Rohan always knew he wouldn't make eighteen. It never really bothered him before.
They couldn't kill him because some weird hunter law forbade them from killing hunter kids. But once he was eighteen it didn't protect him anymore. So they could kill him ...legally.

they were to afraid that they might lose the power they had over him. And he would turn on them. They were right.
So they would kill him and he would die.

They pretended to not fear him. Especially the young once. But he could smell it. Could see it. He could always see it.
They had made him do many awful things in the seventeen years he had been alive.
But never something so useless and stupid like this before.
Maybe they just didn't want him in the house all the time.

Maybe they were afraid he would grow bored.

He'd never been to school before. He hardly knew how to read or write and didn't need it either. But now he and two of the young once had to go to a local high school. They told him it was to use his wolf instinct to sniff out another big pack that was rumored to be around these parts.
But most hunters didn't even believe wolfs send their young to a human school.

A loud honk made him freeze in the middle of the road he was crossing.
He turned a cold glare to the driver who slowly paled until he couldn't look at the cold dead eyes of the halfbreed anymore.
Rohan ignored the other cars waiting behind him and gave him the finger.
The one on the passenger seat made an apologetic wave like motion so he walked away.
He saw humans do it for sillier things and he felt like it.
If he were to be human... he might as well do human shit.

Then he walked towards the wide open gates of the small grey high school building.
He felt the curious looks go over him as he passed the teenagers that were chatting in front of the building. He didn't think he looked very different than them.

The two hunters had gone about ten minutes before him. They were both fifteen so... they were something like freshman. He didn't know. He never went to school and he hadn't been in this country for long. They moved him around a lot. Most people didn't want him around any longer than they had to.

He was in the last year they told him. Russel had instructed him with the rules before he was allowed to leave and walk the five kilometers to the school building. The hunter boys took the bus. Only two of them went to school. The others pretended to be home schooled.

It didn't really matter. He was only going for about a week or two. He didn't have to do homework or any of the other stuff. He just needed to find wolfs and get close to them so he would find out where they lived. And show up for classes to not attract any attention to the small group of hunters living in a old house on the edge  the woods.

He was instructed to go to a place where he needed to get a schedule and other stuff. Russel wrote everything down for him and then made him repeat it until he knew what it said. And if he made a mistake Russel would give him a right hook to the face until he got it all right.

His wolf half made him heal faster so you could hardly see any bruises anymore. No if they wanted it to scar they wouldn't do it on his face. They would do it on all the other parts of his skin to make sure he didn't forget it. And to make sure humans didn't see it.

They feared humans sometimes. They didn't tell him those things but he could see it. When he was younger they were even worse with it. He couldn't look or talk to strangers. And if they looked to long or funny at him they moved him to another place. Another cluster, an other country.

"Goodmorning hun. You must be Rohan Novik. Your father called." The human behind the desk, that had the same letters wrote on them that he had remembered from the sheet of instructions, smiled welcoming at him. She looked bright and yellow so he nodded in return.

"He told me you were homeschooled in Russia and Sweden for a long time so you might have some troubles with getting used to things around here."
She was fumbling with some papers pretending she had to look for the once she already put out for when he would come here. It was just something humans tented to do that didn't really make sense.

"But don't you worry. I have arranged for someone in your class to help you out so you will be fine hon!' Again the redhead woman in the age of thirty,  used this odd term. He had never heard it so he didn't comment.

"This is your schedule. I marked your classes of today with yellow. And this is your extracurricular activities list. So you can see if there is something you would like to do. And here is some..." she was no longer telling him things he needed to know so he stared at a map of the building on the wall behind her. There were four floors and a lot of exits around the brick building.
Not that he would need one. He doubted anyone here would pose a threat for him.
He could kill wolfs without effort. Humans were nothing to worry about.

"Hello miss, I am here to get the new kid?" A voice said. Rohan almost punched himself for not noticing the kid coming so close sooner. And the kid for managing to sneak up on him. He felt his body tense and made sure we wasn't with his back to either of them.

Things like that could get him killed. If Russel would know, he would strangle him until he passed out and then make him run barefoot for miles as punishment. And that would mean he was going easy on him.

He observed the kid. They were the same age. The kid had dark brown curly hair that hung over his eyes a little and freckles all over his face. Like someone had attacked him with a paintbrush. He was a head shorter than him and a little on the skinny side.
Also the kid was a shifter. He had the same feral energy around him like they always had. This task was gonna be easier than he thought.

Rohan was wearing all black. Black functional old jeans and a black hoodie with some white drops on it from when they made him paint a couple of rooms. They were old but fine. He didn't smell because Russel made him get an ice cold shower this morning. Thinking it would bother him but it didn't. He liked the cold. But his clothes looked old and weird compared to the blue shirt the kid wore.

"Hi I am Seth!" The kid grabbed his hand and shook it before Rohan even knew what was going on. Right one of those humans things!?
A loud bell rang making him flinch a little. Seths face didn't change but just like the lady behind the desk they changed from yellow to dark blue. Which made him feel on edge.  He didn't know what that meant.
He had never seen it before.

He followed Seth to the class by slowly emptying hallways up the stairs and to the right.
Thirty pairs of eyes were on him the moment he entered the room. The first class was Math, Seth had told him. The teacher was a guy in the fourtys and he was boring but fine. Seth had a lot of friends that he greeted. And he sensed a lot of shifters.

And he also knew they knew that he was one to. He could tell by the way the colors changed. A quick way to tell the humans from the shifters as well. But there were hardly many of them. It was mostly shifters. They where everywhere...

Rohan gave them a bored glare until they looked away.
The teacher introduced himself, he forgot the name, and made him sit in the front.
The teacher was all reddish orange. The guy didn't like him. Thought he was gonna be trouble.
That was fine.

"Where is your book?" The man asked, trying not sound to annoyed.
Rohan just stared at him until he sighed.
"Bring it next time." He ordered.
He would not. He didn't have to listen to humans.
He didn't bring books, nor a backpack, nor anything.
Russel hadn't told him to do that.
And he didn't have that stuff anyway.

The teacher tried to glare at him a few more times but he couldn't hold his cold eyes any longer so he then decided to ignore the kid.
They had told him he was a foreigner who had been home schooled all his live. So he had expected the kid to be A little screwed up.
But this kid looked like he could stand up and murder the entire class without a word and then sit back down without any regret. He just looked so ...


Yellow! Yeah book 2 it happening! Can't believe I even finished the first book! And that so many people already read it and saved it in a reading list! I hope you will love the next books as well. And yea there will be more.
I hope you will like Rohan. Alec and his friends are gonna be in this book as well. But first I want you to get to know my new baby!

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