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Alec was sitting on the roof of the cabin. It was the only place he could go to get away from people. The only place he could be to get some quiet.
He was sitting on the top of the roof. His feet dangling over the edge. Playing with the cellphone Ishara had brought them last time she came over. It was a burner phone. He almost felt like some sort of criminal now.

They were relaying on the human girl for everything.
She was the one who brought them here. She was the one who brought them food and medical supplies and diapers.
He was lucky to have made a friend like her. Not everyone would go to this length for someone they only knew for two weeks before this.

Now two months had passed. Every Friday she borrowed her dads car to make the drive to the cabin. Everytime she hugged her mate, Sam a little longer. He was happy for Sam to have found such lovely mate. He deserved it. They deserved it!
He wished he had been so lucky.
But he knew he should be glad to be rid of it.

He felt it... when Jacob died. Because the bite in his neck started to get infected. It hurt thru his whole body and he felt like screaming. He stayed in bed for a whole week. He still felt like staying in bed.

It's was scarring now. Soon he would be able to move on.
But for now every time he saw a glimpse of himself in the mirror or felt the scar on his neck the only thing he could think about was....


That stupid prophecy got Fraya killed.

And how everybody he loved always got hurt...

He rubbed some tears from his eyes and tried to force them away.
It hurted so much to think about what happened two months ago.
How he had been to damn weak to do anything when she got killed.
And how James went all but rouge on them.
Everytime he closed his eyes it all came back to him.

He didn't even know if James was alive or dead.
He was just gone.

It helped that he was never alone.
And that they hardly got any sleep due to Jamie's cramps.
He kept them up most of the nights.

Sil was a sucky father but he tried. And Damian cursed a lot but he cared.
Kit was slowly getting a little better but he hardly ever really smiled.
He tried... but it always died down a little.
James had been his brother to.

Sam lost everything he ever had, just like the rest of them. And he was betrayed by everyone he ever knew. But he was the only one of them who kept it all together.
Maybe he somehow accepted everything and managed to move on.
Maybe issy being there for him helped.

Bane... Bane was a dragon.
Mortals died in his live all the time. So he moved on so easily.
It made Alec a little pissed off.

He held the phone in his hand.

He had to become an Alfa.. it was the only way they could somehow stop this mess they where in. But he kinda just wanted to let someone else deal with it. Some responsabel grown up adult person maybe.

The prophecy could mean the end of all magic. It could mean they would never be able to shift again. That they would be stuck in whatever form they had in that moment Now Alec had been ignoring his wolf for the past months, but never shifting wasn't something he wanted. He acknowledged the soft little whine in his head.

Sil was very sure that if the prophecy was fulfilled everything they knew would end.
Magic would sees to exist. Shifter would either become a animal or a human, depending on which form they had during the moment. Wizards would lose their spells. Nymphs would be stuck in their trees. Dragons would die out. All magic would just.... Be gone.

And Alec knew he had to man up and start getting packs on their side, he knew he had to go to the UNC, the untied nations council and packlaw to explain what was happening. To convince them to help him. To help themselves . The world...

Since when was he supposed to be responsible for things like this. He was twenty years old. Couldn't like a responsible adult take over. Someone who Knew what the fuck they where doing.
So he could deal with his fucked up life in peace.

At least his friends where okay now...
At least they where safe.

At least he didn't have a mate anymore and he would never get one ever again!

'Alec?' Kit propped his head on his arms on the edge of the roof.
His blue hair just got a fresh batch of paint. It would stay blue now.. Alec didn't think about the reason why. He had a list of things he didn't want to think about. This was on number four.

'Damian made pasta, you gonna come down to eat?'
Alec nodded, he stretched himself and looked up at the sky. He had been sitting here for hours. His butt was getting numb. The sky was turning dark blue.
'Hey Alec?'
'Did you call?'
'Are you gonna...'
Kit nodded and looked away.
Something fell and the baby started to cry again. Kit sighed.
Alec slipped down the roof and jumped off.

He would make the calls after dinner.
He really would.

Yellow! Sorry for the last chapter it was kinda short but I felt like it told you everything you needed to know. (It was one sentence... I know! Okay... it just didn't feel right to make it any longer. I don't think I could have done it in a way I would have Liked it so less is more.)

But hey Alec is back! Our boy! Yey! And Jacob is dead! Is there anyone who honestly thought I was gonna get them back together? I hope not. Their story was kinda of like a middle finger to all the watpad books in which they forgive their lifelong bully. It just isn't happening in mine. It felt wrong! Jacobs is a dick and him dying just kinda happened. Rohan just kinda went oops dead 🤣

Cant wait until Rohan and Alec meet again!

And he is never ever getting a new mate ever again..... 😊 haha... lol..... Yea.... 😇

Anyways alec is gonna be an alpha, little boys grow up so fast 🥲

I hope you liked the chapter! Please comment and vote and have a good one!😘

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