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Dinner was always an awkward moment in the day. The only person who could cook eatable food was Damian. But he hated it with a burning passion.
So they would eat as late as possible. Sam knew he should probably not enjoy the current way things where. They where still in the middle of this shit show.

But in this cabin in the middle of nowhere it was easy to just forget about all the broken pieces of life they left behind. And just sniff up nature and run around as wolfs. His wolf agreed with him completely. Everyone was still getting used to each other. They hardly knew each other really and they where all stuffed in this way to small cabin. Ishara came by every weekend.

He stil hadn't told her she was his mate officially, but they where dating now. He felt bad for finding his mate and he had kept it a secret for years already so what was a few more weeks. He felt bad for Alec. And Damian. Especially Damian.

Maybe that should have been his first clue. Not trusting his former Alfa with the knowledge of who his mate was. He always just stared at her from a distance.
What where the odds of Alec, his Alphas  mate befriending her the very first day he ever met her.

Perhaps it was fate.

Well he couldn't tell Alec. It just felt wrong. Alec lost his friends, he saw one of his best friends die in front of him. Killed by her very own mate.

A girl he had promised to protect... and Alec took his  promises very serieus.
Maybe being mated to a wolf wasn't all that good. Maybe Ishara deserved someone better than him. Or maybe he was just scared to tell Alec, they guy who was forced a mark and abused by his own mate, that he was mated to his best human friend.

Alec would understand... probably. Alec liked him.... Right?
He didn't know. He had thought a lot of people liked him or where his friends, but apparently he had no clue what real friendship was even like. Everybody he ever trusted turned their backs on him. And Alec. Alec just told him he was great beta and if they where gonna be a pack now that he should be their beta.

It wasn't official... yet. Since Alec still hadn't fully accepted he was an Alpha yet.
Sam wasn't sure a new pack was formed in a long time. Officially they had to file like a hundred different forms before they could even pretend to be a pack.
They where more a dysfunctional family than a pack right now.
But he honestly wouldn't change it for the world.

If this was meant to be his fate. Be the beta to a good, selfless and loving Alpha then he accepted that position without doubt.
Damian could be their head warrior. He was their only warrior. But he was also very dangerous and honestly kinda scary.
But he was great with kids and his pasta was good so Sam liked him anyway.
He was just glad they were on the same side.

The wooden cabin had only one bed and two couches so everyone was spread out over them during the night. During dinner alec, Damian, kit and Sam sat down on the table to eat. Bane was chilling on the bed and would go to fly around later. He had his full strength back so they wouldn't have to worry about being attacked for the time being.
No one had come after them.

And that was as much a good thing as it was a bad.

And Sillias was bottle feeding his two month old son Jamie on the couch.
Sam was still getting used to sleepless nights and baby blue dots of hair. But Jamie was a darling. Even though he sometimes made things float around on accident or that he scorched sams hands last time he played peakyboo with him.

He never met a warlock baby before. A warlock nymph baby.
He wondered if Jamie would turn into a plant at a certain age. Now that was gonna be a conversation. Yes child, at a certain age you are gonna feel different.
No... it's not the hormones, its the fact you might turn in to a tree.
Oh yeah and hormones also exist. He never even had the talk. He learned it all in school or from friends with mated brothers and sisters.

Alec left after dinner to make the call.
He was going to call the USC. They had to meet up to explain the situation. Now he was very sure everyone had felt that..that... wave.
That horrible broken feeling when Fraya died.
They didn't talk about it because of alec. But he knew they al felt it.
If that was only the first part of the prophecy. Did that mean three more people were going to die... three more people they needed to save... or you know the end of the world as they knew it.

No more magic. No more mates. No more shifting.

Maybe it would be for the best.. becoming human.
But... it would never be okay again.

It would be like a piece of you would die.
Like the half of you was ripped out.

Sam never wanted to know that feeling. They had to stop this ridiculous prophecy!

Apparently the one with no name, who found them two moths ago and tried to stop Fraya from dying was from this... sect... thing. No one really knew. They didn't have a name for it.
And they had been trying to set this prophecy in motion for years. Hundreds of years.

And the one with no name, they named him snow. Was trying to prevent it.
He saved damian.

Damian never talked about what happened. But his scars told enough of a story.
Damian could have set the prophecy in motion. And his dead almost did.
But snow found him just in time. And he was finding a lot of other things.

Snow ... still lived with them. They had to keep a close eye on him cause he sometimes went to find things on his own and who knows what he would come back with. Today bane was tasked with keeping an eye on him, which meant he was rolled up in sheets like a burrito and forced to lay in bed all day.
Sam wasn't gonna comment on it cause it worked and if Alec didn't care neither did he.

A good beta.... He would give Alec all he had. And all he was.
He would protect this dysfunctional little pack of screw ups with all that he could give. After Alec was gone for ten minutes Sam got up to look for him.

Everything was gonna be okay. He would make sure if it.

Yellow! Who else loves Sam? Sam is just a great person I think. I mean I created him so yea duh. Poor thing doesn't even know that his whole pack already knows Izzy is his mate 😂
Okay short chapter today I am working on making all the others longer so don't worry!
Hope you like!
Please comment, vote and enjoy your day! 😘

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