12. Was it?

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Dreams lips pressed on mine, his right hand gently holding my waist and him pressing me softly against him. I had put my arms back and pressed them against the sides of the tree I was leaning on. Eventually after a few kisses, I felt a warm tongue smoothly going into my mouth when I opened it. Then Dream ran the hand on my cheek also down to my waist and squeezed it slightly. Uncontrolled my hands went up to his head and pulled it on his neck closer to me.

Suddenly Dream pulled away and looked behind the tree. Then he looked back into my eyes and stared into them deeply. Quickly he moved his head towards me and gave me one more long and passionate kiss onto the lips. After that he pulled away again, turned around, grabbed his axe from the ground and ran away.

I slid with my back down the tree trunk and stared with heavy breath in the direction he had gone.
"George", I suddenly heard Sapnaps voice appearing next to me. That's why Dream had left.
"George, what happened? Are you alright?", he leaned against the trunk and looked me up and down. Except for a small scratch on my face, I had no injury. Dream had done nothing to me, what you couldn't say about my two comrades who got badly injured.

"We fought and I managed to put him on the run", I lied while quickly tearing myself out of my thoughts and slowly stood up.
"How is Ant? How are you? Are you both okay?", I asked.
"Ant is good. He's still where you left him and calming down. I'm also okay. I've survived worse", Sapnap sighed.
"Oh right, I mean, you just escaped death. Not a big deal, right?", I said sarcastically.

"George, I'm fine, okay?"
"If you say so", I went over to the sword on the ground.
"But that guy, Dream....", Sapnap went on, "...he's really tough. I mean really good."
"I know Sap. That's why we need a good strategy for fighting him", I sighed while walking past him, "Come on. Let's get Ant and go back to the station."

After we told what had happened, I spent the whole day in my room in the organisation and thought. How should this all go on now? I was supposed to stop Dream ... I had to kill him .....
But how should I do that now? What would Dream do? Would he still try to kill me? Did he even try it earlier? He hadn't attacked me. God damnit.

I let myself fall onto my bed on my back and stared at the ceiling. Slowly I bit my lip a bit when I started to think about the kiss. What were those feelings I had for him? I never had felt that before.
How he had touched me....Slowly I put my hand on the spot where Dreams had been. It wasn't the same. I wanted him to do that again, I wanted to feel him....

I tore myself out of my thoughts and sat up.
'What a bullshit I'm thinking', I rolled my eyes and tried to forget it.
But less than 20 minutes later I heard an alarm go off.
"George!", Ant stormed into my room, "Dream's in the woods!"
"What?", I gave him a confused glance. Dream never had shown up twice a day, weird.
"Sapnap is injured and at the doctor station. We have to go without him!", he turned around and wanted to leave.
"You really wanna fight now?", I ran to him and grabbed his shoulder.
"Yeah? Why not? That's our job, right?"
"I don't know, maybe it would be better if we just scout out this time. We don't have Sapnap and you're injured too", I said.
"Uh, okay, if you say so. You're the boss", Ant said and left the room.

Boss? I'm the boss? What?

"Hey Ant, what did you mean by boss?", I asked after I had gotten ready and went out to him.
"Well, you know the best about Dream and you're also more experienced and a way better hunter. You stand above me, so I think it's right to listen to you too", he blinked at me, sticking his sword in the holder.
"Ouh, uh, okay", I made a surprised face, "You're not like your friend Sapnap, aren't you?"
"First of all, he's not my friend. We're comrades and know each other from working together, and secondly,....no, I'm not like him. Why, did you think we were the same?", Ant raised his eyebrows.
"No no, just saying dude", I twitched my shoulders.

When we arrived in the forest, I told Ant that we should split up again and let the other know with the button when we had found Dream. We'd watch him for a moment and just see what he's doing. Should he notice us we would fight the bare minimum and then run away. Without an answer or a question, he nodded and we split up.
"Oh, and Ant", I whispered before he was gone, "If you can't find him, take this as a good opportunity to learn to know the area. Maybe you'll find a hiding place or suspicious place that could help us."
Again he nodded and continued his walk.

I wanted to see Dream and assumed he wanted to see me. I didn't know what to do, but it wasn't typical for him to turn up so soon later, so I let it come my way. I let Ant and me split up so that he wouldn't bother or interrupt us.

I cautiously crept around looking for signs of Dream, but found nothing for a full 5 minutes. At some point I just leaned on a tree and looked up at the sky. And then suddenly I was finally frightened by a familiar "hey" from the side.

"Dream," I said, looking to the side.
"Pshht", he grabbed my waist and pulled me slightly to the side, pressing me against the tree and looking down to me.
"Sapnap is not here and Ant is somewhere completely else. Don't worry, you don't have to pshht me", I smirked.
After a short while of looking at each other, I asked "And? What now?"

"I don't know. You don't wanna fight me and try to kill me even though you exactly know you can't?", he licked his lips while looking down at mine.
"N-", I couldn't manage any words. Looking at him with that face suddenly was completely different than before.

"Do I make you horny, George?", Dream bit his lip. There I noticed my zoning out and quickly looked to the side, also to hide my blush that was unfortunately coming up on my cheeks.
"Is that a yes?", he raised one eyebrow with a hot expression what I couldn't see but just knew it.

....I don't know. Was it?


~1.157 words~

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