20. hide n seek

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"And since that she always took care of us. Until....", Dream told his story.

Dream and I were sitting in a small clearing in the forest. He sat leaning against a tree while I lay with him, putting my head on his lap and looking up at him. He calmly stroked through my hair while telling me about his past.

He had led a normal life in a small village. He had had a mother, a father and also a little sister. However, already in his 10th year of life, they were broken into at home and his father murdered in cold blood. Dream had said that he himself never really knew why, but he and his mother had assumed that his dad had been involved in something and paid with his life for whatever it had been.

Next, he told me that they moved because of this, but one day his mother and sister were picking flowers together and apparently they just didn't come back. When Dream went searching for them in concern, he eventually found them at a small lake. Both dead. Murdered. He never knew why and how. He was 12 when this happened, he said. I could well imagine what a trauma such a thing had to trigger.

"I don't know what happened after that exactly. I didn't tell anyone about the death of my mother and sister. I just....ran away", he kept on telling while looking into the air with a calm expression, "I started learning to survive and live alone and now doing that successfully for 10 whole years."
Then he smiled.

He kept on telling me how he survived and what he learned and did all this time. He lived in a small hut 2 kilometres away from the forest, well hidden. He had built it himself, he said. He had learned how to fight, how to survive in the wild. That explained his good fighting. I have learned fighting in an organisation and he had learned it completely natural in the wildness for 10 years.

"And when I found out how good I really have gotten, I started robbing and killing for fun, annoying people like you", he briefly laughed, looking down at me and I smiled a bit at it too, "and just tried to live my life as I wanted. I'm a free man and really glad to be. When you started targeting me, I was setting the castle in the north there as my target. I wanted to rob it and else. Guess something came in my way then." He smiled again.

"My father got killed in front of my eyes too, but I was a bit older than you", I started talking, "I grew up in the organisation."
"Seeing our family die is our commonality, cool", Dream giggled.

"I know this forest here like the back of my hand. I've been here plenty of times before. Was just doing my thing and living my life, but then your pathetic organisation started hunting me down. Well...at least tried so", Dream rolled his eyes.

"You know nothing about this forest compared to me. I've been working here for over 4 years and know every ankle in this place", I looked at him withdrawn.
"Oh, you think so?", he raised one eyebrow at me with a smirk.
"You think I'm wrong?", I lifted one corner of my mouth.
"Well....yeah?", he stared down at me with the same facial expression.

"Then let's play hide and seek. Whoever can't find the other one in 5 minutes, loses", I smirked, sitting up.
"Alright", Dream shrugged his shoulders.

He hid at first and I counted to 30, holding my eyes and ears shut so I couldn't get any indication of where he was. We took the whole forest as a hiding place, which was quite large and a challenge for both of us. For Dream just a little bit more. I had many hiding places here where he could never find me.

30. I opened my eyes and put my hands off my ears, looking around. Probably he went a bit further away. Would be the smartest technique. So I walked around, scanning the area. Dream was good at being quiet and hiding his aura, so I had to be attentive. Then I went through a few good hiding places in my head and thought of some where Dream probably could hide.

Then I remembered this one place, a small cowl behind a special tree, the location of which I knew by heart. This cowl was covered with moss and wines. It wasn't easy to see someone in there. So I ran there as fast as I could. But when I arrived and pulled the greens aside, he wasn't there. Ok... I still had some time. Think carefully....

I didn't find him. I didn't have much time left and in none of my suspicious places hid a man about 6.3 feet tall with a beautiful face and strong muscles. I didn't want to give up. That would have been quite embarrassing and pathetic. But at the last moment I passed something.

A really small cave in a really small hill. It was barely seen and I didn't exactly know if Dream even would be able to fit in there. I did. I sometimes hid there to wait for my targets. I thought a try couldn't hurt and climbed in quickly. It was dark. But as soon as I was in it, I got grabbed from behind and pressed to a big body.

"Not bad. Good job, Georgie", I heard Dreams smile from behind me before he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

I giggled, looking to the side where I could see the beautiful face I had been looking for.
"Alright, your turn", I smiled, grabbing his hands, that were wrapped around me, and loosened them from me, crawling back out of the little cave. Followed by Dream.

Once outside, he leaned calmly against a tree, closed his eyes and put his hand on his ears. He just said "one", there I quickly stepped up to him, stood on my tiptoes and kissed his lips. He seemed slightly surprised, but he joined quickly.

I put my tongue in briefly and then quickly dissolved the kiss. When I pulled away, he was still leaning his head after me, as if he hadn't had enough yet, which made me smile. Then I rode my fingers up at the bottom of his chin, back to me and stepped then back.

"One", he said again with a bright smile and a bit louder. I giggled and ran away.


~1.112 words~

That's kinda wholesome to me rn

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