16. What

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It probably was an absolute stupid idea to keep pretending that I hunted Dream but instead used it to meet him all the time. If I would get caught, I wouldn't only get in big trouble, my life would be in huge danger.
But I wanted to see Dream, wanted to touch him, let him touch me, wanted to kiss him and make out with him, what was completely comprehensible if you would know how that guy looked.

However, the next day we got a signal again that Dream was running around in the woods. Of course I was sent off. As always. Sapnap was still not completely cured and the doctor did not want to send the seriously injured one yet. Of course, this annoyed him a lot, but his health was paramount. Ant, on the other hand, was doing great again. He healed much faster than I thought, so he came with me.

"George, every strategy we've tried till now did not work", Ant mentioned when we were just on our way to the first seen trees of the forest, "We have to figure out a smarter way-"

"No Ant", I interrupted, "the strategy is not the problem. It's the fighting. You're just not good enough for him."

"Excuse me?", Ant briefly stopped and I turned around to face him.
"If you'd fight better, we would get him", I said with straight expression.
"That also counts for you, you asshole", he looked to the side, pissed.
I quietly giggled at him being so offended.
"Yes, but the asshole is better than you. If you'd be as good as me,....yeah, you know", I raised my eyebrows.
"Shut up. We've got a job to do", he continued walking, still avoiding my look.

"I'm not the one who started that conversation", I said with a slight smirk and then concentrated on the area again to notice when Dream was here.

I had to part with Ant again somehow. Just the thought of seeing Dream again, wanted me to get rid of Ant as soon as possible. But how?

"There", I quickly said, pointing into a random direction, "I think I saw him."
Of course I lied.

"You come from the front and I sneak up from behind. You see the tree back there, there I saw a head hiding. But slow down and give me time to walk the big arc. And don't make any inconspicuous noises", I told him, "And if he's not there, wait for me and we'll keep on searching."
He nodded and slowly took one step in front of the other.

'Please find me Dream', I thought to myself and walked away. So far until I was sure Ant wouldn't find me that quickly.

"Thought of me already?", I heard a smirk from behind me.
"Dream!", I frightened as I turned around to see the tall man right in front of me.
"Missed me?", his smirk didn't leave his lips as he slightly bit them.
"Of course I did", I couldn't supress a smile.

Then he pulled his hand to my waist and stroked it slowly.

"Did you miss me?", I raised an eyebrow.
"What do you think?", Dream now put his other hand around me and pulled me close to him, so that our bodies touched.

"What's that going to be, pretty boy?", I said, obviously trying to supress the feelings that got me and pulled out a knife that I held then to his throat.
Absolutely unexpectedly, he took the blade with his teeth in his mouth and smiled in an incredibly sexy way.

There my blush came immediately and covered my cheeks with the pink-red.
He finally let it go when I pulled it aside and threw it away.
Then I pulled him by his neck to me and pressed his lips on mine.

It didn't take long for both of us to start getting feelings, which was pretty obvious for both of us. Dream stepped forwards, I stepped backwards and let him press me against a tree. Immediately I let out a small moan when his tongue pushed into my mouth as I opened it again.

I quickly and strongly noticed how much this affected Dream and he began to make the kiss harder and more passionate while he grabbed my thigh with one hand and lifted it up to his leg.
After I eventually let out another moan, his lips briefly pulled away.
"Gosh, you're so hot George", he breathed into my ear before going down on my neck.

The neckline of my shirt did not cover my collarbone, to which Dream put his soft lips and began kissing this spot which I liked incredibly.

After some time, Dream pulled his mouth away from my skin and stared into my eyes as his hands wandered up and down my waist.

"You want me to fuck you George?", he bit his lip slightly with a smirk.
"Mhm....", was all I answered to that, while biting my bottom lip with a slight moan, because of the feeling I got from that imagination.

Then he smiled, slightly diabolical, and looked down at me. He grabbed my hands and lifted them over me. He pressed them to the tree trunk and held them there with one hand.

Gosh, why was I such a bottom?

His free hand, he ran under my shirt and touched my waist.
I twitched briefly at the touch of his cold fingers, but quickly got used to the temperature. Before I could even think about the next step, his lips were already on mine again. He pressed me against the tree and at the same time against him while our tongues played with each other.

Another moan left my mouth through the pleasurable kiss and I wanted more and more of him...

"What in the fucking-"

I turned my head quickly to the side, as well as Dream, and saw a shocked looking Ant.

Dream let go of me and made deep eye contact with him, just like I did. Ant continued staring at us, switching the look between Dream and me.

"George, what the heck?!", he eventually yelled.
Without another word, Dream pulled out his axe behind his back and ran towards Ant. He was frightened and ran to the side while he also got out his sword.

I wanted to tell Dream to stop, but he had been right. Ant would tell everyone and put me in danger. He wasn't on my side.
"George! Help!", I heard Ant screaming, struggling not to get hit.
I just stood there, staring at them.

There it was. The moment I waited for. Ant got hit on his arm. It wouldn't kill him, but it tore a lot of skin from its flesh and a huge bloody wound appeared. A few more blade crossings and Ant lost.

Dream aggressively struck his axe to the side of Ant's neck and cut off his head. It flew to the side and landed on the ground. The body also fell and tons of blood flowed to all sides.

I already knew this kind of view and wasn't triggered by it, so did Dream. He slowly turned around to me without any interpretable expression on his face and we looked at each other. I didn't care about his death, but... my heart beat irregularly.

"It's fine", Dream walked towards me, stroking my arm when he got to me, "just tell them he died in the fight and you could survive."

"Sapnap's gonna hate me...", I quietly groaned while letting my head fall onto Dreams chest.


~1.269 words~

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