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By the thirth class Rohan was done with school.
For all he cared they would never make him come here again. He would rather be stabbed with a knife then do this every day.
He was tempted to set this place on fire more than once.

The teachers talked but nothing sticked. All he could focus on was the amount of energy the people around his pushed out in the air. And teenagers pushed out a lot! The colors and auras suffocated him. There was so much in such little place and it made him feel a claustrophobic.

So he was relieved when the kid next to him, who had a yellow orange energy around him, told him they now had a lunch break of fourty minutes.

"Hey You wanne come sit with us?" A blond girl asked him with a smile and a funny look in her eyes. She had been nagging him for the last two classes. Smiling and moving her eyes like she was having some sort of attack.

A odd pinkish purple surrounded her tall frame. She was almost as tall as he was. And he looked down at most of his classmates.
"No." Rohan told her and he walked away from the class.

The kid, he forgot his name, got up to him and grinned. He was surprisingly unaffected by Rohan's actions and glares. Also he was friends with the kid that showed him around. Because he also followed with a small smile.
"Why don't you come sit with my friends and me. They're cool."
Rohan didn't want to sit with anyone.

But he was very sure the kid was a werewolf. So he supposed it was the best thing to do. Make friends. How the fuck did you even do that?

The cafeteria filled up with students and most of the seats were already taken when they got there. He saw no possible threats and noted that the two hunters boys who glared at him with a vicious red look, where on the other side of the cafeteria to where the kid brought him.
'"My name is Roberto... in case you forgot. You can call me Robbie."

He sat down and nodded to the place next to him.
Rohan looked at the people on the table who did nothing to hide that they were staring at him, and than sat down to.

"And you don't have to bother remembering their names. These side characters are not important anyway."
"Hey!"Someone said.
Robbie ignored him.

"So Seth told me your from Russia. Have you lived there for long?" Robbie asked while digging thru his bag for  paper lunch bag.

Everyone else had already grabbed of bought their lunch and while eating and pretending to talk they kept sneaking glances at him. Some girls blushing furiously when he caught them.
They had yellow, orange and pinkish energy around them so Rohan knew he could relax. They were nothing but curious about him.
Those were safe.

One girl was light green but when Rohan caught her eye and gave her a cold glare it went away. Green was envious and jealousy. The darker the worse.
He also saw a guy sniff the air. Maybe trying to see if he was a shifter like them. But he knew his smell was very weird. He couldn't shift in an other form so they knew he wasn't normal but they couldn't tell what was wrong with him most of the times.

But he guessed right. Robbie and his friends were all wolfs. Shifters who stayed in large groups always tended to be wolfs.
This might not even be so hard after all.
"Are you not eating lunch? Are you bad at English?" Robbie asked.
Rohan looked at him.

Robbie was the only one who could hold his cold eyes. So Rohan shrugged as an answer.
"I didn't bring it."
"Yea.... You didn't bring a backpack either." Robbie noted. His bushy brows knitted together. Rohan let him draw his own conclusions. It didn't matter either way.

"Here." He stuffed a sandwich in Rohan's hands and the latter looked up frowning.
But Robbie ignored his look and informed one of his friends about something. Why would this shifter do this. What was he up to?

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