11. I guess I.....

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There we were now. Dream, leaned down, with the full control of what would happen next. Me breathing heavily and staring into the green eyes in front of my face.
"I kinda started to like getting so close to you George", Dream suddenly whispered, "What about you?"

I didn't know what to do or to say, my head was totally blocked inside.
"Would you like to play, George?", he came closer to my ear.
"Let's play hide and seek", he smirked.
"What are you talking about? Why did you press the button? Why are you like that to me suddenly? You're confusing me", I said while keeping my expression neutral.

"Oh, do I?"
"Dream, could you-", I wanted to change the situation, but got cut off by Dream putting his hand onto my mouth.
He probably had heard something and carefully looked past me.
'He looks kinda hot from this view...', I thought myself, 'No! What am I thinking? Stop!'
"There they are", Dream got my attention back.

Now I had to decide how it would go on. Either I would play Dream's game and do what he said or try to get away from him to my teammates to fight against Dream. However, why was he even trusting me to stay quiet? Did he trust me or did he just not care because both ways wouldn't turn out bad for him?
My decision was to wait what would happen next and I just kept looking at Dream.

And then, completely unexpected, he reached behind his back with the other hand and pulled out a mask. So he had done a new one! But why did he get it out now and not earlier?
"Better stay quiet", he whispered very silently and let go of my mouth to put the mask on with both hands. I did so and stayed like that.

Now, wearing the mask on his face, me not being able to look into the beautiful green eyes anymore, he grabbed my arm and waist and slowly pulled me to the side, around the tree while looking in the same direction to the side all the time. Was that what he meant by hide and seek? Why was he thinking I was playing along?

Then I used my chance when he thought that I was and knocked my head against him. Since he was a whole head taller than me, I only hit his chest, but that was enough to upset him. He didn't let go of me, but he gave a slight start and was pushed back a little.

There I grabbed my sword and swung it to him. When he then let go of me and dodged, I screamed "Sapnap, over here!" while starting a new attack.
While Dream quickly grabbed his axe and we started fighting, Sapnap and Ant ran over to us. When they got to us and started an attack on Dream, Dream backed off and ran a few meters away.

I thought we had a guaranteed chance this time and we would surely finish him off. We followed him and swung our weapons on him. When he moved to the side, Ant and Sap stopped while I turned with Dream and continued to attack. I was already used to Dreams movements and could now adapt to them well.

But again I underestimated Dream. As I was swinging my sword sideways to his waist level, he just jumped over me like it was nothing. However he jumped so damn high, he didn't use it to finish me off, but to take my time and hit the other two.

When I turned around after slightly stumbling forwards, I saw Dream 1v2-ing Sapnap and Ant. It looked so exciting, I could've watched that forever, but there wouldn't exist a forever if Dream would kill them both.

I just ran to help them, there Ant got hit into the stomach. It wasn't that bad and definitely wouldn't kill him, just a really big scratch, but it weakened him strongly. He fell to the ground, blood flowing out of his injure which he pressed his hand on tightly while groaning in pain.
"Ant!", Sapnap yelled before making his attacks on Dream more aggressive.

Ant quickly crawled back a few yards to a tree and leaned against it. He gave Sapnap more leeway and got out of Dream's reach. He took a bandage from a small pocket on his belt and began to bandage his stomach.

Then I looked back at Dream and Sapnap whose blades kept crossing each other. When Sapnap stormed Dream with a big attack, Dream backed away, Sapnap ran past him, stopped again quickly and was about to turn around again, when Dream suddenly hit him on the shoulder and then kicked him on the back to the ground.

Sapnap was lying on the ground, trying to get up, but Dream tore the blade of his axe over his back, which streaked blood over him and also Dream's axe. Sapnap had been badly injured and tried to crawl away, but who would Dream be if he had shown him mercy. He took 2 steps towards him and knocked the axe down at him from above. It would have killed him. But before that could happen, I ran up to Dream and pushed him aside.

Then my sword began to bang against his ax again, bringing him as far away from the two of them as possible. I fought more aggressively and aggressively, I didn't know why but I felt the need to kill. However, it wasn't enough.

When we were far away and couldn't see Sapnap and Ant anymore whom I hopefully had gotten enough time to treat themselves or run away. I got closer and closer to him and at some point managed to strike his mask lightly with my sword, which knocked it away. It was not destroyed, it was only a few meters away on the ground. As if nothing had happened, we just kept fighting.

But suddenly my sword was knocked out of my grip to the side and I stood unarmed in front of the merciless killer. I stared at Dream, whose expression I couldn't read and now decided to go on everything. I stood in front of him with my fists clenched and looked deeply at him.

Looking at me in amazement, Dream put the axe over his shoulder, raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly.
"You're so tough, aren't you?", he smirked. When I said nothing and just kept staring up at him, he sighed.
"You definitely have no chance against me like that, you know that, right George?"

Then I remembered the knife that I always carried on my leg. I quickly grabbed it with my hand and held it in front of Dream. When he looked at me unexpectedly, I took a step forward and began swinging the knife at him. Then he came up to me and slapped my arm aside, which let go of the knife. He kept walking while I stepped back until I hit a tree.

That's when I started thinking. Did I still want to kill him? Did he still want to kill me? Something had happened between us, but I had no idea what it was, any more than I had now what to do. That's it? Would I die now? I was hoping for Sapnap and Ant or that I would think of something, but Dream came closer and closer with his ax in hand and I had no chance against him. I hadn't had that from the beginning.....

He was standing in front of me now, looking down at me, and I had given up. Ridiculous...
"George", I thought the last thing would be I'd hear from him.
But then I saw Dream throwing away his axe and looking deep into my eyes. What?.....
"Come on, kill me", I said, "You're the better one. You always were. Go on and kill me. Go."
There he leaned his head down to mine a little and breathed softly.

"George.....", he whispered back. Then I saw his eyes looking at my lips what made me tense my chest. Suddenly I felt his hand slowly grabbing my waist. Then the other one touched my cheek. It was so cold, but also warm at the same time. For some reason his skin felt so good.

In that moment nothing happened, but our lips touching each other. Dream kissed me and I kissed back. It felt like something I wanted to do for so long, but never knew myself, happened. I didn't know why he did that, but I enjoyed it.
I guess I.....I fell in love with Dream......in some way......


~1.461 words~

A bit longer chapter, but also a special one.
How u think things will go on now?

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