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It was their first official pack meeting and no one really knew what they where doing.

They decided to do it inside.
Alec as their alpha was seated on top of the table with his legs crossed.
Izzy and Sam cuddled up on the bed.
Bane sat on the counter with Kit right next to him. Sillias sat on a chair. Damian who held Jamie on his lap sat on the floor next to him. Snow was tucked under a blanket on a chair near the window moping about some puppies.

"Alright now that we are all here."
"We have been here for twenty minutes." Damian mumbled.
"Shut up!" Bane hissed.
"He was working up to it." Kit stood up for his brother.

Kit and bane had been getting unusually close these past few months. But then again they both lost a lot. And they both seemed to need someone. They weren't... together or anything. But they were friends, good friends.

"Look I have never done this before okay. And we are all weird here. The least you can do is respect me." Alec growled back.
"Yea whatever."
Alec smelled his hand down.
"I am sorry alpha." Damian seemed to have physical pain getting those words out of him.

"Good Well the first point of the day is a name. Our pack needs a name,"
He looked around at his pack members and felt rightfully so proud. And he made sure to sent those feeling right thru the mindlink. Which made Sam smile and Sillias his lips twitch. He never really got over the loss of his castle.

And apparently having a child meant that the half of his magic went to said child. That's why wizards never really choose to have kids or have more than one.
When they died the rest of their magic went to the child.

Some really fucked up kids had killed their own parents to get the magic. Sil seems to think it wasn't really that weird. But they all made it abundantly clear that this was not the way to raise Jamie.

"I would like you all the take some time to think about it. And we will come back to it. The next thing is our pack needs a place to stay. We are all very grateful for Izzys uncle who has no clue we are here, but we need a permanent place."
They all nodded.

"For that we will need to apply our pack at the USC and fill out all the forms and stuff."
"I can help! I have filled out many forms." Sil said raising his hand.

"Great than you can take on that part."

"Look at him giving orders, it's so cute!" Bane cooed. Kit slapped him half heartedly with a little smirk. Alec let it pass because kit didn't smile a lot and he wanted to take the wins where he could get them.

"Next point on our agenda..."
"I didn't know we had a agenda?" Someone whispered.
"Shush or I will shush you!"
They all shut up.

"The next point is the call about the You know what situation."
"The prophecy!" Snow exclaimed happy.
They liked talking about it.

"We need to get moving . It's happening soon. We should get in the moving devise and go north. I feel a feeling that feels in that direction."
Alec sighed. He only understood the car part of that sentence.

"Yea... well.... Maybe you and Bane can check out your feeling! we kinda need the car for the talk we are having."

That shut them up good. Even snow seemed to pay attention and that did not make him feel better.
"You made the call." Damian said. He didn't seem to like it much.

"I spoke with them, yes. I told them about the prophecy and about what happened at the ash creek pack."
Sam leaned forward.
"And?" Alec had offered to tell him first. Since he was his beta. But Sam didn't want to keep things from the others. He wanted to keep everyone close and in the loop.

"They want a meeting, we have to prove that we are speaking the truth."
"Fuck them!" Damian yelled.

"They all felt that! They had to! Fraya..." kit begged as if it would change out minds. As if it would change theirs.
"It's stupid old men with power. You know how this works." Sil mumbled.
"We are just some kids." Alec whispered.

Sil stood up. He had dealt with idiot elders and councils for four thousand years.
"We need to take this seriously. If we have to proof this. We need to have some of the big packs behind us. If we have at least two of them backing us up they will have no choice but to take us seriously. We need to pull out all the contacts we have. We have to be smart about this."

"How are we gonna convince a bunch of random alphas to help us?"

Snow smiled from the window. And stood up. They linked their hands behind their back and looked to the north. A disturbing smile creeped up on their face as they looked at the members of the small pack.

"I wil go and find it." They declared.

Yellow! Happy New Year's Eve! Hope you'll have fun. Imma shoot carbide with a home made cannon by bro made! 😘 last chapter of the year! Only eighteen left to go 😉

Thank you guys for all the votes, comments and support! It means so much and every single person who saves my story to their list makes me so happy! So thank you!

We reached 12 k for the first one!
And almost 500 for the second one. I'm sure it will run better when finished. I am also one of those people who reads books once they are finished. So I won't judge 😂

Have a lovely rest of the year! And let's make 2022 less sucky! 😘


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