23. caught

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Dream didn't show up for fighting anymore. Instead I went to the forest when I wanted to see him. He just found me, I don't know how, but he did.

"Come here George!", he yelled after me with a huge smile while trying to catch me.
I ran faster and faster, but he managed to get closer every second. With those long legs, of course he was able to get me.

Before I knew it, I was grabbed from behind on my waist, got stopped and pressed against a large body.
"You'll never get away from me Georgie, you know that, right?", I heard his grin while he kissed my shoulder gently.

"We'll see that", I smirked before putting my hands back, grabbing his head and leaning forward roughly. Dream got pulled over me and fell on his back. I used that to keep running. He maybe was stronger and taller than me, but with the right strategy I could outrun him easily.

But again he caught up and was just inches away from catching me. I saw a tree right in front of me and tried to use it for a little troll. So shortly before running into the trunk, I turned right to make sure that Dream bangs against it.

But of course my plan didn't work. I got grabbed on my waist again and immediately pressed against the tree.
"Stop, Dream, you're- you're hurting me", I fake-whined.
"Oh, come on", I heard his eyes rolling with a smirk.
"No, seriously, let go. It hurts", I lied again.
"Oh, does it?", he lowered his voice even more.

He had pressed my wrists with his hands on my back and me against the tree trunk. Now he held my wrists with only one hand and let the other one up to my head. He now also pressed it against the tree, with my face turned to the right.
"Does that hurt too?"

It felt like he was gonna fuck me any second, to be honest.

Then his head leaned forward to my cheek and rested there a few inches away.
"Stop trying to run, cutey", he lifted the right corner of his mouth.
"Don't call me that", I said with an embarrassed tone, actually starting to blush.
"What ya gonna do about it?", he licked his fang.

How was it allowed for a human to be THAT HOT?!

"Dream, please", I moaned. Fake-moaned. I tried to distract him or make him flattered, so I could use it to get away again.
I didn't care that we were acting like little children while playing catch, I had fun and he obviously too. This is what life felt to me.

I have always had such a cold time in my life and no one has ever been good enough to change this. I hated everyone and everyone hated me. But Dream... I don't know how, but I just felt comfortable with him. As if he was the star that had brought light to my world.

"What do you think you're doing there, huh?", he said, grabbing me tighter, "You want me to fuck you again? Harder this time?"
The butterflies in my stomach grew and rammed the inside of it.

"You can't unsee your hard blush, you know?", he smirked.
"Shut up", I swallowed.
I was such a bottom for him, I hated it.

"I'm the only one who's allowed to touch you like that, understood?", he kept talking, making my cheeks go redder with every word, "You're mine George. If anyone else tries to get even close to you, they're dead. I own you, understood that Georgie?"
It sounded more like a threat this time, but it was hot as fuck.

I felt so weak, I shouldn't allow a man to do something like that with me. But I couldn't stop it.
"Lost your words, pretty boy?", his hands let go of my wrists and head and went to my waist, squeezing it softly. His lips now came closer to my cheek and were just about to touch it.

I was about to get horny. Like, really really horny.

He pressed his dick on my butt and slowly came closer and closer.
There I smiled.
I pushed my head back, not too hard, so I wouldn't hurt him, and let quickly moved to the side before he was able to grab me again.

I felt a little sorry for my dick, it really wanted him in that moment. But I couldn't just let him do to me whatever he wanted.

"You're gonna regret this!", he shouted after me.
Oh, I wanted to regret this. Trust me.

I ran and ran, as fast as my legs were capable of. Suddenly, I ran into someone. We both fell to the ground and I rubbed my head that just bumped into theirs.
As I opened my eyes, everything I thought was confusion and fear.



"What are you doing here?", we both said at the same time.

"I'm on mission. I was just chasing a target", he looked around, "There! There he is! Fuck, now he's getting away. Argh" He sounded annoyed.
We sat on the ground, I looked at him, hoping Dream wouldn't be seen for him.

"And you? Why are you here?", he frowned.
"I- I-, ah,....I'm- just going for a walk", I said, trying to not look suspicious.
"Going for a walk? Why?", he asked while standing up.
"Why not? I can't just go for a walk?", I raised my eyebrows.

"I mean, yes, of course you can, but....ugh, nevermind. Just didn't expect you here", he said while reaching his hand down to me. I grabbed it and let him pull me up.
"Follow your target, you can still get him", I nodded my head into the direction he had run.
"I don't know, he could've run anywhere", he rubbed his neck, pulling his eyebrows together.

"Have you heard something about Dream?", he eventually broke the silence after a few seconds.
"No", I rolled my eyes, "I don't even get any information because the boss doesn't want me right now."
"But there is also almost nothing going on. There are only small targets. Nothing serious", Sapnap crossed his arms.

"Still, I feel insulted. I never was so inactive for such a long time. It's been 1 week, Sap! 1 week! I'm bored", I said. I kind of lied. I wasn't bored, I had Dream. But I shouldn't tell Sapnap that, huh.

"Get some rest man. Just like the boss had always said, you're working so much. A break maybe isn't that bad", he shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe.....", I said to make him shut up about it, "So, go do your job." I nodded at him.
"Calm bro, I'll go and leave you alone any second", he raised his hands like if I just had held a gun at him.

"If you hear something about Dream, please inform me", I said when he just walked past me.
"Yes, I will."


~1.172 words~

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