2. I work alone

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"George! You're needed!"

I walked through the great hall, still fully equipped with sword and everything, and then up the huge stairs. Along the many rooms on the side to the room with the glass doors in which my boss and 3 good trained-looking hunters were. They stood around the large table on which everything is always analyzed during important meetings. It was this high-tech technology, as you know it in those argent movies.

"Yes sir?", I entered the room.
"We have a problem", he looked at the table seriously.
"Go on", I went over to them and stood at the table between two of the hunters across from the boss.
"There is a speed runner, or actually not. He's one of the murderers whose destination we couldn't figure out. No, that's exactly what I'm talking about, we don't know anything about the guy. Nothing at all. He has become a big problem for us. Here's the following ... We've been hunting him for about a month now, maybe a little more, and none, not one, who took him on as a mission survived."

"That's why I'm here, right?", I raised an eyebrow.
"George, this guy is nothing you've ever seen before. He'd killed loads of people. Including 100 of us", he looked at me.
"100? Why didn't you contact me right away? Why would you waste so many hunters on one killer?", I gave him a triggered glance.
"You were so busy recently and I thought we could do that without you, but this has become really serious", he sighted.

"Busy recently", I scoffed, "Give me any mission you want, I won't stress out because I'm 24/7 on mission."
"I know that George, but I actually don't even know if you can handle him."
"What?", I felt insulted, "You said you know nothing about him and just because he had killed 100 hunters does not mean that I couldn't handle him."
"We know one thing about him."
"Go on", I raised my eyebrows.

"We tried to send people out with cameras, but the killer is totally focused on not being recognized. Either he destroys the camera first, or when we got there better, he wore a mask. A smiley face can be seen on this", he explained.
"Okay? Continue", I listened.
"So we tried a microphone. The killer first killed the hunter and then said 'don't you think you could mess with Dream'."

"So their name is Dream?"
"Yes, looks like he calls himself Dream", my boss sighted.
"I want the mission", I straightened up.
"Are you sure? Would be a pity if we would lose one of our best hunters", he raised his eyebrows.
"I am sure. I will bring you a dead Dream, promise", and with that I went to the door.
"You know nothing about him. Not his technique, his goal, his weaknesses, size, appearance-", he spoke after me.

"I know sir", I turned my head to the side, "I'm sure it will be interesting."
Then I left the room and went downstairs.
Not in the great hall from before, further down. The Manhunt Quarter had 5 floors. At the top, the meeting rooms. The first floor, which was the great hall. One down, the bedrooms from us Hunters, at least from those who also lived here and did not have a home themselves. One floor lower were the armories and the training rooms. And we had dungeons the next floor lower, in which we kept captured killers in case we needed them for important information, ect. Eventually we would kill them or release them for some reason. Often handed over to the police.

I went to the bedrooms on the "-1 floor". I already mentioned that I have my own house that is pretty well secured, but sometimes I stayed here too, for example when I was tired from a long day or didn't feel like going home. Often people stayed here when a night mission was imminent. I didn't have any of that. I also had a room here, but mostly just used it to change. After all, it wasn't all about fighting here. There was analyzes, meetings and coffee. Yes, the coffee.

I took off my Manhunt equipment in my room and slipped into a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a hoodie. I went back upstairs to discuss my mission with the boss.
"Do you have any other missions at the moment?", he asked when I came back in the room to them.
"No, pretty bored currently to be honest", I sighted with the cup of coffee in my hand that I got before I went upstairs.

"Okay, at least we know that he's often in the woods. We were able to find out that there is a castle in a castle in the north near this forest, in which a few people have recently disappeared or dead bodies have been found", one of the three hunters started talking.
"Uhm, I'm sorry, but what do they have to do here?", I raised one eyebrow at the boss.
"Together with you, these 3 are the best hunters in our organization-", he wanted to explain.
"No, I mean why are they here? That's my mission, isn't it?"

"Yes, I had also discussed with them what we should do with Dream. They also know everything you know. They could be of help to you", he tilted his head at me.
"I work-", I straightened up.
"Alone. I know George", my boss sighted, "But as I said, Dream is-"
"No!", I got louder, clenching my teeth, "Dream is mine! I don't need help. I don't need teammates. Why don't you just let me try it and see how it will go. Maybe Dream will be easy kill for me? Now get those damn bastards out of here."

"Okay, calm down mister amazing", one of the hunters rolled his eyes and walked to the door.
"Sapnap-", the boss said looking at the guy.
"No, if he wants to do that alone, let him", "Sapnap" scoffed leaving the room. Shortly afterwards the other two left the room with rolling eyes.

"What?", I raised my eyebrows at my boss when he stared at me.
"Why can't you just be a little bit nicer?"
"Kindness does not matter in this job. I have to kill people, that's everything. I'm good at that, so why being nice? You wanna fire me for that?", I crossed my arms leaning my head a bit back, so I would look down to him.

"No, no, sorry", he raised his hands looking away, "You're the best, you know what to do. You're right George." He was so annoyed with me, but I didn't give a shit.
"So, I should start tomorrow?", I eventually raised my eyebrows.


~1.130 words~

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