36. I love you

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"George!", Dream pulled me to him and hugged me tightly, placing his hand on the back of my head.
"It's...it's my fault...", I cried more and more.
"It's no one's fault, George. It's okay. I'm so thankful that your feelings turned out like that. And I'm also thankful for mine. George....I love you more than everything else. I'd do anything for you", he looked me deeply into the eyes.

"B- but look where it got us now....we're gonna die. It's over", I sobbed, more tears rolling down my skin.
"Not yet George. We'll run. Okay? You and me. Forever. Have you forgotten?", he smiled wholesomely.

Then he gave me a kiss onto the forehead and caressed my cheek. Somehow this made me really stop crying. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest.
"Stay with me", I said, calming down.
"I will. I'm here. We're gonna get away from here", his hand went through my hair.

"Have you weapons at your house?", he eventually asked.
"Yes, I do", I pulled away and looked at him, my eyes almost dry again.
"Okay, what do think will they do now?", Dream glanced at me, attentively.
"When they see the proof, they will hunt us down until we're both dead. I made a mistake that no one will accept. They will kill me and you. Even if they have to send every single hunter", I explained.

We were holding hands, sitting on the dirty forest ground.
"How long do you think will they take?"
"I- I don't know. I don't know where and when they will look for us....I- I don't know, sorry", I almost started crying again.

"Calm down. I'm here, it's okay", he gave me another smile.

We made our way to my house as fast as we could run. Dream grabbed his axe and I grabbed some weapons from my armoury. I would never see this place again. Dream and I will run away. Forever, just him and me. I didn't need anything else to take with me from here. The only thing I took with me was my credit card. We needed money and mine should last us for a while.

"Let's go. Through the forest is the safest and fastest way. I know somewhere we could go. Quick, let's let away from here", Dream said when I came downstairs and we left the house.

We were walking through the forest, staying alert to hear every little sound.
"Hey", dream grabbed my shoulder and turned me to the side, pointing into that direction.
And indeed, there was a big group of men running towards us. They were far away and couldn't exactly see every detail, but they all had weapons and were running fast.

"George, run!", Dream shouted when we saw them coming closer. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him. We ran so far into the forest and tried to find an escape place, but we were trapped in the situation.
"I guess we'll have to fight", I clenched my teeth, looking at Dream.
That's when Dream grabbed my waist, pulled me to him and kissed me passionately.

"What was that for?", I giggled quietly.
"I love you", he ran his fingers though my hair gently.
"I love you too Dream. Let's get those motherfuckers asses", I smiled with confidence.

Then we saw the group catching up.

Dream and I got ready and drew our weapons. When they got to us, we started fighting. I began slaughtering my comrades and sinking my blade into bodies. Dream and I had good chances. Once we took them all down, we could escape. But when we already had the blood of almost every one of them on our blades, I saw another, even larger group come running. Sapnap was at the forefront, staring at us in shock as they approached.

"Shit", went through my head.

"George!", Dream yelled as he killed a guy who was just about to stab me while I had been distracted.

"Fuck, sorry."

In the larger troop, I thought literally everyone from our organization was in it. They all wanted to kill us. Could we, even if it was Dream and me, survive against them?

"Listen George!", Dream again screamed while we tried to finish the last surviving hunters, "If one of us realizes we have no chance anymore, we run! And we keep on running! And don't stop! When I tell you to run, you run! Run away! Okay?!"

I nodded while again letting the blood of another splatter across the forest ground.

That's when Sapnap's group arrived and we started crossing swords with theirs again and killing more people.

Sapnap, who seemed to be full of anger, always wanted to get at me, but I avoided him for the time being and killed the others first. The fighting wasn't difficult. I was better than them and could kill anyone with ease, but they were so many what made it difficult for Dream and me, both of us.

"Run! I distract them a bit more and then I'll follow you. Just run somewhere far away, okay?! I'll find you! Go!", I heard Dream yelling to me.

So I did that.

I fought my way through the hunters and slashed a few more skins before coming out into open woods. So I ran and ran. However, when I looked back, I was surprised that I wasn't being followed. I stopped.

I went back to have a look. They must have all been focused on Dream which gave me stomach ache to imagine. Coming through the trees back to where the fight had taken place, I almost felt nauseous when I saw something that frightened me.

I saw Dream sitting on the ground surrounded by hundreds of hunters. He looked at me.

I thought he had a plan, I knew he had a plan. Dream could never be killed or caught. It was impossible. I knew he knew what to do, but I wanted to run to him anyways. To help him.

But I just took two steps forward, there I stopped, just like my heart did, when a sharp, long, silver blade got pushed through Dream's stomach from behind. Blood flowed out of the injury the sword had gone through.

Dream looked me deep into my eyes, then down to his stomach and back up to me.

"George", I heard the soft voice of the guy I loved so dearly one more time, "I love you George."
Then he smiled at me before the blade got pulled out and pushed into him again.

In the next second his head got brutally cut off by another man with a long knife.
I couldn't feel my body. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't feel my heart, it was all numb. Suddenly I felt a terrible pain in my head and lost my balance briefly. My heart started hurting and tears slowly escaped my eyes. I screamed as loud as I could through the whole forest.

"I love you George". That was the last thing I ever heard from him.

His eyes.

"Run" was what he had told me before he had died. He wanted me to run, so that's what I did. I ran. I ran as fast as I could, away from the hunters.

But not for long.

I briefly stopped, quickly turned around and saw Sapnap running towards me. He stopped too and held his hands to me.


I quickly pulled a gun from my belt and held it to my head.

"Fuck you", I clenched my teeth before pulling the pistol trigger and letting a bullet shoot through my head.

Then I slowly fell to the ground. Everything became quiet and black.


"Oh George"


~1.300 words~

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