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Alec remember that day like it was yesterday. He relived that day many times in his dreams... or rather nightmares. Sometimes he dreamed about the pancake he ate that morning, than he dreamed about going to sleep and telling his mother goodnight!
Sometimes he dreamed that he was running thru the forest.
The moonlight guiding him bu thick oak trees and full bushes.
His paws pounding on the ground and his wolf screaming in joy.

And then.
He would reach the open spot, about a mile from the packhouse.
Before he woke up right there and then. Drenched in sweat and with a scream on his lips.

Sometimes he ran out the den to the nearest tree and had all of the food he hunted that day come out of him. Until James found him and dragged him back inside.
Or Kit, who would pat his back and than hug him.

After he got his memories back... the dreams got worse.

And now. Months after... well... they were horrible.
Cause all he saw on that open spot was his pack mate. The one he failed.
Laying there like she was sleeping. If it wasn't for the blood seeping out of her.

Right now he felt all of that. All those horrible feelings where stuffed together in a little box and pushed right in his heart and he felt like all the little treads that kept him together would just snap.
And maybe they did.

The moment he set his eyes on the man in the room. The one who smelled like a pine forest. The one with eyes that looked like dirt. They were so normal.
So plain.
Yet they broke him in ways he did not know he could be broken.

A hand on his back brought him back. He stepped back.
He couldn't .
He could not have this.
Not again.
Never the fuck again.

'Alec?' He didn't know who said his name. Maybe is was Damian  who was staring at him like he was gonna die. Maybe Kit who had tears in his eyes.
Maybe it was Ishara who had the blue haired baby in his arms.
But Alec turned around and grabbed the doorhandle.
'Damian. I expect you to deal with this.' He said his voice sounding like that of a stranger.

Who in the world thought this was a good idea.

Why would he ever want a redo.

Why the fuck would he ever want a mate ever again!

Why the fuck was that man his mate...

Alec couldn't run away.
He couldn't make a deal with a warlock. Or shift and run for miles.
Damian grabbed his shoulder and hauled him back against his body.
he leaned back. Closed his eyes.

The one good thing was he looked nothing nothing like Jacob.
He was kinda hot.
Fuck why was he hot!?

And not kinda... a lot really. He wasn't a boy either. No that was a man alright. Muscled, broad shoulders.  curly dark brown hair to his shoulder with flecks of caramal and sunshine in them. A light caramel skin. And eyes the color or dark dirt.
He had a little scar over his eyebrow and his nose was a little crooked like it had been broken before.
He also had worn a bright pink beaded bracelet.
Alec leaned back wishing Damian could make his disappear from this earth.

It was kinda mean of him to reject a mate just because he never wanted one ever again. He wanted to do the exact thing he told Damian he couldn't do.
Damned now he felt like a dick.
"I am a dick!" He told Damian over the mindlink.
"You try." Damian promised him kindly.
He wanted to turn around.
To take and deep breath and grab all the confidence he had left to face this room of powerful people to make them see. To make them understand. That they could lose all magic. That they could lose all mating bonds.
All their wolfs.

Then he felt his heart being ripped out his chest.
Something in the world broke.

When Fraya died it was like branch, a little twig that snapped in two.
Ripped thru all creatures of magic alike.
But this time.

The second one.
He died like a storm.
Like an explosion.
Leaving him gasping for breath,
Tears streaming out his eyes.
For a dead of person he did not know. And could not save.

The second one.... had died.


I mean you didn't think I was gonna let Alec of the hook did you? That I was gonna let him move on and just have some peace and quiet? Now where would be the fun is that, Rohan died and Alec now has a new mate. At least I made him a hot guy 😉 or so Alec said. I'm sure this time will be better 😈

Thanks for reading!

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