31. bed

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I slowly regained consciousness. I opened my eyes and light entered my cornea. I woke up, no idea what time it was, and yawned.

Dream. That night. Everything came up to my mind. We had slept with each other. Wait...Dream! Was he gone?! He was gone, for sure. It looked like him to do so. But wait.... When I wanted to turn around, I felt an arm being wrapped around me from behind.

I lay under my covers, the warm arm resting on my bare skin, gently holding me. I rolled over so that I was on my back and turned my head to the side to see Dream snuggled close to me, still asleep.

I had to smile. He looked so cute and calm in his sleep. Suddenly I felt him moving a bit. Was he waking up?

But he just cuddled closer to me and grabbed me tighter. Then I took my arm and lifted it over his head and then wrapped it around him as well. I started stroking Dream's head, which made a small smile appear on his lips. Was he awake now or not?

"Are you awake?", I whispered what got responded with an evenly breathing.
Softly I gave him a kiss onto his forehead and put my other hand on his that was wrapped around my upper body.

I looked up at the ceiling with a bright smile. This seemed so special. I loved waking up next to Dream when he was still sleeping. I wanted to always wake up like that.

"George?", I heard a sleepy voice after a few more minutes of just us cuddling and me stroking through Dreams hair.
"Good morning sunshine", I smiled at him.
"Since when are you awake?", he looked at me with slightly pinched eyes. He looked really tired.

His voice sounded deep and lightly scratchy. It sounded pretty hot to me. His morning voice. I had never heard it before. Felt nice.

"Since a few minutes. Maybe 10 or so", I answered, continuing to stroke him.
"This feels good, keep on doing it please", he said, closing his eyes again and cuddling me tighter. Like a little dog he snuggled on my shoulder and enjoyed me caressing him.

'Cute', I thought.

Eventually he yawned.
"What time do we have now?", he looked up slightly.
I glanced over to the alarm clock next to me briefly.
"1 pm", I said.
Groaning quietly, he cuddled to me even tighter.

"Can we just stay in bed the whole day?", he asked, still sounding really tired.
"Sure. I have nothing to do", I giggled.
"Great", he yawned again.

As another 15 minutes passed of just staring at the ceiling and enjoying our current situation, I realized that I was completely naked. I had almost forgot about that.

Dream had put on his boxer shorts the night before, but I hadn't. I was completely naked, lying next to him. It felt weird, now that I had noticed.
"Can I put on clothes real quick?", I whispered.

"No", he quietly huffed, almost inaudible.
"Why not?"
"Why do you need to put on clothes? You stay the fuck here now. No moving around. Stay in this position. You don't need clothes", he stroked my bare waist with his hand.

"But I want clothes, I'm not wearing anything", I giggled, stopping to stroke his head.
"Nooooooooo, continue stroking", he complained like a little child, his eyes still closed.
"Dream, just let me quickly put on some shorts and-"
"Whyyyyyy", he cut me off, pulling me tighter to him.

"Because I want clothes", I giggled, repeating myself.
"I like you more without them", I saw a quick smile on his lips as his hand slowly went down on my body.

Blushing, I tensed and concentrated on the movement.
"Now keep on stroking", he stopped shortly before my intimate area.
"Ugh", I rolled my eyes, continuing to caress through his hair.
Then he smiled like a little kid again and went with his hand back to my waist.

"Did you like last night?", I eventually heard from him.
"Euh....", I got slightly flustered when remembering it.
"I liked it", he put his chin on my shoulder, finally opening his eyes.
"I- I really liked it too", I smiled awkwardly.
"I loooved it", he said, sounding and looking drunk.

"I loved it too", I giggled. I liked tired Dream, it was funny. It really seemed like he was drunk, but he just was really tired.
"How do your legs feel, huh?", he suddenly smirked, changing the whole situation.
"Uhm.....", I tried to concentrate on the feeling on my legs, "I don't know. Normal."

"That will change when you try to walk", he smiled like a child again, closing his eyes and snuggling back to my shoulder, "Trust me."
"Then let me try it and put on my clothes", I said.
"Nooooooooooooo", he said annoyed.

So, I just stood up. I pulled away from Dream and sat up. As I listened to his nags for me to lie back down, I pulled the covers off me and turned sideways, my legs hanging down the side of the bed.

Slowly I stood up from the bed, thinking everything was quite fine....but then I felt my legs just breaking in in themselves. I couldn't control it. They felt so weak and just made me fall.

I was now sitting on the floor and laying my arms on the bed, looking at Dream who just laughed.
"That's my fault", he said like he would be proud of it.

"Now get the fuck back up here", he groaned again, reaching his hands out for me.
"I'm gonna put on pants now", I slowly tried to stand up with support of the bed.
Clothes were scattered on the floor and it was easy to reach for my boxer shorts.

I put them on, half-sitting, with excruciating pain in my thighs, before slumping back onto the floor with my butt.

"Can you now get back into the god damn bed????", Dream said again annoyed.
"Calm down", I rolled my eyes with a smile, getting back on the bed.

There I noticed the stains on the bed. It just looked like something was wet there before, but also slightly white-.....ouh, right. That's the cum Dream wiped away with wet cloths.
"I have to put that into the washing machine", I sighed.
"Washing machine? You have to burn that", Dream laughed.

"Bullshit", I rolled my eyes, "It's gonna get out, I'm sure."
"Well, if you say so", he said", now, pleeeeeaaaaassse come back here." He made a puppy face.
"Yeah, yeah", I crawled to him and layed back down next to him.

Immediately as I was about to lie down, Dream grabbed me and pulled me close to him.


~1.135 words~

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