand.
Even those who lived for thousands of years and saw every bit of humanity. They would still not understand all of The magic around them.

The old laws where different then the new.
But that didn't mean they weren't still there.
Blood magic was a dangerous thing.
It could go very wrong and very bad.
But a promise made with the blood of the one true love was bound forever.
There was nothing one could do to stop it.

Two promises where made one night eighteen years ago.
One knew nothing of them
One could never forget those words. As they haunted him for his whole life.

"Rohan." A voice made Rohan turn.
His eyes void of anything human.
His hands dripping in blood.
A deadly smirk around his lips.

"Russel." He said pleased.
Russel held a jagged hunting knife in his right fist. It didn't do anything to hide the tremor in his hand.
"Have you finally decided to join my birthday party?"
"You will die today." Russel swore.
Rohan laughed. A promise of dead hung in the air.
"Maybe." Rohan said taking a step forward.

"But if I'm going ... I'm taking you with me!"

Yellow. We all knew Rohan wasn't morally grey right? He is morally black. Pitch pitch black. Also going to die soon. So... enjoy him while he is still here. I mean Leandro is gonna cry isn't he... I'm so cruel 😈

Anyways thanks for reading (I am still suffering from a terrible writersblock with the third book of the series so naturally I started a new book... cause that's the smart thing to do...)

Thanks for reading! Please comment, vote and follow and drink a lot of fluids (like anything but blood or someone's will to live is fine)

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