13. What are we

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"What are you talking about", I giggled, still looking away.
There he slowly ran his hand up and down my waist before pulling me closer to him.
"What do you feel when I do something like that, huh?", Dream smirked.
It felt good.... I thought, but why should I say that? So I just stayed shut.

"George", Dream laughed quietly in a cute voice.
"What", I looked back up to him.
"You kissed back." His expression changed to a, from me perceived, hot one.
I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. The only thing that the words he just said caused me was thinking of that moment.

"You're blushing, George", I saw another smirk on his lips.
"Why did you do it?", I eventually asked while keeping my look on Dream.
"Why I did it? You're asking me that?", he raised one eyebrow.
"Yeah?", I suddenly became so shy. I didn't recognize myself when I was talking to Dream at that moment.

After a small smile, he gently placed his left hand on my cheek and started stroking it with his thumb.
"Could I do it again?", he eventually swallowed without dissolving eye contact.
"Do- Do it again?", my eyes widened and my heart started beating faster.

Yes. My head said. I want that too.
But why did I want it?

I knew that Dream would do it anyway, so I just kept staring at him and said nothing.
And then he came closer and closer to me until our lips were a millimetre away from touching. There he stopped and breathed heavily.
"Yes", I whispered, "Please"

Not he kissed me. I did. I did the last movement forward so our lips connected. I wrapped my arms around his neck and opened and closed my mouth again and again with every kiss I made. He seemed to like it what I noticed on his hands that held my waist tightly and pressed me against him. It felt so good to feel his lips kissing mine.

"Dream", I eventually pulled away with fast breath, "What are we?" I looked him in the eyes in which I could see nothing, but lust.
"I don't know. Kiss me again and maybe you'll find out", a little smile formed as he leaned his head back down to me.

It felt like everything was in slow motion. The way our lips got pressed on each other, the way how I suddenly felt a wet tongue touching my bottom lip, it was amazing. I opened my mouth and our tongues began playing with each other. My cold hand tried to push him closer and closer to me by his hot neck, although it even was no longer possible.

When Dream suddenly grabbed my butt with his hand, I winced and let go of him.
"Sorry, I didn't- I got carried away. I didn't know you were uncomfortable. Sorry", Dream quickly spoke. I hadn't even known him like that. Just as I had always experienced him so far, I would have assumed that he would tell me in a flirty voice that I should relax and let him do or something. Apparently, I had misjudged him.

"No, it's- it's fine. I just was shocked and..... I don't have any experience at that and don't really know what to do", I said, looking to the side.
"Oh, you don't?", he suddenly smirked.
I gave him a suspicious glance.
"I could teach you", Dream bit his bottom lip, coming closer again.

He came closer and closer and eventually put his arm next to my head on the tree trunk and looked at me seductively. Then I took my chance, grabbed him and turned together with him. Now our positions were changed and I pressed him against the tree. Surprised, he looked down at me as I lifted the left corner of my mouth a bit.

Then I went with my right hand down to my leg and took out the small knife. While he watched me, I slowly held it to his throat.
"Knife?", Dream raised an eyebrow.
"How much time do you think we have?", without touching his skin, I carefully drove the blade along his neck.
"I don't know. How much time do you want?", he smirked.

"You know, I could kill you, right?", I looked at the knife in my hand that was one movement away from literally killing him. Either he really really trusted me or he knew how to stop me and thought I wasn't able to kill him.
"That's hot", Dream suddenly said in a deep voice.
There it was again. This feeling where my heart felt heavy and I couldn't move. I couldn't feel my breath anymore and felt weak.

"Oh....h-hot you say?", my voice trembled strongly.
"That makes you nervous, doesn't it?", Dream leaned forward slowly until his lips were just in front of mine, but he didn't let them touch. Our eyes stared into each other, but with different expressions. The knife I held to his neck he slowly pushed with himself to me. It was slightly due to his skin, but did not injure him.

I myself could not move. I looked at him and didn't know how to continue.
"Come on, stop pretending like you're brave or something. Put the knife away and be a good boy", he smirked.
Finally I could tore myself out of the rigid and went on "You realize I need one small movement to end your life right here, right now? That's my job. That's why we met. You remember?" with a slight smirk on my lips.

"Go on", Dream raised his eyebrows, "Kill me, George."
I looked at him. The blade was already there. A smooth movement and my job would be done. I had been waiting for this opportunity for days and now it's here. Why don't I use it? Why didn't I want to use it?
With clenched teeth I stared at his neck.

"You're really handsome, you know?", I smiled, letting go of the knife.


~1.015 words

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