28. dark

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"What are you doing?", I asked confused when Sapnap leaned against a tree, looking at me.
"Waiting for you. Let me accompany you home", he smiled.
"Excuse me?", I laughed with raised eyebrows, "No, you won't."
"Why not?", he frowned slightly.
"Because it's really late and you have nothing but a knife with you. Your eyes are, I suppose, not yet accustomed to the darkness and who knows what might happen to you along the way. Besides, a little company isn't so bad, is it?", he tilted his head to the side.

"Sapnap, I don't need any protection from you. I can protect myself way better than you can. Also, I love being alone, thanks", I fake-smiled before rolling my eyes.
"Are you sure?", he raised one eyebrows, pulling his hands out of his pockets and straightening up.
"Yes. Now finally leave. And don't forget taking that body with you", I nodded to it.
"Alright", Sapnap grabbed the dead person, through it over his shoulder, again, and turned around, "Asshole."

I just rolled my eyes at it again and knelt down to the fire. As soon as Sapnap had left the clearing, I blew out the fire to get used to the darkness before I would go home.
I didn't even care where Dream was right now. I just wanted to go home and sleep. I wasn't tired anymore, but I would be for sure when I would lie in my comfortable bed.

However, Sapnap knew something. Or at least thought to know something. I was suspicious for him, no doubt.

So I stood in the clearing, looking around the area, waiting for me to see enough to find my way home. The moon and the stars in the sky shone brightly, making everything a bit easier.
I was about to start walking, when I was frightened by Dream, who suddenly jumped down in front of me. He had probably been on a tree. I didn't scream this time, but I twitched and exhaled annoyed afterwards.

"He's gone I think", he smiled broadly down at me.
"And so I will be any second. Have a good night Dream", I quickly waved before walking around him and leaving the clearing.
"Hey, hey, hey", he stopped me by holding my wrist with his Hand, "why so quickly?"

"Because I want to go home", I said calmly, turning my head to him.
"I won't get a goodbye?", he made a puppy face.
I rolled my eyes with a little smile and then leaned forward, standing on tiptoes and kissed his cheek softly.
"I'm not tired by the way", he grabbed my waist, holding me close to him and smirking.

"Means?", I raised my eyebrows, not managing to supress a smile as our faces were so close to each other.
"If you're not tired, we still could do something", he looked at my lips and back up to my eyes.
"And what do you mean by that?", I lifted my chin.

"Why....", he looked to the ground, stroking my waist with one hand, "don't you take me home with you? I'd love to see where you live."

"You want to go home with me?", I giggled.
"Yeah", he smiled, looking back into my eyes.
"Alright", I shrugged my shoulders.

When he then let go of me, I began to let the path go through my head. When Dream was with me, we had to be more careful. I didn't want to be caught with him. Fortunately, this wasn't the first time I wanted to be under the radar.

"Follow me", I nodded into the direction I was going. Grabbing my hand, he did what I had told him.
We left the clearing and walked a short distance into the woods. Then I opened a small cave by pushing green lianas to the side.
"Yo, what's that place?", Dream sounded impressed as we entered the cave.

"I found this here. Coolly, a tunnel leads underground from here to outside the forest. So we cannot be spotted", I explained while pushing the green stuff back over the opening.
But as soon as we went deeper and down the cave, it became darker and darker. I didn't have a flashlight or cell phone with me, so I probably had to cope without seaworthiness.

"Pretty dark, huh?", I heard Dreams voice who hadn't let go of my hand.
"Yeah, I haven't thought of that point, sorry. I'm gonna find the way anyway.....I hope", I said, trying to remember the way by touching the cold stone walls and squinting my eyes to improve my vision.

Suddenly I walked against a wall and so Dream bumped against me.
"Here right", I said, wanting to turn said direction.
"What do you think we'll be doing when we're in your house?", Dream grabbed my waist and held me on the spot I was standing, leaning down, so he talked with his mouth next to my ear.
"Before we will find that out, we have to get there", I grabbed his hands and loosened them from me, turning right and continuing walking.

"Wait, I can't see more than you!", he quickly ran after me, grabbing my hand again. It was actually so cute.
After some time I hit a wall again and had to laugh. Dream joined the laughing and hugged my tight from behind before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I hope we will find out of here before we die of hunger or shit", I giggled.
"Ach, you will find out here. I believe in you Georgie", he hugged my tighter before letting go of me again.

At some point, after 10 minutes or so, we finally found the exit.
"Look, moonlight! I told you I'd find it!", I smiled, running towards it.
But before I could walk the second step, Dream stopped me again by my waist.
"Come on, stop it. Let's go outside", I patted his hand with mine.

"You didn't answer his question", I heard his smirk as he pulled me closer to him.
"What question?", I asked confused.
"You know? Sapnap asked if you wanted someone's dick inside you-"
I froze while my heart started racing.

"Euh, some- what?", I said nervously.
"Why don't you answer that for me? I'm really interested in it", he put his lips on my neck gently.
Shit, I had forgotten that Dream might have listened to the conversation.

"Can't we just go out of this god damn tunnel please?", I tried to distract.
"Look George, as long as we're in here, you don't even have to say it to my face. I can't see you, you can't see me. Come on, be a little brave and answer", his voice got deeper while he ran his lips along on my skin.

I swallowed, being overwhelmed of how suddenly that just came up.
"Euh, I- ugh.....", I gave up, "Yes. The answer is yes, Dream."
"That's good to know", he said in a hot tone before giving my neck some soft kisses.
"Can- can we leave the darkness now?", I asked, trying not to shake at the way he touched me.
Thank god it was dark right now, I was blushing hardly as fuck.


~1.205 words~

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