17. listen

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"Can you handle that?", Dreams calm voice appeared on my ear.
"Fuck", I leaned my head back, "I don't know what my boss will say about that."

I mean, people often died here, but I had a strong feeling that I could get into trouble if I told a good Hunter was dead. Would they declare me responsible? Would anyone be suspicious? I had no idea. I had to play it off.

"It's fine. Just calm yourself. Why do you even want to go back? Stay with me, George", Dream eventually said.
"Stay with you?", I looked up at him and all my thoughts were gone at once.

If I wanted to stay with him? See him every day I wake up? Every day I go to bed? Yes, of course!

"I like my work and I need it for the money. I can't just...stop", I looked down, hugging him.
"George", Dream lifted up my head by my chin and I looked into the green bright eyes, "Let's run away together."

My eyes widened. I wanted to say yes.

"Sorry...", was the answer I gave him instead.
He then leaned his head down to me and gently put his lips on mine.

"I fell for you Georgie, you know that, right?", he pulled away and spoke calming.
"I fell for you too idiot", I smiled with probably bright blush.
"So, we keep on seeing each other until you finally give up that god damn job and follow me to the end of this world?", he smiled wholesomely.
"Yes", I giggled.

"So I can expect you here tomorrow again?"
His fingers softly ran over my cheek until briefly stopping and letting it rest there while his thumb started stroking my lips.

"You uhm....you", I laughed a bit, "You have some blood there."
I pointed at his neck where a big blood spatter could be seen.
"Well", he giggled, "You wanna kiss me anyway?"
"You know my answer to that", I rolled my eyes.

The hand whose thumb had caressed my lips cupped my cheek and pulled my face closer to him.
Right after the second time I opened my lips for him, we both started to find a passionate feeling again and I never wanted to leave those lips again.

"I have to go", I eventually pulled away and whispered to his lips.
"I know", he smiled weakly.

I said goodbye and after a quick kiss on his cheek I left, with the dead and incomplete body of the injured Hunter.

After leaving a few trees behind me, I turned around again and saw Dream roaming down the tree on his back. With a facial expression that I could not describe. He looked happy.

A smile entered my lips and I would have liked to continue watching him, but I quickly turned around and walked on when I noticed him shoving his hand into his pants and his facial expression changing.

Trust me dude, I wanted it too, but I gotta fix my problem we've caused.


I arrived at the quarters and put the headless body on the floor as soon as I left the elevator.
Immediately, hunters ran to me and leaned down to look at the dead Ant.

"Guys", I heard the annoying voice of my boss while he pushed his way through the crowd.
"Gosh!", he eventually yelled up when he saw the reason for it.
"He died in a fight with Dream. I could escape and brought his body with me", I said, looking down and pretending to be sorry for the death of Ant.

"Ouh, shit", the boss held his hand to his forehead and started to look thinking.
"It's no problem though", I then said what caused everyone here to look at me, frowning.
"I-I can still hunt Dream alone. He's not gonna get me", I tried to pull myself out of the thought everyone had.

"George, I don't know. Maybe we should call our whole organisation on him", the boss sighted.
"NO!", I yelled before thinking.
"Why George? It makes your job easier."
"What I mean is, I love my job and I want to do that. Alone.", I said, straightening up with a serious facial expression.

"If you die-", he pointed his finger at me.
"Then you can do whatever you want sir. But then he also might be too good for all of you and you better give it up", I raised an eyebrow.
Then no one said anything, they just stared at me like they would expect me to say something what was not the case.

Suddenly a scream broke the silence. I knew that screaming voice very well and immediately rolled my eyes.
"You fucker! You let him die!", Sapnap pushed the men to the side until he stood in front of the dead body, looking down at it when he saw it with his own eyes.
"I didn't", I said with calm and collected voice, "He died in a fight. I just survived. He wasn't good enough for Dream. That's all."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"You have no idea, don't you? You don't care shit about the deaths of our people!", He kept on screaming with his eyes staring at me.

"Sapnap, maybe you don't understand", I leaned forward slightly, "People die every day. 152,500 people a day to be exact. And with this job you're obviously taking the risk to be one of them one day. Death is natural and everyone will happen to face it. Some people earlier, some people later. Ant was an honourable fighter and Hunter, but today he lost his life. We don't bring him back when we start screaming or blaming someone. Calm down and get back on your feet you idiot."

Now he was shut. He just stood there in front of me, the unalived and headless Ant between us on the floor, and breathed irregular.

"Sapnap!", we suddenly heard an angry female voice breaking the silence again.
Everyone turned to the loud sound.

"I told you to stay the fuck in your bed! Do you think screaming will make you heal faster?! Let the fit people do the work and get your god damn rest if you wanna go back to work soon! Get your ass here! Now!"
The lady of nursing stood in the middle of the hall and stared at Sapnap with a red glowing face. An angry woman.

"Go Sapnap, listen to her", I teased him.
"I am fine! I can go back to work now!", Sapnap huffed.
"No, the fuck you cannot asshole! Come to me right now or I'll come to you and get you!", the woman again yelled, pointing with her finger next to her.

"She's so annoying", Sapnap looked to the side with an annoyed expression, but eventually obeyed to the female doctor. He turned and left the room with her.

"Women I tell you guys, women", the boss held his finger to the men. Everyone laughed and seemed to have forgotten about Ant what didn't bother me at all.

I used that to leave the crowd and went straight to my room. I let myself fall down on the bed and my thoughts immediately went to Dream. I already missed him again.


~1.213 words~

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