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Rohan saw no difference between lies or truths. People always lied. Whether they be innocent little lies or big fat lies that destroyed things.
People always lied to him or about him as well.

The two hunter boys lied and told Russel he had tried to initiate a fight. Which was forbidden for something like him. He got punished for that.

So he felt no remorse for lying to the commander about the shifters. He didn't even know why he did it. He never lied about something like this. He never protected anyone except for his own pack.

"So non. No one in your class has even a little sniff of that filthy wolf blood?" Russel was pacing in the kitchen. His aura glow was a dark reddish color. So he was pissed of with his report but he didn't think he was lying.
"Yes sir."
Russel cursed. He did that a lot. Rohan made sure to not move a muscle and stayed put on his place by the wall. If he attracted attention right now, Russel would take his anger out on him.

Some of the younger hunters were relaxing on the couch and playing with some videogame they had bought. Rohan heard a lot of noises that made him skittish, but he made sure to not show it. Anything they saw of him would be used against him.
"He was being very friendly with some kids though." One of them said with a smirk.

They were living here with eight people. Russel who was their commander, four underaged once and two other men and one of them had a wife.
Their ages differ from twenty to fourty. The older once were all experienced hunters who had their fair share of battles. The kids were all in training and were also used to blend in the communities they stayed in.
A big group of adults drew attention, add some kids and you were fine.

The married once. Darrel and Sylvia were out on recon in the forest.
And the other, Winston was smoking sigarets in the backyard.
Rohan knew that he couldn't trust any of them. Winston mostly had no bad intent, he was more interested in his ass. And Russel was a walking time bomb. You never knew what would set him off.

Darrel and Sylvia always had a sickening greenish brown around them. So he couldn't trust them. And the kids... they only ever were either jealous or wanted to see him in pain. He could take one or two of them. But if all four turned on him and he didn't want to risk the safety of his pack, he would lose.

Ever since they gave him the two little pups they stole from a pack they destroyed, they knew they had something on him.
And they used it.

Rohan was confused about everything ever since they came.
At first he thought he wouldn't care less about them. But now. Seeing them in hunger or pain brought him more pain than being beaten with a baseballbat.
Everything was different now.
He had to watch his back even more.

"They want to befriend me. I smelled something funny about one of them so I indulged them."  He answered with his even cold toned voice.
The kid snorted and turned his attention back on the video game.
Russel stared at him for a while and then dismissed him with a flick of the wrist.
Rohan was done with being outside so he walked to the back of the house and opened the door to the basement.

They locked the doors at night so he wouldn't escape not that he ever tried before. He lived among hunters all his live. There was no other life for something like him. Only dead. In hardly two weeks time... that wasn't that long...

The only light came from a light lightbulb that flickered from time to time. There was a pipe leaking so he had put a cup under it to save the water.
The basement was damp and dirty.

Some pieces of cardboard on one side for him and his pack to sleep on.
The two pups where were he had left them.
Perfectly silent hiding in the shadows behind the stairs. He crouched down and they rushed to him. Pressing their little shivering forms against him.

Rohan knew better than to make sounds or talk to them. Instead he petted them and rubbed them against his neck to scentmark them. It made them calm. To have his smell over them. Just like their smell made him calm.

The pups were tiny and under the wet and filthy fur he felt their ribs poking out.
A thick coller around their necks with a short chain locked to the wall kept them down here. They weren't allowed to go anywhere. They were only here to keep him from going rouge again.

To keep him under control.

To make sure he came back to the house.

The trip here hadn't done them any good. They were scared and they smelled horrible. Rohan sat with his back against the wall, and pulled the both of them in his lap. He wished he could have saved them some of the food Robbie gave him.
Maybe they would get some food tonight.

One of the pups who could not be much older than one in human years was black with a white patch on his chest. The other one was maybe two or three, he had a dark grey fur with brown on his front legs and face and also had a little dot on white on his chest in the shape of a flower.

Both of them  pressed up against each other and as close to their protector as the could. Trying to gain some warmth from him. Sometimes Rohan would put them under his sweater and curl up on the floor. But it was early and anyone could still get bored and come down to bother them.

When they moved the chains rattled on the concrete. Anyone could hear that and decide to play a little with them. When he was younger they did unspeakable things to the kid. He never knew what was right or wrong because he never grew up knowing any better.

Maybe that was a good thing. That he didn't know any better. So he wouldn't have any hope or grief about the life he could have had.

If he was gonna be dead in a few weeks...what would happen to the pups.

Who was he even kidding. They would die right after him. Maybe they would use them to lure some werewolf's out and then burn them all alive.
Rohan tightened his grip around them and pressed his face against their fur.

He couldn't let that happen...

The thought came so quick it made his blood grow cold.
He couldn't let them die.
He could die, he didn't really care about that. But the pups.. they were just kids.

"You never cared about kids before?" A voice taunted him. He never had... he killed kids. Maybe now he choose to avoid them in a battle. But when he was younger....
Fuck. This whole pack thing was fucking him up.

He never cared about anything before.

He wouldn't let them die.

The rest of the world though... they could burn for all he cared.

Well that wasn't entirely true. He remembered the car Robbie and Casey got in. A dark grey SUV on the side of the road. Nothing weird or special about it. Except for the guy on the passenger seat.

The one who didn't have an aura.

The one who was clean.

He wanted him.

And he was gonna get him.

Yellow! Thanks for reading !
By not I am sure people noticed Rohan has a special gift. He was born with the power to see peoples emotions or auras. He doesn't know or care that others don't. He can't shift or go wolf but he can still go rouge. Usually when someone goes rouge they just go mad and don't come back. By giving him a pack and a purpose they brought him back. So right now he is somewhere between going rouge and being ok.

Oh and yea Rohan is as morally grey as they come. Near black I would say.
Thanks for reading hope you liked it! Please comment, vote and have nice day! 😘

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