4. What a weird guy...

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"You fucking idiot", Dream laughed again running towards me. Just in front of me he jumped up and swung his ax down at me. I dodged and drew my sword on him, but he too dodged very well.
"Doesn't that make fun?", I smirked slowly walking to the side.
"It's annoying. Your other teammates were easier to kill. You're just wasting time", he stared at me.

"Ouh, so you think you will win this? You think that's my death?", I raised my eyebrows with a slight grin. Dream just tilted his head a bit to the side and swung his axe on the other hand.
"Let's just skip all of this and you just surrender", he eventually said, totally serious.
"Because you know you will lose?", I raised one eyebrow.
His mask only covered his face to his nose. I could see his mouth and this now briefly licked its lips.

He quickly raced towards me again, his ax swinging more violently than before. Again I dodged and the epic fight went on and on.
"What's your destination?", I eventually dared to ask through my concentrated breathing.
"What?" Our weapons crossed again and we looked at each other.
"Your destination. Your goal. What have you planned?", I looked up at him how you could see his teeth clenching.

"Why are you asking? You think I'll tell you?"
"I mean, if you want to?", I smirked slightly. Then he swung my sword with his axe to the side and we continued the fight. It just wouldn't end.
"I won't tell you anything little boy", he said when our weapons eventually crossed again and we leaned towards each other closely.

"What did you just call me?", I looked at him provoked.
"Little boy?", he smirked.
"Die", I whispered before attacking. And again the fight went on and on, both of us still waiting for the other one to die.

At some point I was a little inattentive for a second and Dream's ax brushed my calf.
'Shit', I thought myself. It wasn't severe, but it was a scratch that bled and weakened.
"I've been waiting until you finally get weak", Dream grinned holding his ax with both hands tightly.
"I didn't get weak. It's just a little scratch. I'm fine", I smiled back getting into a fighting ready position again.

"You have a big ego, kiddo", Dream scoffed.
"Kiddo? Okay, how old do you think I am?", I stared at him feeling insulted.
"I don't know, 16? 17 probably? At least you look like that. What your parents did to you that you can fight like that now, I don't know and do not care", he tilted his head slowly beginning to walk again.
"I'm 24, asshole", I clenched my teeth before quickly running towards him again and swinging my sword with me.

So he evaded and instead of attacking me, he just ran away with a shouting "Go where you came from you annoying pain" as a farewell.
"Oh no, definitely not", I quietly laughed to myself before chasing after him.

Unfortunately he was incredibly fast and I quickly lost sight of him. I climbed a tree again and analyzed the area, but it was just ... gone. Damnit.
Then I looked up and noticed that the sun was already at a point for noon. Why did I only notice that now? And how long did we fight then please? It was never that long.

After about an hour of waiting for Dream to come back, I finally decided to just go back and wait. But no sooner did I climb down the tree again, two strong arms wrapped around me, which pulled me to a large body.

Startled and annoyed that I wasn't paying attention, the blade of an ax was held to my throat. Suddenly a mask appeared next to my head with a grinning mouth underneath.
"You're really good, but I don't need any annoying guys that stop me", Dream whispered.
"You fucker", I clenched my teeth, not moving.
"Any last words?...Hunter?", he smirked while slowly moving his axe along my neck.
"Yes", I reached my hand up to his arm, "Fuck off!"

And with that, with all my strength, I tore his ax from my throat, ducked, and rolled forward.
"Gosh, what's up with you? Death isn't that bad", Dream sighted leaning his head back.
"Then why don't you just die for me?", I raised my eyebrows, quickly getting my sword out of the holder on my back and getting ready to attack.

"Nah, not today. Was fun, but I'm tired. See you tomorrow I guess", he sighted again and then turned his back to me. What? What the hell was that?
Without hesitation or thinking I just stormed to him and swung my sword at his back. That would've been my chance, but....

Suddenly he bent down. I noticed it in time and jumped over him, but then he grabbed my leg and pulled me to the ground.
"Shit!", I yelled out.
Dream pressed me down by my wrists and looked down at me, leaning over me. I looked to the side and saw my sword lying a few meters away from us. I screwed up.

"Why can't you just chill? Gosh", Dream sighted looking down at me. Then I remembered the knife on my leg, but I had no chance of getting hold of it. Would that be my end? Was he really too good for me? Would that be my death? Shit...

I stared at him clenching my teeth, trying to move and to tore my wrists from his grip, but I wasn't strong enough. I mean, I was strong, but he was stronger.
"You don't have to try", Dream laughed, definitely knowing he had won.
"Fuck off you asshole!", I scoffed angrily.
With a sight he leaned down a bit closer to my face.
"See you kiddo", he said and then just stood up, walking away.

What? What??? He could've killed me! Why didn't he do it?! What a weird guy....
So I got up too and watched him go. Was that a trick? No ... he had just had the chance for my death and he didn't take it. Whatever that was and why he suddenly felt like that, I just tried not to think about it anymore, grabbed my sword from the ground and ran out of the forest. Now I had to report probably.


~1.075 words~

credits to @teriyaki_parrot on insta who made this amazing art for my story <3

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