34. attention

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"Hey, how 'bout a walk-", I opened the door to the bedroom to ask Dream, but stopped briefly when I saw it empty. He wasn't lying on the bed anymore. I sighted.

Was he gone? I thought he might be waiting for me...guess I had been wrong.
Just to be sure, I quickly went to the bathroom to see if he might be on the toilet or something, but he wasn't there either.

"Bro, he just left? Ugh", I rolled my eyes, going back to the bedroom.
I entered the room and threw my jacket on the bed before sitting down on it.
The boss said I should come back to work tomorrow. So today I had free time. Actually I would have liked to spend it with Dream, but now that he was gone I would occupy myself.

What could I do? I guess I just would go on a walk on my own.
I got up, took my jacket back with me and walked towards the door to leave the room.

Suddenly the door, I had left open, slammed close and a person appeared behind it.
"Jeez, you scared me, you asshole", I huffed after slightly twitching because of the shock.
"You can walk?", he giggled.
"Yeah, as you can see, I indeed ca-", I lifted my chin and raised my eyebrows at him.

I got cut off by him pushing me against the door.
"What are you doing? That hurt", I glanced at him confused.
"You really thought I would just leave?", he smirked.
"Well, yeah", I frowned, "I couldn't find you in my house, so I guessed you were probably gone."

"And where were you about to go now?", he put one hand on the door, right next to my head.
"I wanted to ask you to go on a walk with me, but now I was about to go alone since I couldn't find you", I talked in a slightly annoyed voice.

"We could also go back to bed and...have a bit fun if you want to", he ran the thumb of his other free hand over my lips while biting his.
"You know that it's not long ago since we had sex, right?", I raised my eyebrows.

"Well, it's a really good activity, especially with you. Is there a rule for a limit of having sex?", he looked down at me, tilting his head lightly.
"I will go back to work tomorrow, means we won't have that much time with each other anymore", I changed topic.

"Why not? You don't work the whole day, do you?", he looked confused.
"Well, mostly not, but I have to be available for the boss 24/7. If the target is important and spontaneously like you, I will have to stay at the quarters all the time. Also we have-", I explained, but got interrupted.

"I'm important?", he smirked, leaning closer to me and putting now both hands on the door, on the sides of my head.
"An important target, Dream. It was important to take care of you and catch you or kill you, or whatever. You know what I mean", I raised an eyebrow.

"Naw, I thought I might be important you too", he made a puppy face, obviously joking.
"You are Dream, and you know that. It's just really difficult with you if I want to keep my job", I crossed my arms, leaning my head on the door.

"Then I'll show up again and let myself getting hunted by you!", he smiled broadly.
"Dream", I laughed.
"I want all of your attention", he moved his head closer to mine.
"Well, you can have it today-", I simply said, but suddenly got so fucking flustered when he was just inches away from me.

"Allll of your sweet attention~", he bit his lip, looking down at mine.
"Dream, I don't understand...", I looked away, blushing.
"I'm really hungry~"
"Uh, of course, me too, I can make us some breakfast...or lunch- it's too late for breakfast, so I guess lunch- euh,- Wha- what would you like to eat? I have some-", I talked quickly, looking everywhere, just not at Dream's face.

"Not food George. You~", he smirked, licking his fang.
...god, please have mercy...

"You want to eat me?", my glance got stuck on his eyes.
"Let me taste you, Georgie~", he came even closer to my face.
Dream placed his lips on mine and began to open and close them. I played along and let myself be pushed against the door.

I grabbed his neck with my hands and pulled him to me.
"Could you put your arms up for a sec, please?", he smiled, briefly pulling away from my lips.
"Uhm, sure? What do you- hh", I frightened when the hands, I had put up, got grabbed by the wrists with one of Dreams big hands and pressed on the door too.

"Good boy~", he smirked again before pressing his lips back on mine.
Now we began making out. Our tongues touching, playing with each other, my arms up, wrists grabbed by Dream and his free hand pushing me to him by my waist.

It felt like he really was going to eat me....the kisses were so aggressive and passionate. His tongue got pushed deeper into my mouth and made me feel weaker with every second.
I couldn't move or say anything, I was stuck there.

I let out a small moan as I tried to say something.
"Changed your mind?", he pulled away again, grinning.
Breathing heavily and quickly, I glanced up at him.
"Uh, you want it that badly now?", he bit his bottom lip again.

"You wanna- wanna go on the walk now?", I asked carefully.
"You're kidding, right?", he frowned.
"No, it's just...I wanna spend the rest of the day with you...but not like that...", I clenched my teeth, tensing my body. If there was one thing I knew, it was that Dream always tried to get what he wanted, no matter how difficult it was to get it. And I also knew that if he even wanted to do it against my will, I wouldn't stand a chance against him.

Horny Dream was dangerous.

"Okay", he said calmly after a few seconds of silence, "Let's go on a little walk."
He gave me a little smile and grabbed the door knob next to me.


~1.064 words~

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