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The house of the Rossi family was a nice big white villa. With roses climbing up against the painted brick walls. The wooden porch had a swing and a couple of wooden chairs looking out to the road. The front garden was a big lap of neatly cut grass surrounded by all kinds of flowers mashed together. It looked like a house that was ripped out of one of those magazines Sylvia used to read.

A lot of the people in this neighborhood used the frontyard to play or sit in. Kids were playing and laughing. Their parents gazes burned in his back. As if they knew. As if they knew what kind of person walked past their street and up the steps of the house. A dark and deadly person.

He sensed that the house was completely empty except of course...

The door opened before he could knock and Leandro looked like he just ran out from under the shower. Hair all wet and his clothes were a little damp. Rohan took it in without changing his facial expressions. His heart didn't even skip a beat.

"Your here!" He exclaimed a little startled, blinking with his eyes.
"I am."
"But... I thought your school wasn't out yet. I was gonna go and pick you up." He was rambling a little. His cheeks got a little red. Rohan found it surprisingly entertaining that he was able to make the slightly bigger boy such a flustered mess.
He never felt anything like that before so he didn't really understand the strange feeling that rushed thru his blood.

"My last teacher was sick." Rohan explained.
Leandro nodded. Rohan followed a little drop of water that slipt over his cheekbones.
"Uhm... come in!" Leandro blushed a little more and stepped to the side to let Rohan in.

"Uhm.. everybody is gone today so it's just us..." then he laughed a little awkward.
Rohan didn't mind at all. Leandro had a little to many siblings for his taste. Besides he wasn't here to talk to those people.

"That's fine." He answered.
"Are we going to your room?"
Leandro nodded.
"Or the livingroom if you think that would be more comfortable?"
Rohan didn't waste any breath to answer that ridiculous question. The bedroom was far more appropriate for what he had planned.

So he walked up the stairs. Leandro followed him while blabbing about dump stuff.

His room was on the second floor. A big window with a frontyard view. A wooden single bed with blue sheets neatly made. Lot more comfortable than a piece of cardboard...
Rohan shook his head.
He wasn't here to start a pity party.

The room was small but big enough for a closet and a desk filled with papers and other clutter.
On the other wall was a small mural of wolfs and trees. It looked like it was painted by someone with good skill. The details were incredibly realistic.
'Romano painted that!' Leandro said with a smile when he caught him looking.
Rohan took his bed and Leandro sat next to him all flustered again.

"So what do you want to.... Where is your book?"
Rohan got up slowly and stared down at him. Capturing him with his cold gaze.
"Didn't bring it."
Leandro frowned and blinked a couple of times.
"Oh... ehm... I thought we were gonna..."
"I am not here to do math."
Leandro opened and closed his mount like a fish out of the water. Rohan crossed his arms.

"What do you want?" He asked him.
"What?" He looked absolutely stunned by the question.
"What do you want from me. I know your brother didn't come up with the idea to have you tutor me for no reason. So no bullshit. Just tell me what you want?" He ordered with a strict glare.

"You!" Leandro blurted out.

He tensed up and blushed. His eyes shooting every direction as if he were looking for a way out. So Rohan took a step closer to prevent that from happening.
"And what exactly do you want with me?" He asked with a lower voice than before.

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