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Alec and Sam sat together on a half rotten picknick table next to the cabin.
Discussing what to do.
Everybody else was inside pretending to do things so they wouldn't have to join them.

The smell of rain and rotten wood filled the morning sky. The dampness of the wood sunk in the material of his short. His wolf was at ease . For now..

Alec didn't like the council. It was the same group of old men who forced him to go back to jacob and look how well that turned out. He tried to force a mark on Alec. Something that still itched from time to time. He killed a castle filled with refugees.
And somehow managed to destroy the castle it self.
Or maybe it was so ashamed of itself that it just withered away because it couldn't protect the once it vowed to protect.

He couldn't even think about all the friends he lost. It hurt so much.
Seraphim... the two lion shifters... all the other nymphs. Fuck.

And the guy was responsible for the destruction of his own pack and dead's of dozens of people. So yea... a real catch that one.

"How can we stop a prophecy. It could happen anywhere in the world... and we don't even know all the lines." Sam sighed laying his head on his arms.
Alec who was sitting on top of the table frowned.
"Snow knows. He told me. It's so damn stupid you would think it's just fake. But we all felt it." He shivered just thinking about it.

That they did. They felt it when Fraya died.
Alec wouldn't be able to forget it. Every time he closed his eyes. Every time he breathed... it was his fault... he promised.

"One shall die by the hands of love.... Fraya.. her mate killed her." It hurted even more saying it out loud.

"It could have been you." Sam mumbled.
Alec looked at him feeling a little shocked.
"What do you mean?"
"Snow said they want this prophecy to go down. They where trying to get one of you killed. It could have been you.."
"It should have been."
"Don't say that!" Sam begged him.
"We all know it's the truth."

Sam slammed his fist down.
"No its not. I don't want to be that guy Alec, but do you think Fraya could have done what you can do!"  Alec wanted to punch him in the face.
"I can't do shit!"
"You have a pack that's fucking loyal to you. We will all go to the end of the earth for you. We can stop this thing from happening!"
"I couldn't save Fraya.."
"No one could have saved her. Your not a superhero Alec. I am trying to..."

Alec shook his head.
"I know... your just trying to... I know. I won't feel better. I won't forgive myself. But I won't stop either." He promised him.
He took a deep breath of air and pressed all the screaming little voices in his head to the side.

"One shall die by the hands of love. One shall die by the hands of blood... so we need to figure out what it means. Love was a mate. Blood... maybe it's..."
'Blood related? Or... like a blood brother? Maybe they will drown in a puddle of blood.'

Alec shuddered.
"I'd rather not have pictured that last one." Sam frowned and then shuddered himself jumping up.
"Your right that's so gross. What's the next line again?"
"One shall die by the hands of fate. That's even more complicated. Love at least was easy to predict." Alec put his head in his hands trying to think.
His wolf didn't have much te add. But he stilled at the thought.

They all felt it.

The council would have no choice but to believe them. Everybody felt Fraya die. It was like being ripped. It was like for a second Alec and his wolf where no longer together. It was horrible.
And then all he could think about was Fraya
And that wasn't any better. His wolf whined softly. He would have to face all of it eventually... but he just... it was his fault. He should have protected her better.

"The moon will perish and so it ends... how can the moon die? If the moon... like the real moon is no longer there. Won't that have an impact on all life? Can we even live without the moon?"
Sam shrugged.
"We can't live without the sun that's for sure.. but maybe it's a metaphor for something.. just like love can't kill your but a lover can. Or someone who thinks they love you." He added the last one with a careful look to his new Alfa.

It was surprisingly comfortable to have Sam as his beta. Ash creek never deserved him. If only Sam would think that too. He still thought he failed them.
It was al lot if getting used to... having this new pack and the new mindlink.
The pack was made of broken pieces. Damian was powerful and strong but he was also really fucked up by his past, Kit wasn't like he used to be. And Alec wanted to help them all but he didn't even know how to help himself.

"Maybe we should just go get some of those chocolate croissants from the shop."
Alec smiled and nodded.
"They say chocolate makes a lot of things better."
"It can't hurt" sam added with a sly smile.
Alec slid of the table and stretched out.
"Race ya!" Sam was already out of his short and shifted.

The sun peaked between the leaves and warmed up all she touched. It was nice not to have so many clothes on. Sam was still getting used to the way Alec pack acted. Sometimes not everyone whore clothes..
Only when Ishara came he made sure they were all proper. But on days like this the wolves hung around with nothing more than gym shorts issy bought for them. Easy to take along when they went to the small store a couple of miles down the forest.

Damian never shifted but he wasn't embarrassed by his scars either. But he wasn't quit non damaged either. He fit right in.

But Damian was a problem they would have to work with. He didn't like talking about what happened to him but he put his trust in Alec after the first time it happened. The attack he had, the way it triggered his wolf.. He wasn't just broken. He had PTST and his wolf and himself where in a constant battle with each other to add to the fire.

Damian would tell the others when he was ready.
Maybe he would never.
Alec thought he had been thru a lot.
Damian had been thru worse.
Much worse.

If snow hadn't found him laying bleeding in a ditch, more dead than alive than he would have been the first one the start the prophecy.
Because not just his mate, but her entire pack had turned on him. They had ripped him apart. He didn't stand a change. No one helped him to fight. He was alone.

And Alec wasn't sure if Damian could put himself pack together.
But he would do anything to help.

He only had the thought once. Maybe if.. but he dismissed it right away. He was better than that. He would be better than that. No one deserved to die. Not Damian. Not Fraya. Not James. He would no think about the what if's because it didn't change anything.

No one.

Damian was now pack.
And he would fight for him as much as he would any of them.
He would fight for Sam his insecurities. For kit his broken heart. For Damian his demons and his wolf. For Ishara her big heart. For bane. even snow if he would decide to join them. And Sil and his child as well..

They were broken pieces. Maybe they would fit together in the end.

Yellow! I'm so sorry for anyone who noticed or even reads this book, I forgot to publish this chapter yesterday. Woops. I hope at least some people read this book 😅😅
Poor Damian. I'm gonna give him a chapter where you'll get the full feels of what they did to him. Damian is my baby and he must be protected at all cost.
If you do please comment or vote I really love to hear from you guys!
Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day!

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