10. hot

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"I said be quiet! If he hears us, everything would be ruined. Shut the fuck up!", I whispered loudly as I sneaked into the forest with Sapnap and Ant.
"Sorry man! Calm down, the sensor said he's deep in the forest. He's not gonna hear us", Ant said.
"Well, you just don't know him as good as me", I raised my eyebrows annoyed and turned back around to the trees.

"Hey George", I suddenly heard Sapnap's voice after a few seconds of careful walking.
I turned to him, widened my eyes and put my finger on my lips to tell him to be quiet.
I had thought those guys were good hunters, why were they so trashy? It annoyed me as hell.

"Do you like that guy? Dream?", he completely ignored my movement and raised one eyebrow. He whispered, but Dream could hear anything.
"Why can't you just shut up? You're ruining the attack!", I whispered again, grabbing Sapnap's upper arm.
"He's not here George! There are at least 500 metres until we'd meet him", Sapnap rolled his eyes.
"You're an idiot. You don't know shit. I never should've gotten you to team with me", I clenched my teeth.

"Psht!", Ant suddenly went, "Did you hear that? A cracking branch. Is he here already? Damn it."
"No, definitely not. He's too good and clever to step on a branch. Believe me", I sighted.
"But anyway, we have to be careful now! If he catches us, we're dead", I kept on whispering while continuing to walk forward.

Abruptly a small stone flew against a tree trunk which got all of the attention of the both guys. I guessed they were good at fighting maybe, but not good at what you needed to beat Dream. I had that and kept concentrating on the area.
"George", Ant walked towards the little stone on the floor.
"Ant, don't care about that little rock. Leave it there and keep going", I said expressionless, still fully focused on our surroundings.
"You're not our boss, why don't you get that? We're your team mates and definitely not less worth than you. You might be a bit better and you might know Dream better, but you can't beat him without us, so why don't you just-", Sapnap crossed his arms, staring at me.
"Uhuh", I interrupted him with raised eyebrows. 'A bit', pfft.

There I had a good idea to get rid of those annoying boys.
"Listen", I walked over to them and whispered, "We're gonna split up, so we have a better chance to find him. If one of us does, he presses the red button on our belts, which is for a warning for the other team mates. It shares your position and then you hide and wait for the other ones."
"Sapnap, you go this way", I pointed to the North-East, "Ant, you this way", then pointed to the North-West, "and I go there", and then pointed straight to the North.
"Please, just be quiet, okay guys? That's literally all you need to do. Find him and-", I wanted to add, but Sapnap cut me off.

"George, who do you think we are? Beginners? Losers?", he tilted his head.
Yeah....you don't wanna know what I think about you bro....
"Why splitting up?", Ant leaned to me.
"So our chance to find him increases, as I already said", I blinked at him. Was he acting dumb or...?
"Okay, let's see if that works", Sapnap said while going into his direction and so did Ant. Finally alone.

I walked deeper and deeper, but saw or heard nothing. Then I realized, what if Dream caught one of them and he couldn't press the button, or maybe both got caught.....No, I quickly stopped thinking about that and concentrated on the important again.

Suddenly, just as I walked past a tree, I felt a grip on my arm that immediately pulled me to it. Frightened I reached for my sword, but my hand got pushed behind my back. As I looked up, I saw Dream really close to me. He didn't wear a mask. Guess he was bluffing when he said he could make a new one, huh.
"Dream", came out of my mouth as I stared at him. He was so close to me, our bodies touched and he held me tightly while pushing me against the tree. His one hand held my one arm behind my back and the other one had grabbed my waist. My free arm was just pressed on the trunk and for some reason couldn't move.

"What are those two doing here?", he raised his eyebrows, looking at me.
"So, you already saw them?", I asked.
"You idiot", Dream giggled, "I threw the rock."
"Ouh, right, had a thought about that", I noticed again my unfocused thinking.
"Why did you take them with you?", his lips moved again. It was so weird, since lately, every time I was with Dream, I couldn't concentrate on anything, but his movements.

"To kill you, idiot", I smirked.
"Ouh, cause you can't kill me alone?", he smirked back what did much more to me than mine to him. I hated those weird feelings I had there.
"No, because you're annoying", I looked away to the side.
"George", Dream eventually said in a deep voice while stepping even closer to me, even if I had thought that wasn't even possible, "Do you have a crush on me?"
"What? Me? Noooo! Never. What the hell?! No! Ew! You crazy?", I panicked. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I HAD!

"Well, why are you blushing then?", Dream raised an eyebrow with a hot expression in his face.
"I- I am not!", I swallowed while we looked each other deep in the eyes.
"Sure, sure", he smiled slightly, slowly running the hand that had held my arm behind my back to my waist too. What in the world was he doing there????

"Why don't you press that red button on your belt for me?", Dream eventually said, looking to the side.
"What? Why should I- How do you- Why do you-", I got confused.
"I hear everything cutie", he turned his look back to my eyes.
"You want to get caught? Why?", I stared at him with a confused glance.
"Fine, then I'll press it", he sighed while leaning a bit down.

Before I could say or do anything, he put his hand to the button and pressed. Our faces were centimetres away from each other, at eye level, and looked into each other's eyes.


~1.092 words~

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