35. your fault

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"So, you're saying he knows?", Dream asked.

We were walking around in the woods while I was telling him what the boss had told me earlier.

"I could just kill him, you know?", he answered at my nod.
"That won't be necessary", I giggled, "My boss doesn't believe him and if that stays like that, nothing bad will happen to us. That's why we just gotta be careful."
"Understood", he said, looking forward expressionless.

"Hey, are you okay?", I stopped and grabbed his arm.
"Why?", his glance went down to me.
"Well, since I stopped the making out you look so disappointed. Are you pissed because I want to spend the day differently?", I looked at him guilty.

"What? No, of course not!", he leaned down and cupped my cheek, "It's not like that!"
"Then, what's wrong?", I looked at him with wide eyes.
"Well...", he rubbed the back of his neck, straightening up again, "You said that we won't have that much time with each other when you go back to work, because you'll spend a lot of time there then...and..."

He sighed.
"I'm asking you this again and again, no matter if you always say no....", he glanced deeply into my eyes, "Will you run away with me George?"
"Run away? Define run away", I frowned.

"Quit your job, your life and go somewhere far away with me. Let's be together George! Just you and me. We spend the whole day together and...do whatever we want, whatever you want! I want to live with you. Until we die", he clenched his teeth and fists.

I just looked at him without a word for a bit.
"How are we gonna live? We need an accommodation, we need money, how are we gonna get that?", I asked unsure.

"I can show you how to live without a job! I've survived like that for years! And we-", he sounded excited, but I had to cut that off.
"You lived by robbing and murdering Dream. That's not how I want to live. I...I really like my job...", I looked to the side.

"And me? What about me? Do you want me to run after you forever?", now he sounded angry.
"What? No! Dream, you never had to run after me! I love you Dream! Please don't think like that! I also want to spend my life with you! Please don't get angry", I started panicking and grabbed his short tightly.

"Hey, calm down. I'm not gonna leave you", he caressed my head.
"I- I want to run away with you Dream! I want to be with you forever! Yes! But- it's just...it's too difficult for me", I leaned my forehead on his chest.

"It's alright. It's just an option", his voice sounded sad and disappointed again.
"No, it's not just an option. I want to do that too!", I looked up quickly and stared into his eyes, "Please give me time to think."

"Will you cry now?", he lightly laughed, "You look like you're about to cry."
"No. I'm...ugh...you sometimes make me so emotional. I never was like that before I met you", I let go of the fabric.

"It's alright. I'll wait and give you the time you need", he calmly said, nodding slowly.
"Stay with me, please", I clenched my teeth.
"George, I'm not gonna leave", he grabbed my face and pulled me to him, so that our faces were inches away from each other.

"Okay", I smiled and pressed my lips on his softly.
As responds he put his hands on my waist and kisses back.

"I knew it!....Fuck-", I suddenly heard a scream next to us. Quickly I turned my head to that direction, just like Dream, and spotted Sapnap hiding between two bushes. He had pressed his hand on his mouth, apparently regretting to yell. In his other hand he had a phone, with the front camera pointed at us.

"Sapnap!", I let go of Dream, "How long have you been standing there?!"
"Long enough!", his expression changed and he gave me an angry and also happy expression.
"Sapnap, we can talk about this. No one has to get hurt", I calmly raised my hands to him and slowly stepped towards him.

"I should just kill him. Let me-", Dream came after me and was just about to walk past me quickly to get to Sapnap.
"No", I put my one arm to the side to stop him.

"You're fucked", Sapnap smirked before turning to the side and suddenly starting to run.
"I have to kill him!", Dream yelled.
"Wait here!", I pointed my finger at Dream before running after Sapnap.

"Sap- Sapnap! Please, let's talk!", I yelled after him.
"Why should we?! I have enough proof!", he shouted back to me.
"You know that we could kill you with ease, right?!", I yelled what finally caused him to stop.

He turned around and I got slower.
"Come on Sap, let's get-", I reached my hand out for the phone, but he stepped back and put the phone behind his back.
"Okay, let's talk George. What do you have to say, huh?", he lifted his chin, raising an eyebrow.

"Look, I know it might be confusing, but...ugh, I love that man back there, okay? I just-", I tried to explain calmly.
"I knew it right from the beginning!", he interrupted me, "George, he's a murderer! A serial killer! You're supposed to kill him! Not to...fuck him!"

Well, I never told him that, but...nah.

"What am I supposed to do Sapnap?!"
"Kill him! How can you love him?! You gay bastard!", he screamed, almost tears appearing in his eyes.
That made me stop. Gay bastard?

"I'm not gonna apologize for that. I know what I said", he wrinkled his nose.
"I hate you", I said expressionless.
"Good. Because I hate you too!", he started running again.

I didn't even run after him. I let myself fall to the ground and looked down. That's when I heard Dream running to me from behind.
"I should've killed him! I told you-", he screamed at me, but stopped when he saw me and knelt down to me.

"George?", I heard his worried voice.
"It's your fault! Just because I had to meet you, my life is destroyed now!", tears escaped my eyes and flew down my cheeks, "If I just would've killed you! If wouldn't have played around! If I just wouldn't have fallen for you! I'm so stupid!!! I always knew how bad such feelings are! Why did I-", I screamed the fuck out of my lungs.

"George! Calm down! It's alright! We're gonna-", Dream put his hand on my back.
"No!", I interrupted him again, facing him while keeping on screaming, "You made me like that! Weak...a- and emotional! My life was perfect! I had everything! I was happy! I'm better alone! I always was! You destroyed everything! You destroyed everything! Everything! It's your fault!..........and mine....."


~1.158 words~

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