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Rohan knew the forest like the back of his hand. It didn't matter if he'd never been at this forest before. He knew the energy of the forest and the way it flowed around him. He need this more than anything.
He was sent out alone. He didn't take a weapon except for his short sword. It hung on his belt and knocked against his leg with every step he took.
He was on his way back.

He was pretending to follow the scent of the wolves that killed Sylvia. If he ever found out who did it he would probably buy them a beer or something, that was a human thing but perhaps shifters drank to.
But he already knew where it would follow. This entire town smelled like shifter. Like wolf. Smart little wolfs.

And Rohan already made his decision. In about nine days he would die.
But he would do everything to take as many hunters with him as possible. He would make sure his pack was safe with Leo. And then he was going to show them what a rouge really was.

It was getting dark when he came back. Russel wasn't in the house so he ignored the snickering baby hunters and walked to basement.
But when he stepped on the stairs his entire body froze up.
He smelled blood.

Within seconds he was down.
Russel turned around to look at him. He raised an eyebrow.
Blood was covering his hands and his shirt.
A chair was standing next to him covered with knives and other stuff. Rohan knew all that stuff as well. He knew how it felt when they pierced his skin.
"Find anything?" Russel asked.
"No." Russel turned back around and Rohan followed his look.

There where chains hanging from the ceiling. Blood on the floor.
His pups dead silent hiding where he left them.
"Neither did I." Russel mumbled. And he left to go upstairs.
Rohan sniffed the room to see if he recognized the smell.
It wasn't Leo.
That was all that really mattered.

He shouldn't be surprised they found one again.
He should be worried.
Worried about what the wolf had said before he or she died.
He could see Leo one more time and that was it.
He couldn't risk getting to much attention on him. If he was smart he never saw the boy ever again.
But he just.... He just couldn't.

Remember the people that birthed you. They died cause they were stupid. Because they where weak. Don't be fucking weak!

Rohan just needed something to remind him what he was.
Rohan just needed to kill something.
He just needed to hurt someone.
He just needed to remind everyone what he was.

Yellow, I finished the second one 🥳 so from now on I will do two updates a week.
Monday and Friday I think!
The first one reached 10k! 🥳 also have made up my mind about the main character of the third one 😏 let's just say we will dive a little deeper into the super natural world!
I know this chapter is a tad short but don't worry some others will be very long!

Do any of you do an advent kalander? I do a book advent with my friend, I bought the books and stuff for her and she made made one for me! And it's honestly so much fun getting to open a little present every day!

Well thank you guys for reading! Please comment, vote and don't let anyone stop you from being amazing! 😘

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