32. stay alert

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!Sapnap POV!

This is the first (and only) chapter in Sapnap's POV, since it's not possible to describe the actions in George's POV. After this chapter it's back to George POV/normal!

"Why doesn't he read my messages?", the boss looked at his phone, frowning.
"Who?", I went over to the man who was sitting on a chair in the meeting room.
"George. I told him to stay alert and check his phone regularly or at least not to mute it", he didn't break the eye contact with the screen.

"Well, you also told him to take a break and enjoy his free time", I blinked at him, putting my hands into the pockets of my hoodie.
"That too, but he still should stay alert", he answered annoyed.
"Maybe he's still asleep?", I sat next to my boss.
"At 3pm?", he raised an eyebrow at me.

I glanced at my watch.
"Yeah, alright", I smiled.
"George always reads my messages. This one is delivered since 2 whole hours. What's he doing?", he frowned at his phone again, typing probably another message.

"Well, what do you want to tell him?", I tried to glance over to the screen, but his hand covered it.
"I wanna talk to him a bit and update him", he turned off the phone after finishing typing.

"Still nothing about Dream?", I asked.
"No. It's really weird how he suddenly disappeared. That's also something I want to talk to George about. He seemed to kind of know him a bit, what you told me too, and maybe he has any ideas", he leaned forward, grabbed the coffee cup on the desk and leaned back in the chair, taking a sip.

"About that....", I began, but stopped when I was thinking about it.
"Hmm?", he hummed, looking at me, "What's up?"
"You know, I've had some contact with George recently and I think....", I chose my words wisely, since I knew what George meant to the boss.

"Go on", he glanced at me curiously, holding the cup with both hands in this lap.
"He's acting....kind of weird. Like, not normal. Suspicious....", I made eye contact with him.
"What' you mean?", he looked confused, changing his position in the chair.
"Like he's tryna hide something or so", I shrugged my shoulders, "And always when it comes to the topic about Dream, he looks at me with this 'that's none of your business glance'."

"So you think George is hiding something?", he put the cup back on the table and crossed his arms.
"Well....yeah", I said quietly, looking away.
"George's private life is none of our business, you know that. That's also like that with you. With all of us, Sapnap. And if it's something about work,....why should he do that? He works here for many many years. Much longer than you. And he never disappointed me or betrayed me", he raised an eyebrow at me.

That was the expression I had been scared of. George is number one for the boss and he thinks highly of him. There was no way I could blame George for something without prove. There was one thing this annoying hunter was always right with. He was better and higher than me.

"I don't know either. I just....find him suspicious", I played with my fingers awkwardly, "Juts wanted to share it with you."
"Well Sapnap, what are you suggesting? What's the reason? What is our George up to?", he glanced at me pejoratively.

"I don't know", I stretched my arms to the sides and raised my voice lightly.
"Well, you gotta have something in mind", he rested his chin on his hand, his elbow propped on the chair armrest.

"Well...maybe...just maybe", I tried to explain carefully, "He might have some private contact to Dream. Some kind of relation-"
I got interrupted by loud laughing.

"George?!", the boss laughed, even tears appearing in his eyes.
"That's funny?", I got confused.
"George is the most antisocial person I've ever known. He loves killing and hates people in general. I can't imagine that", he just kept on laughing.

"But maybe that's the point. He can feel safe with whatever he's doing because we think that", I leaned to him.
"Okay Sapnap", he changed back to serious, "Maybe he can be some kind of an asshole, but I can say for sure that he has absolutely no relationship to Dream in any way."

Then I just kept my mouth shut. I couldn't do anything anyway. Then I saw him pull out his phone again, type a few times and then put it to his ear.
"George!", I heard him saying after some seconds.
I listened to him attentively.

"Where are you?.....Are you okay?....Just asking......oh?....okay......yeah.......well, could you come to the quarters please?......no.......just wanted to talk to you about some stuff......yeah, sure......yes.....okay.....see ya then.....alright." Then he hung up.

I glanced at him with raised eyebrows.
"He sounded really really tired. Maybe he did sleep till now...", he frowned.
"What did he say?"
"He's at home and will be here in 20 minutes he said", the boss took another sip of his coffee.

"Listen", I stood up when he put the cup back on the desk, "I just want you to give it at least a slight thought. Please."
"We can ask him if you really need confirmation", he rolled his eyes.
"When he's hiding something, he probably won't tell us, you brain-", I glanced at him like he'd be dumb.....before realizing I just called him 'you brain'.
Luckily he just answered with a laugh.

"I've got that Sapnap. Could you please go to the monitoring center and look if we've got any company in the forest?", he stood up too before emptying his coffee.
"Yes sir", I nodded.

Before leaving the room, I turned around one more time and said "Pay close attention to his behaviour and please just remember what I said."
"God damn Sapnap, go!", he waved me away with a giggle.

A lot of thoughts went through my head as I made my way down the stairs and into the room with the surveillance system.

'I'm sure there's something going on', 'I don't know George for long, but there's definitely something suspicious', 'In what relationship does he stand to Dream?', 'Am I overthinking? Did I overreact? Is there really nothing going on and I'm just too bored at the moment?'

I closed the door behind me and sat down at the table with the monitors.
I'll better concentrate on work now.
But there was no way George wasn't up to something.

"What are you doing George....", I stared at the radar.


~1.075 words~

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