33. secret

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Back to George POV/normal

"You're gonna be where in 20 minutes?", Dream looked at me with half open eyes.
"At the quarters. My boss apparently wants to talk to me", I yawned and stretched, sitting up.
"What time is it?", he asked.
"15.21", I answered after looking at my clock again.

"Why do you have to go? You promised to stay in bed the whole day", he gave me the puppy face when I pulled the blanket off my legs.
"Well, I have to do my job, Dream", I tilted my head at him, smiling.
"When will you come back? Can I stay?", he slightly raised a corner of his mouth.

"I don't know what he wants, so I can't really tell when I'll be able to get back home. And sure you can stay", I caressed his cheek lovely.
I blushed at my own action, gosh....

"I love you George", Dream smiled at me wholesomely while taking my hand with his.
There they were again. The butterflies. So many of them. Racing around in my stomach. Feeling my heart beating faster and heavier.

"I've never told you that before I think....I love you George", he repeated.
I wasn't able to say anything. My face was covered with red and I couldn't move.
"I love you", he repeated again, giggling.

Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. As I fell on top of him, I put one leg on his other side and sat on his lap. Then he gently pulled me down by my shoulders and pressed his lips on mine.

"I love you too, Dream", I smiled as we pulled away.
Now he was blushing.
"I can get used to hearing that", he bit his lip.

I had to giggle and grabbed his neck with my hands.
For a short while we just looked into each other's eyes. Then I gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Come back as fast as you can, okay?", he whispered when I laid down on his chest, closing my eyes and enjoying his warm skin on mine.
"I'll try", I smiled.
We both were just blushing and blushing.

When I was with Dream like this, I was just happy. I always wanted to spend my time like that. With him. Alone. Just Dream and me. I loved him. I loved him so god damn much, I never wanted to leave him.

I then got up and went to the bathroom, taking a shower. I showered quickly, keeping the 20 minutes in mind I had told my boss.
After 10 minutes, I came back into the bedroom, my hair already blow-dried, and quickly got dressed.

"Ugh, you're so hot", I heard Dreams deep voice from the bed.
As responds I awkwardly laughed, blushing again.

I was done and about to leave the room.
"See you later", I quickly said.
I looked around the corner at Dream.
"Don't accidentally tell our little secret, yeah", he smirked.
"Heh, yeah", I sighed before leaving Dream on his own.


"What's up?", I entered the big hall after stepping out of the elevator.
"Hey George, want some coffee? You sounded pretty tired on the call", my boss greeted me.
"Nah, I'm fine. Just tell me what you wanted to", I looked forward expressionless.

"Are you in a hurry or something?", I felt him frowning.
"No, I just want you to go on and not waste my time", I kept walking, with him next to me, up the stairs to the meeting room.

"I just wanted to inform you about some stuff", he said as we entered the room and sat on two chairs across from each other.
"Okay, go on", I nodded at him.

"So, first of all, since you were gone we had some targets that.........", he told me a bit of the runners they've had and what was up with them and stuff. Just some information I had missed.
"............but then we killed him, since he didn't wanna talk." He ended his talk.

"Alright. Am I fully updated now? Is that everything that had happened?", I asked.
"Yeah, that's pretty much it. I know it's not much, that's why I didn't call you. It wasn't much work and you weren't really needed", he said.
"I wasn't needed?", I stared at him darkly.

"No, I mean it was nothing that was so hard and much that you were important. Other hunters could handle it", he rolled his eyes with a smile.
"Mhm", was all I said to that.

"I've also got a question George", he eventually got serious.
"Go on", I listened carefully.
"So, you seem to probably know Dream much better than the rest of us", he began, what instantly caught my interest in the question he might be gonna ask, "Do you have any idea why he's not showing up anymore? It's strange, don't you think?"

From his expression and how exactly he asked, I could tell it wasn't a question that he suspected I was hiding anything, but simply because he wanted my opinion.

"Well", I started lying, "We haven't found out his goal yet, if even one existed, and maybe he managed to do what he wanted. Maybe he realized there was no point in fighting me and changed territory. Maybe he got bored. Maybe he has a plan for what he needs to stop showing up. There are many options."

He just nodded while I talked and didn't say anything afterwards.
"The point is, there are actually only 2 options that are important for us. Either he's gone or he has a plan", I continued, "If he's gone, he's no longer someone we have to care about. If he has a plan, we have to stay alert."

"Professional as always George", the boss smiled, looking relieved and leaned back comfortably in his chair, "I never should've thought about anything Sapnap has said."
"Uh, what? What do you mean?", I gave him a confused and curious glance.

"He thinks you act suspicious", he rolled his eyes, "I don't know what his problem is. Maybe he's jealous because you're better than him or something."

So, I was right. Sapnap suspected me. He had noticed something. Damn it. At least my boss didn't believe him. Naive and dumb, but good for me.

"Sapnap never really liked me. Don't listen to him. I'm clean, everything is fine. Just ignore him, he also acted weird when we were working together", I leaned back in the chair too.
"How exactly?", the boss looked at me, listening.
"I have the feeling he never liked me, I don't know why though. Maybe he really is jealous or so. Just don't let him tell bullshit about me. You know my business life better than he does", I said.

Having my boss on my line had given me quite a few points. Sapnap didn't stand a chance against me when it came to him. I just had to hope that Sapnap wouldn't do anything stupid that could harm me. I had to be careful. The guy could be more dangerous to me than I wanted.


~1.187 words~

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