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Damian was laughing and it sounded like someone snapped the sanity inside him and he just laughed.
The young Latin woman was still staring at him.
Alec slowly moved to his head warrior and laid his hand on his shoulder.
"Shut the fuck up. Imma reject her. Be right back." He jumped out of the truck.

Even though he towered her by at least a head the girl did not flinch nor move when he stood so close even though it was definitely a threat
Alec jumped out of the car.
"Don't kill her!" He said.

"I'll do whatever the fuck I want."
"Your in my pack and I said no."
"Well sucks to be you then. Want me to jump start anymore cars for you? Huh alpha?" He said with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.
Alec looked at the girl.
He acknowledged that this situation was about to go very wrong.

"Please leave," he told her.
"This isn't gonna end well if you stay here."
"It sure the fuck isn't." Something golden flicked behind Damians eyes.
"D, we have to find snow. We have to stop the thing remember. We don't have time for this."
Maybe if he could lure Damian away from her. This wouldn't end in a blood shed.
He noticed Sam en Kit standing by his side.
Izzy and the baby where in the car and Sil was standing ready to make any move he needed to.

For the first time in a long time he didn't look like an overwhelmed child.
He looked like the kick ass wizard he was.
The wizard who saved him. The wizard who gave him an home.

Even if he still whore a purple polka dot short and bikerboots.

"Mate, I am-"
"Yes please do tell me your name so I can fucking reject you already."
The girl looked hurt for a second but covered it up quickly.
It probably wasn't easy being a female alpha. She couldn't risk to show any weakness. And now she had the most angry little asshole as a mate you could ever imagine.
"Damian." Alec hissed.

But he realized that this was all precious time they could not risk to waste.
He looked at Sam and Silias.
"Find Snow. Stop it from happening. Take the Rossi alpha with you."
Sam nodded rushed to drag Sil and the other to the car.
Sending them in a dangerous mission while not going there yourself because there where other things to be done was something that never sat right with Alec. But he knew an alpha couldn't do everything.
Sometimes you had to trust on you pack.
So he did.

Damian looked at his mate like he was looking for the best way to kill her.
He looked ready for a fight. He looked ready to ruin his own life before it even started. And only cause some stupid bitch broke him.
This girl had nothing to do with it.

"Damian." He growled in his alpha voice.
Damian finally looked at him.

"I'm not doing this," he said pointing at the woman.
"It's not happening!
"I'm not asking that of you. I'm asking you to focus because we have bigger issues. The world is ending remember. Fuck up your personal life when we fix it."
Damian groaned and stuffed his hands in his pockets like a mad teenager.
But Alec knew better.

He send a look at the girl again. His eyes turning a deep golden.
Like the flipping of a switch.
Damian was a little broken.
His wolf and he didn't even talk to each other anymore.
Derek was a tiny bit fucked up.
And Damian wasn't there anymore.
Derek pushed him to the back of his mind to deal with this threat . This was worst than a ptsd attack.

So Alec shifted and attacked the same time Derek pounced his mate.

Yellow! We are nearing the ending! I just hit a writers block with the third one ... so yey that's great.

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