8. feelings

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"Come on! Get up and grab your sword!", Dream raised his eyebrows with a provoking looking expression. However, I didn't do that. I just stayed there sitting on the ground.
"What are you doing?", he gave me a confused glance. I just kept looking up at him. Then he took the first step and made a quick movement towards me. He knocked his axe down at me from above. I rolled to the side quickly and when the axe was rammed into the ground next to me, I grabbed the handle and tried to get hold of it. Dream was less concentrated than usual and let me tear the axe away.

There it was now, the axe in my hand. It was big and heavy, nothing to fight well with. My swords were always light and agile to match my technique. So I stood up and looked at Dream, who hadn't moved and was still leaning forward with his arm stretched forward in which he had held the axe and turned his head to me without an expression on his face.

"George, right?", he eventually smirked while straightening up. Suddenly I could feel my heartbeat heavier.
"Yeah?", I said while the only thing my face did was slightly raising my eyebrows.
"So,.....George....", he slowly walked two steps towards me. He pronounced the George deeply and stressing.
"Dream?", I leaned my head up and held the axe tightly in both hands to warn that I had a weapon and he didn't and that would give me an advantage in a fight.

"Say George", he eventually continued while looking to the side, "do you have a girlfriend?"
I just stared at him, absolutely confused and said nothing.
"Or a boyfriend?", his glance wandered back to me and we looked into each other's eyes.
The only thing I was thinking at that moment was 'WHAT THE ABSOLUTELY HELL?!'
"Lost your words?", Dream began smirking again.
"Wha- n- no, I don't have a girlfriend.....or boyfriend. Why the fuck do you want to know that? We're supposed to kill each other!", I finally managed to say.

"No Georgie, only I am supposed to kill you. You're supposed to die to that", he took another step forward, but I stayed in my position.
"Georgie?", I raised my eyebrows. Even if I tried to stay serious, I couldn't deny to myself that Dream gave me a feeling. Everything on my body felt heavy when he talked to me like that. And when I thought it couldn't get worse....

"And George?", I suddenly felt his voice closer. Then I realised that he indeed was closer. I frightened when his face was right in front of mine. Slowly I stepped backwards, but shortly afterwards my back hit a tree that stopped me.
"What's wrong George?", Dream put his arm on the tree trunk above my head and leaned forward. We were only centimetres away from each other's bodies and he looked down at me while my look was changed to his eyes. My chest tensed when he said 'George'.

"You have the axe George. What are you doing now?", Dream looked me quickly down and back up.
And there I noticed again that I had it.
"Be a good boy and give it back to me, okay?", he continued talking in a deep voice.
I just kept staring at him with the axe still tightly in my hands.
"Or are you planning to kill me with it, huh?", he raised his eyebrows and looked at me like at a cheeky kid.

Yes, I indeed was! But as much as I wanted to move, I couldn't. What was he doing to me?
"George?", the voice came again. Then I was finally able to tear myself away, looked down from his eyes to the axe which I immediately struck forward. But, as always, I didn't hit him. He jumped back and looked at me playfully.

To try to undo what had just happened, I played it off.
"What was that?", I chuckled, "what were you thinking you were doing?"
"Don't play it off George, you have a weakness for me, don't you?", his smirk formed again.
"What the heck are you talking about? I'm meant to kill you", I laughed.
We looked each other in the eye for a short while and no one moved.

Then suddenly he stirred and came up to me. I put the axe ready, but he didn't come attacking.
"No more desire", he sighed reaching his hand out for the axe.
"What?", I looked up at him while holding it away.
"I said", he stared at me, "No more desire."
"You can't just go just because you don't feel like it anymore. We have to end this fight! You can't just go!"
There I noticed how restless I have gotten, what didn't fit me.

"Here you see I can", Dream reached his hand for the axe, but I held it back as far as my arm was long enough. And there we were so close to each other again.
"I don't understand what you're doing. Is that just fun for you and you're just luring me out when you want to fight again?"
"Look at my lips George", Dream stared at me with a numb gaze, "No. More. Desire."

Then he grabbed my waist with one hand and pulled me towards him. Feelings that I didn't want came up inside of me. What was that?! I didn't work with that! Why didn't that just stop please ?!
Suddenly he grabbed the axe handle with his other hand and took it away from me.
"Was fun. See ya", he stepped back, turned around and just walked away. I looked after him, not knowing what to do now.

That's when I decided to get teammates so that would not happen again. I needed to kill Dream and not....do whatever this has been.
I walked over to where my sword was lying and took it. I looked again in the direction Dream had gone and then turned away to make my way back to the quarters.

The feeling I had had about Dream quickly went away as I started thinking about a good strategy for a team attack.


~1.039 words~

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