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When dinner was over and it was slowly getting dark. Rohan announced he would leave and refused to accept a ride back to his place.
He just gave a look at Leo again and said a thank you to his parents and than left.

Leo sunk down in to his chair.
He didn't think the red would ever leave his face.
Rohan touched him.
Not only that, he got some food of his face and than looked right at him while he licked it of... and fuck.
The blood was sure going some where else right now.

"He was warning us." Robbie said.
The kids went upstairs and the twins had to help clean up. Matteo made sure everybody knew he was annoyed by this.
Only Robbie, Chris, sofia and his father still sat on the table.
"We are sure now. They are hunters and Rohan is living with them."
"He seems to not like them at all." Chris added.
"Well that is good."

That was good.
Rohan had not played around the bush much and almost full out told them they're were hunters and they were looking for revenge.
Which meant Rohan didn't agree with them.
So he was either forced to be there...

"What if they are using him to sniff out wolfs?" Chris asked.
Chris usually was a quiet man but when he spoke it was always something to be listened to.

That was a good question. If he was at least part shifter he would be able to tell shifters and humans apart. That could be the reason they kept him around.
"Well if he told them... we would be dead by now. So for some reason he is not telling them. And he just warned us. So..."
"Isn't  is obvious!" Robbie said. They all looked at him and he grinned. Looking way to happy for this situation.

"Leo. Leo is the reason! I mean this morning he was looking at you. And he only agreed to stay for diner and help with our homework because I promised he would sit next to you!"

Leo frowned. That was true... but he couldn't help and shake the feeling that..
"And he agreed to you helping him with math and he hated math! He tried to throw his math book in a trash can yesterday!" This made everyone laugh and even Leo managed a smile.

He sure hoped he was the reason. Rohan was his mate. And he was worried sick that he would be rejected. He was supposed to become an Alfa.... But here he was having a panic attack about his very scary and hot mate.
He was even more beautiful up close. And when he looked at him. It was as if he saw all your emotions and all your flaws and ...

"So did any of you see him sneak some buns into his hoodie?" His mother asked when she walked by to grab some more plates. They all looked up.
"He was being very stealth with it. But I think he took at least five of them with him .... Poor lad. I would have given them to him if I would have known..." she sighed.
He stole bread from the table to take home?
"Well that's not good!"

"He was wearing that sweater yesterday..." Robbie mumbled.
"When he comes next time I will make sure to give him some food to take home." His mother decided. But Leo was already going mad with worry. His wolf was whining and running around. Worried his mate was hungry. Or hurt...

"The boy is rather intense..." Chris mumbled thoughtfully.
"What are you thinking?" His father asked him.
"Well... even if he might only be a halfblood wolf... he didn't look like a nomad. He looked a little like he was..." Chris looked at Leo with an sad expression.
He sighed like the word was heavy on his shoulders.

"He looked like a rouge."

"No... no he can't be..."
Leo shook his head and turned to his father. But he was deep in thought.
"Think about it... wolfs without a pack... without a purpose... they go rouge."
"Not all wolfs!"
"No... not all wolfs.. but nomad wolfs grow up in a different way than pack wolfs. They are used to being alone. And even they usually travel around with a mate. But no wolf ever grows up without other wolfs. If Rohan is part wolf and he has lived with hunters all his life then..."
Chris stopped talking maybe because he didn't want to say the next words. Maybe because he didn't know what to say. Maybe because Leo looked like he was gonna be sick.

"It will be alright." His mother said and she lay her hand on his shoulder to give him a short squeeze.
"He will become his pack."
"What if we are to late..."
"We are not to late, Leandro. Did you not look at your mate. He may be a little odd but he looked at you like ... like he wanted to have you."
"For lunch?" Matteo added with a eyeroll which made his mother give him a slap with the towel.
"Someone can't be rouge when he looks at you like that. All will be well. Just try hard and give him all the love he needs."
Leo nodded feeling a tiny bit better.
"I think I am gonna turn in early."

He said goodbye to his family and gave his sister a kiss on the check before going to his room. He had a lot to think about. But he only wanted to think about Rohan and the way he looked at him. The way he touched him.
The way his eyes almost seemed to be amused even if his face didn't show anything at all. He said good night to his sisters and nephew and locked himself In his room.

He usually never shifted in his house.
But since no one could shift in the woods untill further notice, and he really needed it right now. So he undressed and shifted in his large light grey wolf with a couple of dark grey patches here and there. And he rolled up on top of his bed. His head on his legs sniffing the sheets that didn't smell like his mate yet.
Sometimes being a wolf was easier than being human.
A wolf was less complex. Less noise in his head.

He would see Rohan tomorrow. And he would try and show him that he was interested in him and wanted to be with him. He had to put his insecurities to the side right now. Rohan could always reject him but he could also not.
And it was important to make sure he mate was save right now.
He would try and win him over tomorrow.
He wolf rolled around in his mind thinking about way other things to do together with Rohan tomorrow instead of math.

They weren't bad ideas at all.
Maybe a little soon.

He talked to Aaron about the dinner they had and he wished again that they could go out for a run. But especially now that Rohan warned them about hunters they had to be carful and not go out. The town needed to be safe.
They already lost two to many.
And he couldn't bare to lose any one else.

Yellow, chapter nine already! Thanks for the reads and votes!
The first one had 7,5k views so that's pretty cool! And don't worry I am so not gonna make Rohan domesticated. 🥳

Please comment what you think of the story so hafar and what do you think will happen during their math tutoring 🙃

Please comment, vote and have a good day!

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