18. paranoia

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2 days had passed. Dream didn't show up anymore. It was strange and confusing. What did he have? Didn't he want to see me anymore? Had anything happened? By now I was back home. It was quiet in the quarters and there was nothing to do. I was just standing in the shower and started slowly zoning out. Dream was in my mind the whole time.

His smile, his eyes, his tall and muscular body. The way he had kissed my lips before....
I softly ran two fingers over them. I wanted him to do that again. I wanted him to touch me, to make me feel weak, to kiss me passionately, to give me those amazing feeling.

I hate it to feel weak, I was always strong and never let anyone tell me what to do or that they're better than me when I knew it wasn't true. But Dream....I felt like I would let him do anything to me. No one was ever able to give me that feeling of weakness, but he was and I fucking loved that feeling. When my body felt like it would melt any second and I start shaking slightly and lose all my strength.

When I started thinking of all this, I bit my bottom lip while letting Dream totally infest my brain. I stepped back and leaned against the wall of the shower. My left hand slowly ran down my body, ending up grabbing something hard. I looked down, seeing what only the thought of him did to me.

I felt exhausted even though I didn't do anything strenuous. I needed to clear my head.


I decided to go for a relaxing walk around noon. In the course of the morning I felt accumulated headaches which I wanted to get rid of with fresh air.

I went to the forest as this was my most familiar place and I just felt comfortable and free there. I didn't take weapons with me or anything, just put on normal clothes and left the house. Why did I have such a big house in the first place? I was almost never there and basically didn't really need it. The barbed wire and all the security and surveillance measures were of course useful for someone like me, but theoretically a family of 6 would fit into this house.

So I strolled through the woods, breathing the pleasant air and listening to the slight wind and the quiet twittering of some birds.

Nothing was in my mind for a few minutes, I just felt calm.
But in the next second I heard something running. It wasn't for long though. Maybe an animal? Or a human? I stared into the direction, scanning everything. I couldn't see anything, so it must have been further back.

The forest here was relatively large, but I rarely saw dangerous animals. It was a quiet place. Sometimes there were wild boars or reindeers. Rabbits often ran around here, but rabbits indeed were not so loud when they ran.

With the thought not knowing what it might be, I wanted to grab my sword, but then realized I hadn't brought it with me. I guessed I just had to hope it wasn't anything or anyone that wanted to kill me and slowly sneaked into the direction. But...nothing was there. Maybe it really was some reindeer or something that had ran through here quickly. I was calm again. I didn't know why I had even worried.

So I went a little deeper into the forest, again relaxing.
The trees around me began to tilt slightly as the wind got stronger. Suddenly, I heard again this sound of something moving from one spot to another on the forest ground. I started to get light paranoia. I wasn't afraid, of course not. It was just so quiet and suddenly you hear something like that. What the hell was there?

I tried to ignore it and just kept going in the opposite direction. I felt persecuted and hated it.
Suddenly, I felt a strange aura behind me. I knew that someone was standing there.

Then a hand was placed on my waist and triggered me. I pulled out for a blow, turned around and punched. The person, however, had quick reflexes and ducked. Before I could continue to act, I was lifted up and placed over the man's shoulder.

Now my upper body was hanging down on his back.
Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around his body and pulled myself forward with momentum. We fell over together and while the man tipped over backwards, I leaned back and landed on my feet above him. Now he was lying on the ground and I stood above him, with one foot on his right and the other to his left, and looked down at him.

Dream? Gosh, why hadn't I thought of that.

"Dude, that was hot", he glanced up at me, raising one eyebrow and smirking. He put his hands behind his head and lay down comfortably.

"You're an asshole", I sighted, looking to the side, not changing my position.
"Why that now?", he grinned brightly.
"First you don't show up and now you scare the heck outta me", I straightened up.

Suddenly, I noticed Dream grabbing my calves and quickly pulling them forward, which caused me to fall. I landed with my butt on Dream's lap.

I stared at him in surprise and only saw him smiling broadly, pulling one corner of his mouth a little higher and creating an absolutely hot expression. I could see his fangs. God, was this guy attractive....

"Being hot is no excuse or apologies", I clenched my teeth, again looking away, blushing slightly.
"I like where you sit there Georgie", his deep voice entered my ears.
That's what I meant. What he was saying to me....I immediately felt weak and helpless. Butterflies acted crazy in my stomach and I breathed heavily.

"Now why didn't you show up for two whole days, huh?", I distracted quickly.
"Well, I wanted you to come to me too. See if you really want me that bad. If you don't just wait for me, and also try to get to me. And I see you do", he continued smirking.

The fact that I wasn't here to search him and just wanted to get some fresh air and empty my head I of course didn't tell him.

"You're still an asshole", I slowly looked back to his eyes that were on me the whole time.
"But you like this asshole, don't you? You love this asshole", he bit his bottom lip in an indescribable, sexy way.

My heart skipped a beat. I felt like melting any second. There was this feeling again.
"You want me, don't you? I can see that", he grinned like a creepy, hot psychopath.
I lost all my confidence and couldn't get any words out of my mouth.

A few seconds passed in which we just looked at each other and he continued to be firmly convinced to unsettle and weaken me. Then I got an incredibly fast mood swing. I leaned forward and smirked at him.

I slowly crawled up on him and leaned slightly down to him at his head, but then stopped there.
He looked at my lips and my eyes, probably expecting me to go on, but I didn't want to make it that easy for him. Hoping it was torture for him, I just smirked at him, being only inches away from his face.


~1.257 words~

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