1. Manhunt

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"Well done George, as always, of course", my boss praised me after I gave him another, now dead, serial killer.

My name is George. I work in an organization that's called "Manhunt". We hunt down and / or kill murderers who are at large and cannot be caught by the police. I've been working here for 4 years now and have never failed. I am good and I know that for sure.

Usually everyone gives themselves a code name here, such as "Swetch" or "Corpse", something that keeps their personality hidden. However, I never felt I had to do that. I would find it too complicated and would like people to call me by my name. Since I do not reveal my last name, there is no problem with my identity. However, I am also one of the very few who use their real name. Just recently, one of us was killed at home by a murderer, we were looking for, because he knew his name and had found him. He was brutally stabbed in his sleep.

I wouldn't mind if something like that happened. My house is 100% secure from burglars. Barbed wire, alarm systems, cameras, even lasers. And if that doesn't stop him, I have weapons in my room that will make it easy for me to kill them myself.

I make a lot of money with all of Manhunt, which makes it easy for me to finance all of this. In my 4 years here I had already caught around 1,500 murderers. Killed about half of them. I know what I'm doing and am hard to kill, I know that. Many would say now that it is boastful, but what other people think has never interested me before. Here you also have the opportunity to work in a team. I never work in a team, I always work alone. You're better off alone. I've always known that since that happened to my dad.

Because of my father, I ended up here. He had worked here and one day took me with him. He was good, very good ... but not good enough. I saw my own father die because he was too weak and had helped his comrades instead of himself.
It went like this:

From one day I was allowed to come with him from time to time and then watched over surveillance cameras. Father had a group of 4 people. They were in a forest chasing a killer. One of his comrades had the camera on his chest while they were hiding behind the trees for an attack. All of a sudden you heard the sound of a blade and a groaning. The camera focused on a comrade of my father's who had just been stabbed by the murderer. Another teammate approached the killer from behind, but got also killed. Then my father shouted "Run!" and attacked the killer. The person with the camera tried to come to his aid, but it was too late. My father was killed with no chance of survival. If he had run or asked his teammate for help, he would have made it back to me safely, but no.

I, a 16 year old child, had just seen his father die. About 2 years later I joined the organization and started training hard. I wanted to be stronger than my father and did everything to get rid of my weaknesses. The training was tough and took a while. For about a year and a half, I practiced what I do almost every day today.

I have no friends, but what does that matter? I've been able to get rid of a lot of emotions and feelings and I strongly think that this is one of the reasons for my success. Without compassion you have everything in hand. I had met people who called me a sociopath or a psychopath, but as I said I didn't give a shit.

It was just extremely pitiful how people found something wrong about me and then died a few days later because they didn't have what I had. I've been to countless funerals, but none of them interested me. I was only there because everyone was there. It may sound like at us 10 people would get killed every day, but that's misunderstood.

Yes, this is an extremely dangerous job and you have to be deeply aware that you are putting your life on the line pretty much every day, but that's part of it. If you're good and thorough, nothing can go wrong. But at us someone dies 1 to 3 times a month. We're no noobs here. The people here are all good and professional, even if some are more than others, but you have to be good here to have this job, otherwise you would definitely not work here.

By the way, everyone has a specialty that they work with and are good at. There are many possibilities, for example there are sword, axe, bow, hammer, nunchucks, ...You understand. A tool or weapon to fight with. The most popular is the sword. This is also my specialty. From the beginning I started practicing and fighting with it. I've met a lot of murderers who thought I was "easy kill" because I use the basic weapon, but they always set a trap for themselves because by thinking that I was worse anyway, they didn't even have themselves really strained and for me it was even easier.

But I'm also really good with the bow what I also often use, for example when it gets tricky and I have to use the distance, or my opponent is good at long-range combat and I cannot get at him well. In the long term I have acquired techniques and always tried new things, which eventually became a normal fighting technique for me.

Oh, I almost forgot one thing. The killers are also often called "speed runners" as they often have a specific goal, like murdering a specific person, or something they want or whatever. In some cases, they just kill for fun. Such people are either a lot harder to come by or a lot easier, depending on whether they are completely psychoactive or just don't worry anymore. The people who have a goal, i.e. the speed runners, it is not always easy for us to find out what that goal is. We always try to find out. When we know, it makes the hunt a lot easier for us.

One day, as I was just returning from a routine control in the forest, the boss called me.
"George! You're needed!"


~1.110 words~

I am literally so excited to write this book

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