7. mask

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"You really thought it would be that easy?", Dream smirked at me as he pushed my arms with his hands to the ground. Our noses were only inches apart and we just stared at each other. I didn't know what to say. Of course I knew it wouldn't be that easy. For me he was almost impossible to kill.

"Hey, lost your voice?" Even if I couldn't see his eyes, I could feel his glance wander to my mouth and back to my eyes. He slightly bit his lip what caused me to clench my teeth. I was torn out of my rigidity when I realised my mission again.

"Just finally give up", Dream eventually sighted, "You know you can't kill me. For me though it's very easy."
"So then? Go on and kill me", I looked at him expressionless.
He sighted again before a quick "Okay" came out of his mouth. Then he tilted his head to the side and looked at his axe which was about two meters away from us. Then he looked back at me.

"If I get my axe now, I'd have to let go of you for it. Then you could get up and go get your sword. Even if I can get my axe faster than you can get your sword, you will be able to block my attack and everything would start all over again", he said.
"So, that means you're saying it's not that easy to kill me?", I raised an eyebrow with a small smile on my lips.
"No, I'm just saying that-", he wanted to contradict, but stopped talking when he didn't know what to say.

"I- it's easier for me to kill you than for you to kill me", he eventually went on.
"Then go on. Show me your talent", I tilted my head a bit to the side.
"Dude, this over and over fighting and attacking is starting to be annoying", Dream huffed.
"Then kill me. Then I won't be annoying anymore", I kept on provoking.
"You little rat...."
Wow,....thank you for the next nickname...

Dream thought for a little while and finally he let go of me, turned around and ran towards his axe. I, as he had said earlier, got up and quickly made my way to my sword, which was a lot further away. Since I already knew what he was going to do, I jumped the last few meters towards the sword, turned and threw myself on the ground. I immediately held the sword in the block position. And just like I had thought, Dream's axe was instantly struck on my sword. A little closer than I had expected, though.

Just like him, I wanted this endless back and forth attack to stop, so I just decided not to target him this time, but to get his mask or destroy it.
I was now with my back on the floor, holding my sword horizontally over me and Dream was standing in front of me, with the axe pressed on my sword. We both pressed our weapons firmly against each other and I looked around for ideas.

Then something occurred to me. I picked up my left leg and kicked Dream's leg with my foot, causing him to fall. Then I got up quickly and put one foot on the axe that was lying on the ground with Dream's hand. I saw him just about to get up, so I immediately threw myself at him while kicking the axe away. He was banged back hard on the ground, but he was bigger and stronger than me, so I didn't have much time before he would get up again.

I actually wanted to destroy his mask this time, but then I noticed for a short time that I had the chance to ram my sword into him. So I did that. I thrust the sword towards his chest, but like every time, Dream was able to stop it somehow. His strong arm could just knock the sword off the side like that. It wasn't thrown far, maybe one meter, but he'd simply knocked it away as if it were made of Styrofoam.

I blinked at him in shock. His arm wasn't even hurt. No, although ... yes it was. There was a small scratch, but it wasn't even bleeding.
"Ho-how? Is your arm made out of steel or what the-", I said in amaze with widened eyes.
"It's all about the right pace, kid", his lips slightly smiled.

I quickly pulled myself out of my thoughts and tried to work properly again. The hand I had held the sword in was now in the air, still in the same place it was when Dream had knocked the sword away. My other hand, however, was next to me and I quickly tore it forward and actually managed to do what I wanted.

I leaned forward, grabbed the mask, and pushed it forward. I propped myself up on the ground with my elbow just beside his face and held the mask in this hand. Suddenly I looked into two bright green eyes that were staring at me. We both didn't move for a moment. But then, when Dream's gaze quickly went down and up again, I sat up quickly and wanted to grab my sword, but this time too ...

Immediately he sat up too, gave me a head-butt and grabbed my head from behind. Our foreheads touched and he stared deeply into my eyes. What was that now? What was happening??? My head hurt from the head-butt and I didn't move.

"Shh", Dream eventually smirked.
"What are you doing?!", my brain finally worked again, but I still didn't move.
"Give me back the mask", he said in a deep voice.
Instead of doing that I took the mask in both my hands and just quickly broke it into two halves. This had taken more strength than I expected, but I was able to manage it.
"What the fuck?!", he got louder, let go of my head and leaned back.

He looked at the mask with widened eyes.
"You little asshole", he eventually slowly looked back up to me. Suddenly that strange feeling that we both have had just went away again. He got up and so did I quickly. He walked quickly over to his axe and held it out to me.
"And what has this brought you now? To destroy my mask? I just have to make a new one after killing you", he raised his eyebrows with a slightly pissed expression.
I slightly smirked at this mood. Seemed like the fun finally would continue now.

I knew his face now. This also helped me in battle. The only reason why I slightly regretted this step was because now I suddenly had such a weird feeling when I looked at him and for some reason I no longer perceived him as before.


~1.158 words~

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