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Jelena Novik was eighteen years old when she kissed a boy for the first time.
It wasn't just the trill of kissing a boy in the middle of the woods under the light of the moon. It was an exhilarating rush that flowed thru her body when his lips touched hers.
"Jelena." He whispered.
His name was Jakob. He was born and bred in the mountains in eastern Finland.
The karelide stretched out to the edge of Lapland. Jakob still tried to convince her that Finland didn't exist. She pretended she believed.

Jakob would never be her husband. Would never be the father of her children. Jakob was the enemy but she couldn't stay away from him.

"You my mate, jelena. Come to my pack they will accept you." His warm large hand softly caressed her slightly growing belly.
He knew. Of course he knew.
Perhaps he smelled it on her. Or he heard the soft new heartbeat that lived inside of her. Jelena never though she would carry a child.
She never thought she would love someone as much as she loved Jakob. As much as she loved the child inside her.

"I can't leave my family, Jakob. I can't. My family will change, they will accept this child. This child will be the end of our fight." Jelena smiled knowing she was right.
When she smiled she almost looked  not real, an ethereal beauty under the light of the moon. He light blond hair falling loose behind her back. Her dark brown eyes looking into his dark grey orbs.

Jakob grinned and kissed her again. Pulling his mate deeper in his warmth. Never wanting to let her go.
"What will we name her?"
"How can you know it is a girl?"
Jakob smiled at her. It was that lopsided joyful smile that made her fell in love with him. It made her laugh.
"I can not, my love, so he is probably a boy."
"Our boy." She whispered back.

The two where no more than children whispering to one another in a world of their own.

"We should name him Rohan. It means to ascend to great height. As he will be destined for greatness." Jelena said with no doubt in her voice.
"Our son will be the peace between people. He will be everything." She whispered. Cupping her loves face between her hand to make sure he listened.
Jakob laughed.

"Yes he will." He whispered back. Willing himself to believe every word she said.

"He will be everything we are not."
Jakob nodded.
"He will be gentle and kind, forgiving."

"He will be brave, he will fight for what he believes in. He will protect his family at all cost."
"Yes." Jelena said. Putting her hands on her small stomach.
"You hear that Rohan. You will protect your family. As we will you."
"Family is everything. Even those who are not by blood." Jakob added.
They looked at each other and laughed.

"You'll be so loved Rohan. So loved."
Jakob hummed in agreement. Wrapping his arms around his love.
"You'll never know a day in which you are not loved." He promised his unborn son.

"And we will be with you... always." Jelena promised him. She would be the mother she had not had herself.
She would love him beyond words.
He would never fall asleep with tears in his eyes. Wishing for something, anything to come and safe him.

"All those pretty words you spoke, how loving. Yet this child will see no love. Ever." A gruff voice behind them said.
Jelena gasped as Jakob pushed her behind him.
In the shadows a figure stood.
The moon did nothing to show who he was.
"This child will be cursed to die on the day of his eighteenth birthday. This child will know nothing but dead and pain." The voice whispered. Yet it was loud in the silence of the forest.

Silent tears fell out Jelenas eyes as she recognized the voice.
"Father." She whispered.
The man stepped forward.
His crossbow pointed at the teenagers before him.
His face void of emotion.
"How could you." He said.
"Father they are not evil! They are good! This child will be the bridge between..."
An arrow buried itself deep in the flesh of Jakob.
An gasping breath escape him as he fell to his knees.
"This is no fairy tale child. This is no happily ever after. It will be as I said."
Jelena screamed and fell down next to her soulmate.

"No! No ! She screamed.
But the life left jakobs eyes and he was no more.
Jelena looked up meeting the cold eyes of her father.
"My child will be everything. He will become stronger and better than you'll ever know. He will be the end of you." She swore in her rage.

The man laughed. No joy was there to be found.
"I do not fear and unborn infant. I should kill you now."
"You can not. I am a hunter. This child is hunterborn. The law protects him!"
"The trees do not know of this law." She father said and he ripped his daughter of the body of the werewolf.
"You are not my father. You will die in pain by the hands of my son I swear it!"
"You'll have this child. And I will make it the most ruthless hunter ever. I will make him kill his own kind. I will make him kill them all. Children and their parents alike."
Jelena's body shocked as she sobbed.
"And yet he will kill you." She swore.
"And I will kill you, as soon as it leaves your body. I will take this child and kill you."
"You are a monster." She hissed.

Russel andrian novik laughed.
"Then that is what I will be." He swore.

A little backstory with rohans parents and his grandfather... Surprise! Who would have thought !? Russel is his fam. Oh no.

Poor baby Rohan never knew love until he met Leandro. 🥺

Thanks for reading! Please comment, vote and follow and I don't know like don't commit any arson today.... Maybe.

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