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"Can you please calm down. Your killing the potato's!" Diana, the Luna of the pack and his mother said with a sign. She grabbed the knife out of his hands to safe the innocent potato's from slaughter.

"I am calm." He was not calm.

His mother rolled her eyes and went on with the preparations for dinner.
Rohan wanted to sit next to him!
His hands where sweaty and he changed clothes three times already.
"Do you think I should change?"He asked his oldest sister who was busy cutting up vegetables on the island.

Leandro had a good bond with her and felt better knowing she was there. Also no one minded that her and husband came by. They came over for diner more than one time in the week. Especially now that Sofia was busy with her new study.
Oliver was playing with Camilla and Leonora upstairs in their rooms. They would probably try to turn their little nephew into a princes.

His sister rolled her eyes.
"Maybe if you sweat out this shirt too. But no I think this one suits you! The green brings out your eyes more!"
Leo nodded and started pacing.
"Why are you so darn nervous anyway. You said he wanted to sit next to you. He is clearly interested in you so what are you worried about?"
He didn't know how to answer that so he just kept pacing.
"Leo!" His mother said with a stern voice she mostly used to keep the twins under control. It rocked him to an sudden stop.
"Get the twins and go set the table." She ordered. Happy to do anything. Anything at all to take his mind of things he went to find them.

The twins were hanging around, two houses down the road with a bunch of their friends. Matteo was loud and the center of attention like always. Surrounded by his friends talking while making wide gestures with his hands.
And Romano was just drawing something, sitting on the grass with his back to everybody else. Completely focused in his own little world.

"Guys you need to come help me set the table!"
"Cant the big bad Alfa do that himself?" Matteo teased with a smirk.
Some people grinned and Leo growled once. Making Matteo flinch and his wolf cry out.

"Fine... chill.." he murmured with flushed cheeks. Saying goodbye to his friends.
Romano didn't say anything just grabbed all of his stuff and followed along.
Everybody knew his mate was in his house right now so some of the neighbors wished him luck on their way back. He knew Matteo was looking forward to teasing Rohan. But the poor thing would soon learn that Rohan was like an other species.

When everything was ready, he only had to growl at Matteo twice to the mindlink, they called down his sisters. Leonora was wearing a tutu and ran down the stairs. She was eleven years old but she still loved to play dress up with the young once.

Camilla the youngest was eight years old and was holding her three year old cousins hand careful to make sure he wouldn't fall down the stairs.
The boy had his mother's dark curly hair and his fathers bright blue eyes. Making him a cute little ball of fur. His wolf was pure white which made him, if even possible, even more adorable!
He was ordered to not talk about wolfs tonight.
And not shift. They were a little worried that he would accidentally spill some stuff but he seemed to think it was a fun game.

Robbie and Rohan came in and Rohan looked pissed.
But he looked so hot while being mad!

Sofia raised her eyebrows with a grin.
"Hello Rohan. I am Ricardo, robbies father. Nice to meet you son."
Everybody saw Rohan flinch when his father approached him.
He shook a stiff hand and then wasted no time in getting out of his fathers reach.
When his mother introduced herself he was still very much on edge.

"That was strange?" His father mumbled over the mindlink.
"Why would he be afraid of you?" Robbie asked.
"Maybe he can feel the Alfa side of you?" Leo wondered.

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