30. faster

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Suddenly I felt my cock being pushed into a wet opening. Dream began sucking my dick, first slowly and then went a bit faster every few seconds. Meanwhile, I was breathing heavily and closing my eyes. My stomach contracted on its own and my hip began to move slightly.

Dream then grabbed it and pressed it on the bed so that I didn't bother him "at work".
As it began to feel better and better, I started moaning.
I enjoyed every single movement of him and as if it wasn't good enough now, I suddenly felt him push a finger into my hole slowly.

There was nothing this man couldn't do. Calmly and slowly, he pushed his finger deeper and deeper before pulling it out again and so on, again and again. At first it hurt, but my body couldn't handle both. Pain and pleasure. So I moaned louder and felt a kind of burning inside me, which for some reason felt incredibly great.

When the pain finally became enjoyment too, I moaned and breathed heavily, wearing a smile on my mouth, my eyes rolled back.
Then he pushed a second finger into me, continuing what he was doing.

At some point, only a few seconds later I felt a feeling coming up inside of me.
"I'm-", I tried to tell Dream, "I'm co-....coming-"
After hearing that, he just went even faster with his head. Shortly afterwards I came right into his mouth with a loud moan.

Then he backed back with his head and looked up at me. He licked his lips, his tongue covered with white stuff, before he swallowed.
He also pulled his fingers out of me and slowly crawled up on me.

"You liked that?", he smirked down at me while leaning over me.
I nodded weakly with only half open eyes and a weak smile on my lips.
"Well, I'm not finished yet Georgie~", he bit his lip, leaning from his hands on his elbows, getting closer to my face.

Softly his lips touched mine, kissing me, so I felt like time had stopped.
Next, he shoved his tongue into my mouth, making out with me. I wrapped my hands around his neck, trying to pull him closer. I felt like this was the best moment I've ever had in my whole life.

Then I felt Dream move. Shortly afterwards suddenly something got pushed inside my hole again. This time it was way bigger than a finger. I moaned through the kiss as his dick got rubbed inside of me.

Over time, he slowly went faster and faster and deeper and deeper. It still hurt a little bit, but really just a little bit. I grabbed his muscular arms tightly, keeping on moaning.
"You're doing great", Dream eventually pulled away from the kiss and let me moan loudly in the air.

He got faster and faster and I felt myself coming again.
"Dream, I-", was everything I could say before I came right over myself.
When I opened my eyes and saw Dream with a smile above me, I stared at him needy. I wanted more.

It wasn't long until he also came into me. But this time he didn't stop or slowed down like last time. He kept going and going. I moaned the word "Yeah" and his name several times, gripping the pillow, the bed sheet or his arms.

"Please~", I eventually moaned loudly, whereupon Dream again came, followed by me. I still hadn't enough though.
Dream kept on rubbing inside of me and making me feel good. I kept on moaning and moaning and never wanted this to stop.

Then he pressed his lips on mine again and put one of his hands on my waist. I grabbed his neck and pressed him against me.
He tried different speeds with his hip. Sometimes slow and passionate, sometimes incredibly fast.

With these different speeds, he achieved different reactions with me. Whenever he got faster, I moaned louder and louder. When he was slow, I looked at him lovingly and moaned pleasantly and relaxed. I didn't know what I liked better, let alone what he liked better.

He moved his hip slowly back and forth, but then pressed in roughly and passionately hardly.
His hands were to the right and left of my head, he was resting on his elbows on the bed and had put his forehead on mine. I grabbed his hands with mine and opened my mouth with a smile, followed by another moan.

Then he increased his speed more and more, until I finally had to moan so loudly that I could be glad not to have any neighbours.
Suddenly he hit my g-spot again and I moaned even louder.

I gave him plenty moans, never stopping and making him cum inside me one more time.
I also came again.

"Cum as many times as you want", I eventually heard the soft voice of Dream, "Until you're satisfied."

I grabbed his shoulder, my head leaned back almost the whole time, now looking at him with helpless eyes, making him go faster again.

I knew he hadn't shown me his fastest speed yet. I knew he could go faster.
"Come on~", I smiled at him begging, "destroy me. I know you can go faster. Come on, please!"
He raised his eyebrows with a smirk as he heard me clearly.

So he got faster. And faster.
He leaned from his elbows onto his hands, which grabbed mine.

I moaned a loud "Yes" multiple times.
He went faster and faster until I arrived at a point. I came, but it felt like I would've cum 4 times one after another. I had never had such a great feeling before. I moaned his name loudly, grabbing his hands as tight as I could.

Again he hit my g-spot and made my stomach contract. Then he slowed down again and I breathed heavily.

He leaned back down on his elbows and then took my hands with his again.
"You're so great George", he smiled at me, being close to my face.
He slowed down more and more and eventually pulled his dick out of me.

I slightly whined at the loss, but then calmed down, feeling exhausted.
With a little smile and closed eyes I let my body relax.
Dream lay down next to me and stroked my cheek gently.

"Do you have any towels or wipes here?", he asked.
"Kitchen. Counter", was everything I managed to say.
"I'm gonna be right back. Don't move", he said before giving me a quick kiss and leaving the room.

I closed my eyes and relaxed. I was about to fall asleep, then I heard Dream coming back and the next second something wet rubbing my stomach. I opened my eyes, seeing Dream wiping the white cum off my stomach with a wet cloth. Then he cleaned the wet with a dry one. Also on the bed sheet next to me was a bit, where he also drove over it with the wet cloth. I probably had to put the bed sheet in the washing machine tomorrow.

"Shh~ close your eyes and sleep Georgie", Dream whispered when he looked at me.
But I was afraid he would leave and didn't want to close my eyes. Dream then looked around and eventually found a trash can into which he threw the cloths. Then he leaned down to his clothes and put on the boxer shorts.

"Please stay", I said quietly.
He nodded and went back into the bed next to me.
The last thing I could remember was snuggling on Dream's chest and him putting the blanket over us, wrapping his arms around me.


~1.285 words~

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