21. neck

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There were many good hiding places that I knew about which Dream certainly had no idea, but I decided to annoy him a bit.

So I ran a bit in one direction and then picked out a nice tree on which I climbed. The treetop was nice and dense and it was hard to see me there. Let's see...

The 30 seconds must have ended by now and I was watchful about my surroundings. I still didn't hear any footsteps or anything like that, which could have been a sign of Dream. I waited another 2 minutes until I could finally perceive steps. They came in my direction. There he was finally.

I sat on a thick branch and held on there. I looked through a small gap between the leaves and recognized the attractive young man looking around. I had to suppress a laugh, but a smile wasn't a problem.

In this surrounding area, he looked around in a few places and then walked on, past me. I smiled broadly, feeling my win.

After 3 more minutes I heard a yelling. "Alright George, come out! I admit it! You're better, okay?!"
You could hear in the voice how annoyed he was about it and probably rolled his eyes while saying that. But I didn't come out though. I wanted him to find me.

So I whistled instead. After a few seconds I stopped, hearing the steps running towards me.
"Oh, Georgeee~", I heard his voice, "Come out!"
I whistled again and looked again out of the gab. There he came and looked around.
I whistled one more time and got his attention drawn right into my soul with his eyes.

I quickly moved my face away from the gap and went quiet.
"George~", I heard him coming closer.
I whistled again after a few seconds of silence. Then I looked down and saw Dream leaning against the tree I was on.
"You're fucking kidding me, right? On a tree. You're an asshole", he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

I clutched myself with my legs on the branch, on which I was sitting, and let my upper body swing down so that my head hung upside down, perfectly at Dream's eye level. He quickly turned his head to me and we looked at each other.

I smiled at his lips and eyes alternately, happy about my success.

Do you know that scene in Spiderman where he kisses the woman upside-down? That's what it felt like.

Dream leaned his head forward to mine and lay his lips on mine gently. I put my hand behind his head and pressed it to me softly. The kiss didn't last long though, I pulled away and smiled at him. "I won, idiot", I grinned.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you won. Idiot", he looked away, looking slightly pissed.

"Naww, don't be sad. You knew I was better than you right from the beginning. You just can't beat me", I smiled with closed eyes at him, just like a little child.
"I'm sorry, what exactly are you referring to this statement?", he raised one eyebrow at me.
"Well, everything. I'm just better than you. At everything", I smirked slightly.

Suddenly, Dream grabbed me by my upper body and pulled me down. I was frightened and thought he would just drop me to the ground, which would have hurt tremendously if I wouldn't turn my head to the side so that it wasn't hit.

But instead he held me tight and just turned me around as if I was a very light toy.
I was now hanging in the air, expecting to be dropped off, but....

He pressed me against the tree trunk and held me up by my neck. Normally I would have suffocated, which felt like it, but he held his hand on my neck in such a way that he could neither strangle me nor cause a broken neck. I could breathe, but it felt heavy. It hurt how he held me, but felt somehow also.... good....

"Excuse me, what did you just say?", he looked at me in a sexy af way. No kidding, that glance turned me on!

I tried to say something, but I only managed to open my mouth a little bit, not being able to speak and let out the air, I just had hold in my lungs, as a quiet moan through my breath by accident.

"Mhm, that's what I thought", he smirked.
Then he went it bit higher with his thumb on my jawline and squeezed my cheek with it. Now my neck started hurting. I thought it was just about to get broken and breathed heavily.

When he saw my facial expression, he smiled in a hot way, licking his lips. It was so attractive, but I felt like being about to die what gave me mixed feelings on this. I grabbed his hand with both of my hands tightly what only caused him to smile brighter.

I pinched my eyes, letting out another quiet moan in the try to talk.
Then he finally loosened a bit and let my back slide down the tree until my feet could feel the ground again.

I felt weak and wanted to fall to the ground and catch my breath, but he still pressed me on the tree and held me there tightly, with the same hand that hadn't let go of me.
"I'm sorry, I'm not better than you. I'm not better than you!", I managed to say while staring into his strong eyes.

He only smirked at it, showing his fangs and stepped closer to me. We now were just inches apart from each other.
"What George?", he raised one eyebrow, looking deep into my eyes.
"You're better! You have the whole power over me! You're stronger and better! I'm pathetic compared to you!", I let out.

"Yeah, that's good", he said in a deep, hot voice, coming even closer.
Then his hand wandered up on my neck and his thumb ran over my lips.
"Be a good boy and don't ever claim that you're better than me again, okay?", he smiled, looking from my lips back up to my eyes.

I nodded, literally melting inside right now.

"Good", he smirked and then let go of me completely. I fell down to the ground and leaned against the tree trunk, breathing quickly and shaking.

I first stared at the ground and tried to get my breathing under control and calm back down. Then, still trembling, I slowly looked up at Dream, who then knelt down to me.
"Have a great rest of the day, George", he smiled at me, still in this evil hot voice. Like a hot psychopath again.

Then he took my chin, lifted it up and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before getting up and just leaving.

I pinched my eyes and leaned my head back, pulling myself back together.
When my breathing became regular again and I didn't feel so exhausted anymore, I looked down.
My dick was hard.....


~1.180 words~

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