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"I don't know what to say." Leo couldn't look at it but he couldn't look away.
The police had called his father and him this morning. They didn't explain why they just said he needed to come. Now.
So they came.
Leo wished he didn't have breakfast.
It felt like it was gonna come out.

Cops had sealed of the road. A mop of curious people and press was standing behind the yellow tapes. Leo almost wanted to trade with one of them.
A young officer was puking his guts out two meters away.

The worst part wasn't the massacre in the alley way. The unrecognizable thing that was butchered in there. There where no other words to explain that. Murder didn't even explain half of it.
No the worst part was the smell.
The smell of blood, rotten meat mixed with the pine smell of his mate.

"He did this..." Leo whispered.
"We knew he is a hunter..." his dad tried. He reminded himself about that fact four times a day. Don't forgot he is half a hunter.  Don't forget he is a hunter. Don't forget...
But he forgot.

There was no doubt who had done this.
"We have an id." The officer said. He couldn't even look at it.
He just couched and looked at the sky.
Officer landoff was a human but he was a part of the pack due to his wife being a werewolf shifter.
" Its a ... rouge wolf. Responsible for the dead's of a couple of nomads."
A weight was lifted of his shoulders.
At least it wasn't an innocent creature.

Now it would be impossible to forgot was his mate was capable of. He hadn't looked at the ash creek files his father received two days ago. Because a part of him was still in denial. Rohan was innocent. He lived with hunters but he wasn't one.
But he was raised by them. Dead was all he knew.
He killed people.
Innocent people. Because he was ordered to.
Maybe because he liked it.

"Its not as black and white as you think." His father said when they walked back to the car.
"Isn't it?" He whispered. It was like his voice didn't work. He couldn't get the image out of his mind. Shattered body parts. Blood. So much blood.
"If Rohan was raised with them. He is used for this purpose. He may not even know what he does is wrong because he doesn't know any better."
"What if he does," Leo confessed his worse fear, "what if he knows exactly what he is doing."
"Don't you think he would have killed us all by now. Don't you think he would have killed you."

That didn't make Leo feel better. Because for a second he saw his father laying there. His mother. His brother. A pack member.
For a second he imagined Rohan. Cold eyes void of emotion. His stride, confident and like a king who knew everybody cowered beneath him. Like a monster who knew he was the most dangerous thing out there. And then he thought of Rohan's lips on his. Of Rohan not caring about anything but him and that feeling. That feeling of being on top of everything because Rohan put him there.

He exhaled and sagged in the passenger seat of the car.
He was overwhelmed by the intense need to see Rohan. To see his face. To feel his hands as they so gentle but determined grabbed a hold of him. How his lips made him forgot who he was and what he was supposed to do.

"There are cases. Of children's raised by serial killers. Or children used as killers. Those aren't evil children. They are thought to do something a certain way. And if they never know an other way they won't be able to tell that what they do is wrong."
All this was hard to imagine.
"I guess."
"Would you blame a child soldier, forced to watch his parents burn and forced to kill, for his actions?"
"No! The fuckers who make them do it of course." Leo huffed. But imagining Rohan as a child soldier made him feel even worse.
"Words leandro," his father scolded, "so we can't blame Rohan. We need to save him."

His father was right.
Course he was right.
They needed to get Rohan out.
This wasn't a game. This wasn't some innocent thing. These people were stone cold killers. Teaching children how to become as ruthless as they were. He had seen it for himself. The teenagers who tormented Rohan that day. Kids taught to hate shifters. To hate the magical world. Rohan was taught the same. Yet he was part of it.
He was taught to hate himself. And robbed of any love or acceptance, his wolf became rouge.

But he shouldn't forget what he saw either.
Though he didn't think anyone who saw it could ever forget it again.
It was now permanently carved on his vision.
He could never forget .

Yellow! Chapter 17 already to make sure you don't forget Rohan is a ruthless killer who kills anything that gets in his way. He also killed Jacob but that's okay he can have a sticker for that later! He is not morally grey. He is pitch pitch black. So yes. Just wanted to make sure everybody still known that! 😘

Hope you enjoyed the chapter please comment, vote and who want to join Rohan for total world domination ?

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