22. annoying

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I woke up, lying in my comfortable and soft bed, and slowly began stretching. Yawning, I looked over to the clock. 1pm?! What? I never have slept that long before. When did I go to bed yesterday? I couldn't remember anything. What did I do? After the thing with Dream yesterday, I went home, exhausted. That's what I knew. But what then?

Suddenly I felt a horrible pain at my neck. Every time I moved it just a little bit it hurt.
My head hurt too.
Confused, I stood up and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

I looked around, searching for food. I hadn't been shopping for weeks now and was almost out of things to eat. I found a banana and some oatmeal for a cereal though. In the fridge also was a half full orange juice which I added to my breakfast.

After I had finished eating, I went brushing my teeth and else to start the day. I looked at my phone at around 2pm. No messages from my boss. Still no job to do? Well, that just meant for me free time again. I decided to use my time today to train a bit and to go shopping for the things I needed.

I had no car. I couldn't drive. I had no driving licence. So I walked everywhere, or more like jogged. I went to the quarters at around 3pm then, in sport clothes, having some changing clothes with me. Arrived there, I made the hand scan and else to enter and used the elevator.

I drove straight down to the training rooms and got out to a weird silence. I was alone, nice. I thought that was great, because then there would be no one there who could annoy or distract me. All alone for myself.

I went over to a shelf and took the pair of sports shoes under which "George" stood. Anyone who wanted to could just leave something like sports shoes here under their name, so you didn't have to bring it with you every time, but just had it there. For me, this was convenient anyway, as I slept quite often in the quarter.

Then I went to the boxing compartment and took some boxing gloves. I picked out one of the hanging sacks and started hitting it. Right, left, always a little stronger. Suddenly, I had a total thrust of strength and hit harder and harder. Then I took off the gloves and went to the equipment compartment. I lay down on the weight bench and began lifting. Then I went to other devices, like the treadmill, on which I ran the shit out of myself, abdominal muscle press, chest press, low pull, cable pulldown, leg press and more.

After an hour of training, I took one of the towels and wiped the sweat from my body. I also took a cup of water from the water dispenser to have a drink. I took a deep breath and then went on working out.

Another half an hour later I left the room and went to take a shower in the cabins. Also done with that, I took the elevator back upstairs. I stopped at the first floor and got out. I thought, if maybe no one was there, I could have taken a look at our current data and information about one or the other. However, the thought disappeared again when I saw several men walking through the hall. There weren't many, maybe 15 or so.

"George", I heard a familiar voice while walking through the room.
I turned my head to look at Sapnap who was walking up to me.
"No progress with Dream, huh?", he said when he stopped just in front of me.
"Why are you here?", I gave him a confused glance.
"Because I'm doing my job? What kind of question is that?", he looked even more confused at me.

"There's something to do? With what? What's up?", I asked.
"George, there's not only Dream out there. Also other speed runners and murderers are free running around that we have to stop", he looked at me like I'd be dumb.
"Why am I not involved?", I tensed.
"Cause you're maybe not needed, I don't know bro", Sapnap shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, hi George! What are you doing here?", my boss suddenly appeared on the stairs, walking down to us.
"Why am I not working? You told me you'd text me if I'm needed", I gave him an insulted look.
"Yes, when you're needed, George. We only have small missions right now. It would only waste your time. You have to concentrate on Dream when he's back...whenever that will be", he raised his eyebrows.

"But Sapnap is needed???", I frowned, pointing at the one.
"Why so pissed? You wanna work so badly? Enjoy your free days", the boss said.
"You know that you're nothing without me", I reminded him with a dark look before turning around and being about to leave.

"Hey, George!", Sapnap ran after me, grabbing my shoulder, "I'm doing better now, so I can help you with Dream when he's back, yeah? Just so you know."
"I never wanted your help in the first place", I said pissed, not turning my look to him.
"Stop being an asshole, you jerk, and accept that you can't beat him alone. You need me and we're gonna get him-", he let go of my shoulder and kept talking until I interrupted him.
"You don't know shit", I laughed, just keeping on walking to the entrance.

"What?", I heard him frowning confused.
"You're an idiot, Sap. Shut up. You're a nothing. You don't know anything about me, about Dream, about this god damn job you're doing here", I eventually turned around and talked seriously with a strong and mean tone in my voice.
"Excuse me?", he leaned forward, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"It's all just a game for you, isn't it? The only thing you can do is fight. Maybe that's enough for dumb small murderers that are easy to kill, but for Dream it's far away from enough", I told him, lifting up my chin, "I can compare to him. You can't. Stop being in my fucking way and let me do my work!"

"Okay, George! I know that you're a good fighter and hunter and whatever you like to call yourself, mister perfect and better than everyone, but we're a team and we're working together! Fucking stop being so mean to me! I haven't 'done anything to you! And so hasn't Ant! And you let him die!", Sapnap raised his voice, tensing his body.

"I didn't let him die!", I began yelling, "How many god damn times do I have to tell your stupid head?! He died because he wasn't good enough and you will die because of the same fucking reason!"

The rest of the day I used for the shopping and then laid on the couch, watching some movies. I had enough of those annoying people around me. They could die and I wouldn't care shit.


~1.190 words~

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