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Fighting Damian's wolf was fighting a rabid wild dog who's sole purpose was to kill his mate. Alec managed to wring himself between them.
Derek flicked his eyes to him an growled.
Alec growled back.
Forcing every single bit of the alpha he was in a roar that brought the wolf before him to his knees.
Derek was fighting his instincts who screamed at him to submit to his alpha and his hate that wanted to destroy his soulmate.
He pounced Alec and tried to get his theet in his belly.

But Alec jumped out of his way and got hold of his leg. Ripping him out of balance. But Derek was quick to his feet and circled his alpha with a soft growling.
Alec ignored the people who had come out to see what the heck was going on.
The mate of Damian was busy ordering her people around not understanding what was going on but she knew he would have attacked her if Alec didn't stop him.
Derek rushed forward his teeth snapping dangerously close to his neck.
Alec bit him in his fur shaking him.

He was fine with a little fight. They weren't a traditional pack where you talked like humans all the time. Sometimes they dealt with situations by just being wolfs.
Especially with Derek. He just needed to let of his steam before he would relax and give Damian back control. He needed to know Damian was safe.
And Alec could do that by dominating him in this fight. Letting him know he could protect him.

So when Derek pounced again he ducked and set his teeth in the soft fur of his belly.
Not hard enough to break the skin but enough to push Derek of his feet.
To make him submit by forge.
Then pressed him against the ground.
Growling to make sure he wouldn't move.
To let him know his place.

"Shift!" He roared in the mindlink.
Derek shifted back to Damians form but the golden eyes said he didn't give back control. Damian didn't look to hurt. Just some scratches and small bite marks to add to his growing collection of scars.
Alec shifted back as well. Using his knee to keep Derek to the ground.
"I will not allow you to kill your mate."
"I have no mate." Derek roared.

"You do, you do have one. And I know it's fucking scary after what happened to you. But this isn't Her. She has nothing to do with it. You can't blame her for what happened. If you want to kill the bitch I will gladly help you track her down and end her life. But not someone who has done nothing to hurt you." He said while keeping Derek down.
Alec expected Derek to fight him.
He expected him to roar and scream and disagree. But slowly the golden eyes disappeared and the almost pitch black of Damian returned.
And they looked a bit to watery.
Alec climbed of his friend and picked him up.

"Are You... is he..." the girl behind him asked slowly.
Damian ignored her presence. Leaning in to his alpha and staring off in to nothing like he wasn't really there anymore. Alec grabbed his arm for support and looked at her.
She didn't look to bad.
She looked fierce.
Like she would do anything to protect those she loved. Alec could respect that.
He was sure that with time Damian would grow to like her. Just like he did with them.
It would just take some time.

Time they didn't have right now.
So he stood straight up like he knew what he was doing even though he was completely naked. Ignoring the many people around them. He was an alpha.
"It will be okay. But if you want to still have a matingbond by the end of this month, then we need to have that talk now."

She nodded.
And Damian followed Alec like a little puppy when they all went in the house.
The other packs had arrived and the old alpha of the Rossi pack was seated in the living room surrounded by the others.
Damians mate entered the room first and Alec went after her.

Full and ready to speak up to make them understand what the fuck was happening and why they should help them.
He was ready to fight for this.
They would listen.
He gave them no choice.

He however never got the change to speak
Because when he walked in his wolf cried out.

As he looked right into someone's dark brown eyes.

Yellow. So Damian didn't kill his mate! And ... who has the brown eyes 🤭 you didn't think I was gonna make this all be easy for Alec did you?

I was watching the untamed and then found the comic and the anime of it so Im kinda watching them all at the same time... such great ideas I have!

Okay so thanks for reading! Please comment, vote and follow and like buy yourself something nice okay you deserve it!

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