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Sylvia was dead and Darren was losing it.
That was all Rohan could learn from the ten seconds that it took him to exit the basement and walk out the door. Also that there was a shitload of blood everywhere. And a dead body slowly decaying on the couch.

Russel gave him a backpack and a couple of bills to make him stand out less.

He could see the sickening grey around them.
Russel was worried for some reason.
But he didn't understand why.

They had lost hunters before. People died. It wasn't anything special.
They killed a couple wolfs, the other wolfs fought back.
Hunters just weren't strong enough most of the times. Rohan wouldn't miss the annoying wife of Darren. And he hoped the werewolf's would take care of the husband to.

A little part of him wanted to grin. One down, seven to go.

He arrived at school at the same time the SUV from Caseys sibling did.
So he stopped and took a good look at the guy he wanted to have.
His face was alright. Cheeks flustered and his heart beat so fast even Rohan could hear it. He looked a lot like Robbie but different at the same time. He was biting on the leather bracelets around his wrist.

'Morning Rohan!' Robbie said as he got out of the car. Rohan gave him a small nod after making sure the other hunters weren't anywhere around. He didn't want to put a target on their backs.


Since when did he even care.

He didn't care about anyone except for his pack.

Yet he was...

He didn't want them to die..


"Were You waiting for us?" Casey asked with a sly smile. Today she wore a leather mini skirt and an oversized black shirt with skulls on it. Her eyeliner was better today.
Rohan raised an eyebrow.
"Don't flatter yourself. I just saw something." He then turned around to walk away. They followed him like nothing happened. Normally this made the humans around him go away.

He didn't really mind so much that it didn't work on the two shifters.

"Oh you did now. And what would that be?" Casey teased with a grin and a pointed look at her friend. Rohan ignored her as they walked to class.

Seth waved at them. Casey and Robbie had most classes with them but not all. So Seth would stick with him during the day to make sure he found his classes and went to all of them.
Because he tossed all the papers the lady gave to him yesterday in a trash can so he didn't have a clue as to where to go.

The day went by pretty fast and Rohan wasn't as bored today since he could sleep hiding behind his book. It made his classmates laugh and the teachers angry as fuck. But what was a human gonna do.

In the cafeteria he just felt the eyes of the two hunters boys on his back. He made sure to not indulge in any conversation with Robbie of Casey in the hopes they would lose interest in who he was sitting with.

They were mad one of them died.
They would want revenge.
And since they couldn't get there hands on a wolf....

"So we are gonna work on the project after school. Do you have time then?" Robbie asked him. He nodded.

He was the center of attention right now so they would stay away from the pups. They rather get there hands on him.
So if he didn't show up right after school it would make them even more pissed of. And give him some time to prepare for the inevitable.

"You brought your backpack today." Casey noted.
"Did you bring your lunch as Well?"Casey was never afraid to ask the questions everybody wanted to ask but didn't have the guts for. He didn't hate her for that.
Rohan though about the bills of money Russel had given him. He never even held money before. How did one use it. Was he allowed to spent it on food?

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