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It was a normal day.
One would hardly stand still by this day and see it was different than other days.

But Rohan just turned eighteen years old.

And now he was gonna die.

His mates brother hang in chains from the ceiling. His pups in his arms and Rohan didn't know what to do.
He really didn't know anymore.
They would most likely all die today and he had no way of stopping it.
He was about ready to just grab a knife and start killing anything in his way to try and protect what was his but then the doors opened.

Someone descended the stairs.
Rohan stood up and his pups ran behind the stairs within seconds.
Knowing the drill.
He prepared himself for the worst. But this wasn't the worse.

"Who The fuck are You." He spat to the person walking down the stairs.
The person put a finger to his pale lips.
His hair was void of color. And so was his aura.
It didn't make any sense.
But this wasn't someone like Leandro or his pups.
He could feel the old magic flowing of him.

A chilling dangerous thing. Something to be feared. Something to be respected. Something to run the fuck away from.

The person, the thing walked up to him and moved their fingers.
A strange glowing rune appeared in the air before him.
Rohan stared at him for so long he didn't even notice the person walking to his pups.
"Stay away." He growled. Not even realizing what language he was speaking anymore.

But the person didn't mind him. They moved their hands again.
A mark glowed up.
And the chains around his pups fel down.
The It walked to Robbie and did the same thing.
Rohan could have tried to catch him but Robbie fell to the ground.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

The thing made one last movement and the wall cracked and a hole appeared.
Just big enough for some pups to go thru.

The person who's eyes almost seemed white looked right at him.

"Now you are free to make your own destiny."

And then the thing just fucking vanished before his very eyes.

Rohan looked at his pups.

And it was like a cold settled inside him.
He pulled of his sweater as he walked to them.
He crouched down and pressed it against them.

"This is the smell of my mate. He is the only one you can trust.
His name is Leandro. Do not trust anyone else." He ordered them. They sniffed the sweater. Pushing their soft little noses deep inside the fabric. Then looking at him with their big eyes.

Then watched as they both ran off.
He looked at Robbie.

Robbie was laying very still but his hearth still beat.
Tears streaked his cheeks.
He would be fine.

Last time it happened to him.
Last time, he was not the one to make the choice.
It was out of his control.

But this time.
He spread his arms and welcomed it inside of him.
He welcomed dead his old friend as it stood by his side.
He welcomed the darkness as she wrapped her hands around him.
He embraced madness as she struck his hearth.

He turned to the stairs which was nothing in his way to what he was gonna do.

His name was Rohan Novik.

His mother was hunter who fell in love with a werewolf.
The biggest mistake they made in their life.

He was a cursed halfbreed on the edge of his dead day.

He was eighteen years old.

His pack was safe.

His mate was safe.

He turned rouge.
For the very last time.

But this time. All of it. Was of his own choice...

Yellow! Rohan is so dramatic sometimes 😂
Guess snow did find them after all! He did say he knew where to go 😘 but where oh where did bane go?

Thanks for reading my book! Thanks for the votes and comments!
Thank you for the 17 k on the first one! 😘😘

Please comment, vote and follow and have a lovely day and a weekend in which you'll spoil yourself!

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