25. marshmallow

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I hadn't met Sapnap again after he almost caught us. Before eventually Dream had left, he told me to come back to the forest tonight at midnight and look for him. Looking for him?

So that's what I did. I had spent my evening jogging. After I got back home at 9 pm, I had dinner and lay down on the couch to wait until the agreed time.
Yawning, I looked at the clock at 11:34 pm. I should probably get ready.

Again I put on comfortable jeans, a t-shirt and a jacket with a hood, which I put on my head. In case something should happen, I put a small knife in an inner pocket of the jacket.

I was just on my way down the forest when I saw smoke. Deep in the forest. Something was burning. Is that what Dream meant by "looking for him"?

So I followed the smoke. Eventually I came out at a small clearing and looked around. A small campfire was placed in the middle. That was the first thing I noticed. It caused the smoke. But that such a small fire could produce smoke that rose so high and was so clearly visible was questionable to me. What if someone would notice it. I had always thought Dream was smart and cautious. This was the exact opposite of that.

Next, I put my neck back and looked up. I couldn't quite believe my eyes for a moment. The trees, which are usually only light and dark green, were decorated with beautiful pink and purple flowers. I especially liked the crystal blue ones, of which there were not so many.

Did Dream do this for me?

With a smile I slowly walked around the little campfire, keeping my look up at the treetops.
"You like it?", I heard a deep voice from my right. I turned my head to it.
"It's amazing", I gave him a bright smile. He smiled back at me as if I just had told him the most beautiful words he had ever heard.

He was leaning sideways against a tree and had his arms crossed. Then he came a few steps forward and knelt down to the fire. I watched him putting his hand in his pocket and pulling it back out in a fist. He then opened it with his palm up and blew a kind of grey dust on the fire. It still burned the same, but the cloud of smoke decreased and was no longer higher than the beginning of the treetops.

"What was that?", I asked.
"A dust", he stood up slowly.
"Yeah, I know what I saw Dream. I mean, what actually is that? In detail? What did it just do? Why did it do that? What kind of dust?", I stepped to him.
"Nothing you know or can find. I made it myself. It reduces the smoke of a fire", he answered, turning around to me.

"What, are you a magician or potion brewer now?", I giggled.
"No George, when you live ten years out here, you discover some things and get to try a lot", he smiled at me.
"Well, what else did you learn out here?", I stepped closer to him.

"Robbing, for example how to rob those yummy marshmallows", he grinned broadly as he pulled a small transparent bag with marshmallows in it out from behind his back.
"You stole marshmallows?", I raised one eyebrow while supressing how much I loved them.
"Come on George, you don't want them?"
"Well....yes, I do, but-", I rolled my eyes.
"So, why don't you eat them with me instead of complaining?", Dream interrupted me with a childish smile.


"No, eww!", I laughed.
"You just have no taste", Dream put his almost burned marshmallow into his mouth.
"They have to be brown with still a bit of white. Then they're perfect. They shouldn't burn Dream!", I showed him my perfect marshmallow which I just pulled of my stick.
"Say whatever you want. I like it when they're a little bit black", he closed his eyes, chewing with pleasure.

"A little bit?! That's not a little bit!", I frowned.
"Shut up and mind your own business", he crossed his arms, looking slightly pissed. But not like the actually annoyed pissed. More like a little child who has just been proved that he is not right.

"Okay, wait, let me show you that it tastes much better the way I do it", I said, putting two marshmallows on the stick and holding it over the fire.
"Only if you then also try my way", he glanced over to me.
"Okay", I raised my eyebrows.

For about 2 minutes, I let the white sticky cubes getting brown over the fire while Dreams just were in the fucking flames. I imagined it tasting like a pizza you had for 35 whole minutes in the oven.

"So", I said when I pulled the marshmallows off the stick again, "now eat." I held one out to Dream, who immediately took it from my hand into his mouth. It looked absolutely adorable and I tried to suppress a blushing.

"Hmm....", he chewed, "Well, it's okay. But it's way more better a little burned."
Now I was the one looking at him pissed.

Now he held out an almost completely black marshmallow to me and slowly I moved my head towards it.
"Come on! It's not that bad! Stop acting like a little pussy", Dream complained.
"Alright!", I raised my voice before snatching the black cube from his hand with my mouth.

It tasted bad, just as I had thought. But when I bit through the dark layer, it actually tasted much better than mine. But the burned stuff still was in my mouth what made me hold my opinion.
"Mine's still better", I crossed my arms.
Dream sighed with a little smile.

"Of course, I had forgotten how impossible it is to change the mind of your ego", he said.
"Excuse me?!", I widened my eyes at him, interpreting it as an insult.

"Maybe it tastes a little better when I help you", he suddenly grinned at me and leaned forward.
"What?", I gave him a confused glance.
The next thing he did was putting the second dark marshmallow between his teeth and crawl closer and closer to me. I didn't even try to back up.

Then he pressed his lips on mine and bit the marshmallow once. Then we passed it back and forth with our tongues in our mouths. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it, but it felt a bit strange.

Dream eventually detached his lips from mine and a small, white, sticky thread marshmallow still connected our mouths. With widened eyes and a racing heart I watched him tearing the thread gently apart and bringing his part with his tongue into his mouth before eating and swallowing it. Then he smirked at me.

Gosh, dang it, I hated him.

"You're red, Georgie", he grinned evilly.
"Fuck off", I ate my part of the marshmallow, looking away.

"Come here", he giggled.


~1.189 words~

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