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Sam hit the brakes the moment they saw the first dead body.
He wasn't out of the car fast enough to beat the alpha of the Rossi pack who rushed over and turned the dead kid over. Taking a relived breath of air that felt a little wrong seeing as the kid was dead.
Dark hair and blood everywhere.
The kid couldn't be more than fifteen years old.

"Shit." The beta of the Rossi pack, a boy sams age said.
His Nintendo switch stuck out of his back pocket.
It made Sam think of his childhood.
Of playing games with his friend.
He was never friends with Jacob as a kid. He had a different friendgroup surrounding him. Sam usually just hung out with some friends at school half of them human.
When he was little he couldn't get away from the pack fast enough.
That should have been a sign.
Like a big red flag waving in front him
He was so blind.
But his childhood was fine at least.
Nice and peaceful.
A childhood this kid probably never had, as a hunter.

"Rohan's smell is all over this." Alpha Leandro said while rising up.
He didn't look to upset by it.
Sam wondered if he should be upset by it.
Even though these kids where raised to be ruthless killers. They where still kids.
They still died.

"That way." Leandro said.
Sam nodded and he and Sil followed after the alpha.
Ishara and the baby stayed at the village. He was glad they would be safe and surrounded by a large pack of werewolf's to protect them.
And of course Alec and Damian.
Even though Damian was an asshole and a little fucked up in the head he would still do anything to keep them safe.
He trusted them more than anyone.

They followed the alpha to a house. A two story beat down little house surrounded by forest. Two abandoned cars in the front. The door wide open.
"This was where he lived." Rossi said.
They rushed in. A dead man lay face down in the kitchen with a butter knife stuk in his neck.
"The scents all over the place." Sam noted.
"I think that's... "
"Leo." A voice croaked out.
Leandro gasped and rushed to a young bloodied boy who was sitting in the dooropening to a basement.

"Robbie!" The beta grabbed the boy and lifted him up.
He was covered in bloody streaks and tears.
The intens scent of urine reached them before Sam could notice the cuts.
He was tortured. Badly.
"What happened? Are you alright? Where is Rohan?" His brother asked.
Robbie nodded.
"Something came down in the basement. Let the pups free."
"Yes. And then me. And then I passed out. When I woke up Rohan was already gone and this guy was dead."
Leandro arose he was looking around like he wasn't sure he wether he should go or not.
"I've got him." Sil said kneeling down and raising his hand.
He started chanting some weird words and the wounds begane to close.

"Let's follow the bodies." Aaron said and he let the way out.

They didn't come far as Leandro almost tripped over two little dots of fur who ran up to him.
They where whimpering as they pressed against his legs.
Aaron cursed and Leo fell to his knees gathering the two little pups up. His eyes wide in a strange realization.

They were kids.
Little werewolf's.

They looked to skinny to be alive en had extreme scarring over their necks.
They pressed themselves against him softly whimpering.

"They where keeping pups here.... To control Rohan." Aaron whispered.
This time Sam cursed.
Ishara would have smacked him on the arm if she would have heard.
But he just couldn't believe it...

"We have to find him." Leo said tears steaming down his face.
Sam walked up to him. He put his hand on his shoulder.
"These pups probably won't trust anyone besides you. Please now trust us to safe your mate."
Leo looked at him for a while before he nodded.
Sam and Aaron ran of following the scent trails that only led to more dead body's.

They heard some yelling and Aaron sped up so fast Sam almost decided to shift.
Ripping his clothes in the process but as Alec always said.

Who needs clothes when saving the world.

But before they could reach them.
Before they where close enough to do anything.

The ground shook. Like a wave of something old and dangerous rumbled thru her.

And they heard a heartbreaking scream.

And that's it.. Rohan has died. I mean I figure y'all recognize the rumble and the scream. Leandro is screaming cause his mate has died. I mean I did tell you guys it was gonna happen.

Its not over yet. So dig up your tissues and mourn Rohan . Our poor child. Only eighteen years of age. He shall be missed.

Thanks for reading! Don't hate me yet! Please comment, vote and follow and like don't hate me okay. It's not over yet

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